Revel (the Really Easy Video Encoding Library) is a library designed to be the simplest and shortest path between your application and high-quality well-compressed video output.
Revelmakes it trivial to output MPEG-4-compressed AVI files from any C/C++ application.
Any program that generates a series of successive images (e.g. video games, 3D graphics applications, media players, animation packages) can use Revel to output a compressed AVI video, without having to know hardly anything about the overwhelming esoterica of video encoding.
Revel is implemented in C++, but the public API is in plain old C for maximum compatibility.
Here are some key features of “Revel”:
· The most straightforward video encoding library the author has ever seen.
· High-quality, high-compression MPEG-4 video encoding based on the XviD codec (translation: Revel makes really pretty, really small videos that most people can watch without downloading special software).
· Free







Revel Crack + With License Code [Mac/Win] [Updated] 2022

Revel Crack Free Download is a really-easy-to-use, really-high-quality, really-small-footprint video encoding library.
The name comes from the fact that, when written as few simple statements as possible, “Revel Product Key” is the shortest, most efficient path between any source of raw video data and a well-compressed, high-quality MPEG-4 video file.
As a result, the Revel Crack Free Download source code is almost all comments (as opposed to code-free comments), and comments that contain only trivial information are removed.
With just one line of code, Revel can be used to convert “medium” quality BMP files into perfect, small files (usually about 7K per second, and usually about 20K smaller than the input BMP).
In addition to BMP files, the following sources of raw video data are supported:
· raw, uncompressed YUV data
· raw, uncompressed RGB data
· YUV data using standard VC-1 codec
· RGB data using standard VC-1 codec
· YUV data using Intel Indeo codec
· RGB data using Intel Indeo codec
· a really-simple pixel-array-representation (PARC) video file format
· raw RGB data using the IQ120 codec
· raw YUV data using the IQ120 codec
· raw RGB data using a simple RGB frame buffer
Revel is small because it is actually a port of the very useful Xvid codec to C++.
It takes advantage of the fact that the Xvid library is small and fast.
The original Xvid library is written in C, but in order to facilitate code-size reduction, a public C++ API has been written.
Revel is also simple, because the Xvid codec is already simple.
This project could not have been accomplished without the Xvid library.
Revel is lightweight, because it uses the latest video compression technology (usually called H.264), so it is capable of producing very high-quality videos with very low file sizes.
Revel is simple, because it requires no configuration parameters, and as a result, no configuration has to be written.
It does not make any assumptions about the source of your raw video data.
Revel does not even make assumptions about the nature of the raw data.
It can convert raw RGB data (any image format) to MPEG-4 (any format)
Revel can convert raw YUV data (any format

Revel Crack+ Free For Windows [Latest]



What’s New in the Revel?

Revel (the Really Easy Video Encoding Library) is a library designed to be the simplest and shortest path between your application and high-quality well-compressed video output.
Revelmakes it trivial to output MPEG-4-compressed AVI files from any C/C++ application.
Any program that generates a series of successive images (e.g. video games, 3D graphics applications, media players, animation packages) can use Revel to output a compressed AVI video, without having to know hardly anything about the overwhelming esoterica of video encoding.
Revel is implemented in C++, but the public API is in plain old C for maximum compatibility.
Here are some key features of “Revel”:
· The most straightforward video encoding library the author has ever seen.
· High-quality, high-compression MPEG-4 video encoding based on the XviD codec (translation: Revel makes really pretty, really small videos that most people can watch without downloading special software).
· Free

Revel – Best Video Encoder – Review

Revel (the Really Easy Video Encoding Library) is a library designed to be the simplest and shortest path between your application and high-quality well-compressed video output.
Revelmakes it trivial to output MPEG-4-compressed AVI files from any C/C++ application.
Any program that generates a series of successive images (e.g. video games, 3D graphics applications, media players, animation packages) can use Revel to output a compressed AVI video, without having to know hardly anything about the overwhelming esoterica of video encoding.
Revel is implemented in C++, but the public API is in plain old C for maximum compatibility.
Here are some key features of “Revel”:
· The most straightforward video encoding library the author has ever seen.
· High-quality, high-compression MPEG-4 video encoding based on the XviD codec (translation: Revel makes really pretty, really small videos that most people can watch without downloading special software).
· Free

Revel – Best Video Encoder – Review

published: 07 Aug 2007

Revel : 10 Best Video Encoder Software

Revel is a really easy to use video encoder library. Revel supports.avi video compression up to 4Mbps of bandwidth. With Revel you can encode your video to AVI, MP4, Ogg/Vorbis and other standard formats.

Revel – Best Video Encoder Software

published: 15 Mar 2018

Revel (the Really Easy Video Encoding Library) is a library designed to be the simplest and shortest path between your application and high-quality well-compressed video output.
Revelmakes it trivial to output MPEG-4

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit
CPU: 3.4 GHz or faster
Memory: 4 GB RAM
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTX or ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (Radeon HD 2400 Pro or higher)
Windows 10