Raven Docking is built as an accessible and handy docking window manager. Raven Docking is used by the Raven Studio project.
You can use it to easily lay out multiple windows in a single container. Raven Docking will allow you to divide your main window into multiple smaller regions that can be resized simeltaneously by dragging the region borders.
You may also place multiple windows in the same area and use tabs to select between them. Best of all, the user can easily drag and drop windows between regions, providing a natural way to customize their workspace.


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– Create and maintain windows in a single dockable container.
– Allows you to rearrange windows in the same area.
– The user can easily drag and drop windows between regions.
– Allows you to choose from tabs that contain all windows of a certain type.
– Drag and drop windows between areas using the “Top” and “Bottom” borders.
– Raven Docking comes with ready made demos for three types of docks: a Media, Work, and Planning dock.
– Configuration options in the preferences.
– The ability to create custom dock layouts.
– Option to resize the windows from within the dock.
– Easy-to-use keyboard shortcuts.
– Easy user interface.
– Allows drag and drop of floating windows (e.g. File, Edit, etc).
– Allow to control the size and the size of the tabs.
– Allows to choose the order of the tabs (best or worst).
– Allows to choose the order of the docks.
– Allows to choose the desired number of docks to be created.
– Allows to decide whether to create a border for the dock or not.
– Allows to decide whether or not to use a certain dock.
– Allows to control the tab label.
– Allows to control the text in the tabs.
– Allows to set the tab image.
– Allows to set the tab border color.
– Allows to decide whether to drag and drop floating windows or not.
– Allows to set the window title.
– Allows to specify the window style.
– Allows to show or hide the icon in the system tray.
– Allows to set the window class.
– Allows to specify the size of the window.
– Allows to specify the window button icon.
– Allows to specify the order of the docks.
– Allows to specify the region where the dock is visible.
– Allows to specify the dock height.
– Allows to specify the dock width.
– Allows to specify the placement of the dock.
– Allows to specify the window frame (top, left, bottom and right).
– Allows to specify the window handle.
– Allows to specify the window size.
– Allows to specify the position of the window.
– Allows to specify the window style.
– Allows to specify the window title.
– Allows to specify the window type.
– Allows to specify whether the floating window should be visible.
– Allows to specify a drag and

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Ctrl+Click to create a new window
Ctrl+C to copy the window content
Ctrl+V to paste the window content
Double-Click to open a window
Arrow Keys to pan
Page Up and Page Down to resize a region
Page Up and Page Down to resize a container
Page Up and Page Down to resize the whole window
Tab to open the next tab
Tab to open the previous tab
ESC to close a tab
Delete to close the current window
= (equal sign) to resize the window to fill the container
= (equal sign) to stretch the window to fill the container
D to minimize a window
A to maximize a window
CTRL+Z to restore a minimized window
CTRL+Y to restore a maximized window
There are many other key commands to be used with Raven Docking Cracked Accounts. See the RavenDocking(9) man page for more details.
You may enter commands from the command line with:
Compile: raven -c exec
Execute: raven -r xyz
Include: raven -I xyz
Return: raven -R xyz
Re-start: raven -R -r xyz
Exit: raven -x xyz
Manage: raven -m xyz
Move: raven -w xyz
Change: raven -C xyz
Close: raven -c xyz
Open: raven -o xyz
Switch: raven -t xyz
Split: raven -r xyz
Create: raven -c xyz -n
There is no support for parsing of script files. You must include the -I flag.
You may also use the mykeymacs.com website to download pre-compiled keymaps and extensions for Raven Docking.
Pre-built Raven Docking binaries may also be downloaded from the mykeymacs website.
See the raven(9) man page for more details.
Platform: Linux
Copyright 1998-2001 Bruce Richardson and the Pennsylvania State University
Build Date: 02/02/2001
Build Time: 0:54:00
File Size: 3.3 kbytes
Security Info:
-v -e -P
-P -P

Raven Docking Crack Free Download

This is the repository for Raven Docking. It can be obtained from the official repository at

Remoting client using to work with the application running on an HTTP or HTTPS server
Uses WebSockets if available
Works on all major browsers

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s

What’s New In?

Raven Docking is a lightweight docking window manager for both KDE and GNOME. It is developed by Piotr Jusiak, a member of the KDE community.

Legal Information:
The Raven project is copyright 1999-2003 Piotr Jusiak.
Raven is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Raven is made available under the GPL Version 2.
Raven is developed entirely in Polish.
As this software is not an official release of KDE or GNOME, we’re going to make no
guarantee about the stability of this software.

Configure and Compile:
To configure and build Raven, run ‘./configure’. This will result in the output of the configuration script. There are no dependencies that are needed to build the configuration script. To compile and install Raven, run’make’.

Using Raven:
The quick start guide is available as part of the Ravensource package. Read the README.txt file included with the Ravensource package to get started. To place your first window, run ‘kde4-window-decorator’. To place your first region, run ‘kde4-window-decorator –place-window’. To move a region around, use the ‘Add window’ hotkey. To move a region to another region, use the ‘Add region’ hotkey. To remove a window or region, press ‘Remove window’ or ‘Remove region’ respectively.

The configuration script changed in the 0.1 release and it is strongly suggested that all instances of ‘/usr/bin/kde4’ be replaced with the path to the new script.

Current Development Activities:
Version 0.2 is in the works, and it is slated to be released sometime in the next 3 months.
Development of version 0.3 has been pushed back until the beginning of next year.

On the official website, you will find documentation on the configurations and installation process. This documentation will show you how to configure Raven in the most likely way to you. The documentation is available in Polish.

The source code and binaries for Raven Docking are available for download. The configuration script is available for download. In addition, binaries are also provided for Linux distributions. Binary distributions are available for the following operating systems:

* Debian GNU/Linux 4.0+
* Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04+
* SuSe 10.3+
* Fedora GNU/Linux 7+
* Mandriva Linux 2.0+
* Mandriva Linux 2.2+
* Gentoo GNU/Linux 0.8.5+
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4+
* SUSE 10+
* OpenSUSE 10+
* Mageia GNU/Linux 3.1+

Thank you


System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-bit OS required)
Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or equivalent
Memory: 2GB RAM (32-bit)
Graphics: DirectX 9 or higher with hardware-accelerated graphics card
Storage: 5GB available hard drive space
Additional Notes:
*Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox 32, or Google Chrome may display this page differently than other browsers, such as Safari and Opera. If you experience any issues loading
