AT is the heart of most modem-based applications. ATSEND is a small tool to send and receive AT commands and process the results.
ATSEND supports the following commands.
ATDT – Send “ATDT” to the modem
ATD – Send “AT” to the modem
ATDD – Send “ATDD” to the modem
ATM – Send a modem hangup signal
ATN – Send “ATN” to the modem
ATCT – Send “ATCT” to the modem
AT+CRS=N – Send AT+CRS=N to the modem
AT+CST=N – Send AT+CST=N to the modem
ATZ – Send “ATZ” to the modem
+CRS – (Called “caller id”) – Send “+CRS” to the modem
+CRM – (Called “caller id”) – Send “+CRM” to the modem
+CTS – (Called “Caller Tone”) – Send “+CTS” to the modem
+CST – (Called “caller id”) – Send “+CST” to the modem
+RI – (Ring Indicator) – Send “+RI” to the modem

Required environment variables:
COMBASE – Base of the non-standard COM port. Most systems will use COM2. The base number can be specified by environment variables.
COMIRQ – IRQ number of the non-standard COM port. Some modems are not compatible with COM2. The base number can be specified by environment variables.

Example: ATSEND COM2 DEV=1 COMBASE=2 COMIRQ=5 ATSEND will cause the program to dial the telephone number of COM2 and the modem port the first time it is run. It will use COM2 and set the DSZPORT to 1.
ATSEND usage:

COMPORT – Specify the non-standard COM port, or switch from standard to non-standard. Most systems have COM2 defined in the BIOS, but you can use the environment variable COM2 as well.
COMENVIRONMENTVARIABLE – Tells the command-line to use the specified COMENVIRONMENTVARIABLE. This variable can eea19f52d2


A program designed to make the prank window effect more entertaining. You can use any application window for this prank: It can be of any size and shape, you can make it look transparent or even 3D, and it can be animated or not. The content of the window can be customized with just about any piece of text or image. It is sure to be a fun prank for any of your friends.
Portable FrameDummy Screenshot:

Warning! To create animated windows, it is better to use a freeware. Portable FrameDummy works only with desktop items. That is, you can see the application icons, but you cannot access them.

Re: Windows XP Problems

Dear Friends,

The problems with an old and little known program named Portable FrameDummy, which was originally developed by one of our good valued users, has been solved. The problem was that, under certain circumstances, it could cause the termination of the system.

Thank you very much for your interest.

I hope this solution will be appreciated by all.

Best regards,


PS: if you don’t mind, please answer this poll, even if it is only “yes”: yes to make the upgrade, no to keep it as it is.Thank you

Re: Windows XP Problems

Originally Posted by Samuel Bagheri

Dear Friends,

The problems with an old and little known program named Portable FrameDummy, which was originally developed by one of our good valued users, has been solved. The problem was that, under certain circumstances, it could cause the termination of the system.

Thank you very much for your interest.

I hope this solution will be appreciated by all.

Best regards,


PS: if you don’t mind, please answer this poll, even if it is only “yes”: yes to make the upgrade, no to keep it as it is.Thank you

Re: Windows XP Problems

*(Please help me solve the problem with “Portable FrameDummy”)*
I have tried this program and it seems to work fine as long as I don’t enable the “multimedia plugin” which is used to play WMV movies and MP3s.When I have enabled the “multimedia plugin” there is a black window when I try to open the frame. I have disabled the “multimedia plugin” and the frame works fine.
