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However, Raghavan was not interested in developing mechanical properties of materials, so he joined electrical engineering.
During this period, Raghavan worked on the contact problems .
Even though Raghavan was in electrical engineering, he started working on material science and engineering problems.
It was at this time that he read the excellent book , where there were enough references to be found.
He used these references to understand the fundamentals of material science and engineering.
Raghavan was not happy with the existing methods of calculating mechanical properties .
This was because the equations used are based on the Debye theory of dielectrics , and Raghavan believed that the Debye model was not very accurate for the materials he was working on.
Mertenimy notebooks VRaghavanMaterialsScienceAndEngineeringSolutionsPdfFreeDownload and other such models.
Raghavan came up with a theory of dielectric dispersion and established that the models that were being used were not very accurate.
He also developed a theory that could be used to calculate the dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the materials in the form of a series expansion.
Raghavan established a technique for calculating the mechanical properties of metals and polymers by using his own theory.
This was a major breakthrough in material science.
Using this technique, Raghavan could predict the mechanical properties of metals and polymers and hence design better products.
Raghavan also used his techniques to calculate the mechanical properties of ceramics.
He developed techniques for predicting the mechanical properties of highly non-linear materials such as alloys and crystals.
In addition, he also used the same technique to predict the thermal conductivity of these materials.
