Kidsmenu Download

A children’s menu replacement that allows easy navigation of your programs, and lets your children explore your computer in peace.
Kidsmenu Full Crack Features:
– Children can easily access and launch programs. For example, right click on a program and choose “Kidsmenu Crack For Windows” to launch it. If Cracked Kidsmenu With Keygen is running as the shell, you can launch a program by holding the windows key and pressing the program name. If kidsmenu is running as a replacement shell, simply right click on a program to launch it.
– Children can set and change the number of programs shown on the children’s menu. For example, you can limit kidsmenu to only show your three most frequently used programs, and let them explore the rest of your computer from the explorer shell. You can also set it to show your home folder, or just to show a fixed number of applications (which are actually just shortcuts to the kidsmenu applications menu). You can also easily add children’s menu’s to any windows desktop.
– Kidsmenu automatically connects to all of your running programs so kids can launch their programs from any window.
– When kidsmenu is running as the shell, it doesn’t get in the way of any other windows, so your child doesn’t have to worry about clicking on a window while also launching a program.
– Kidsmenu can be set up to launch on a hotkey (1-9) or on a timer (every 30 minutes, or once a day).
– Kidsmenu can be set up to keep a countdown in front of all of your programs, so your child knows how much time remains until they have launched the next program.
– Kidsmenu can be set up to launch a specific program or just a specific window.
– Kidsmenu can be set to do absolutely nothing when it launches. For example, you can launch kidsmenu to prevent your child from accidentally launching programs, but never let them launch it.
– Kidsmenu is an incredibly customizable, free and open source replacement application launcher for your Windows. A detailed documentation and help file is available at
Kidsmenu Source:
Kidsmenu source code is available at
Kidsmenu User Documentation:
Kidsmenu source code includes a complete documentation.
Kidsmenu Contributors:
Kidsmenu was created by Frederik J. Roeleveld (
It’s continuously developed by Freder

Kidsmenu Crack Patch With Serial Key Download [Latest]

The Kidsmenu Full Crack keymacro is the program that allows the replacement windows shell (kidsmenu) to have its own keymacro. It allows it to be bound to any keybind, including function keys.
* allows replacement windows to be child friendly, no matter what is in the shell.
* allows user created keymacros to be defined to bind any key (as long as function keys are available).
* provides all of the functionality of the standard windows keymacro, except it can only be bound to function keys.
* changes the entry in the windows registry to map the keys to function key, and then adds a keymacro of its own.
* allows for the standard windows keymacro to be bound to any key, as long as function keys are available
* allows for a user to create their own keymacro to bind to any key they choose.
* has the ability to display any child shell that is run with ‘kf’ as a new process.
* if the user has already assigned a shell to run with ‘kf’ it will have its own windows shell. If the child shell is already running it will display the title bar of the current child shell.
*’shell /path/to/my/shell’ can be used to have the replacement windows shell execute a child shell.
* can be bound to any key including function keys, other than the insert key.
* can be bound to a keymacro of its own (by the user)
* can be bound to the ‘o’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the’s’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the ‘l’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the ‘d’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the ‘r’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the ‘x’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the ‘f’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound to the ‘c’ keymacro (which in turn can be bound to any key).
* can be bound

Kidsmenu Activator

children’s menu

With children’s menu you can start any app by pressing the windows key, and have it pop up a menu to select an app. this has the advantage of not requiring the user to learn key combinations, or worry about setting hotkeys, and it eliminates accidentaly starting a game.
you can also start an app with a mouseclick anywhere on the desktop.
When the parent application exits, the menu will return to normal.

There are some things not currently supported by kidsmenu.
1. launching multiple apps
2. custom icons
3. hiding the menu when a game is running
The currently supported menus would work best in any sort of childrens themed environment, and would be cool in situations like a second monitor, or if you want to be able to access the start menu when you’re not on the main desktop.
Additional Info:
kidsmenu needs to access all the standard windows file locations.
kidstmenu is really just a toolkit. it needs a replacement explorer shell to work right now. once the API is stable, people will be able to write replacements or implement other uses for it.
For the menu the current methods of reading registry information is not really a great solution. (i’m working on a better solution)


I’ve been using this on my primary computer recently, and it works just fine:

If I’m correct, the author has not updated it in a long time, so you might have to dig around to get the latest version (1.1.0) to work with the latest Visual Studio 2013.
The author has written a blog post about it:


There is an OS X app called “PinMenu” that has this functionality.
You can get it from here:

It can also be used to start Mac applications with the menu option from within those applications (or any other window) by long clicking on the icon.
It’s a free app.
The author lives in Ottawa and is quite active on GitHub as well.

Innovation News

What’s New In?

kidsmenu is a replacement windows shell designed specifically to be used by children.
kidsmenu has a lot of features that standard windows shells don’t have, and it avoids a lot of the danger that the standard windows shell has been known to introduce when put in front of children.
Just like the normal windows shell, when you press windows key + r you will get a childrenmenu ready to show.
When you press windows key + r it will open kidsmenu on your default desktop and show the childrenmenu.
kidsmenu won’t make children windows appear on the taskbar.
kidsmenu will show the regular normal windows tasks (such as file explorer, notepad, and calc) in the “Kids menu” window.
kidsmenu’s tasks menu will behave like normal windows explorer.
icons will show in the children menu.
icons won’t show in the normal start menu.
kidsmenu also won’t be affected by ctrl + esc to show the normal start menu.
NOTE: Although kidsmenu doesn’t behave like the normal windows shell, it does share a lot of other features with the normal windows shell.
NOTE: Kidsmenu is a replacement shell, not an application launcher. It is not designed to launch applications. It is designed to show children friendly tasks and icons in a child friendly way. You can still use kidsmenu with other programs if you wish to do so.
NOTE: kidsmenu uses the normal windows shell to do most of its work, and when you press windows key + r kidsmenu will ask your normal windows shell if you want to run kidsmenu. If you select no (and don’t press anything else) kidsmenu will exit without launching anything.

Use kidsmenu:
kidsmenu is a replacement shell for windows. It tries to offer a safer, more child friendly way of interacting with the standard windows shell.
Kidsmenu is meant to be used by young children and has a lot of things that standard windows shell has been known to cause problems with.
As an example:
kidsmenu will show the regular normal windows tasks (such as file explorer, notepad, and calc) in the “Kids menu” window.
kidsmenu also doesn’t make children windows appear on the taskbar.
kidsmenu won’t have any of the features of the normal windows shell.
so if you accidentally press windows key + r you won’t get the start menu.
kidsmenu will only show the normal windows tasks.
icons will show in the children menu.
icons won’t show in the start menu.
NOTE: although kidsmenu won’t behave like the normal windows shell, it does share a lot of other features with the normal windows shell.
NOTE: Kidsmenu is a replacement shell, not an application launcher. It is not designed to launch applications. It is designed to show children friendly tasks and icons in

System Requirements For Kidsmenu:

OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7
Processor: 2.0 GHz Processor
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX9 capable video card
Storage: 10 GB available disk space
Additional: 512 MB VRAM and keyboard
Additional Notes: Can be run in both 16:9 and 4:3 format
Processor: 3.0 GHz Processor
Memory: 4 GB RAM