compilation by Michael Cammell, 1994. “The Queen and the Rhino” and the author’s other work, including “25mee” and “Too Sexy to Search”.Black Ops may be popular with the gaming community, but its the women of that community who are the most outspoken. Even if you’re not a “Walking Dead” or “Survivor” fan you may have heard about the recent video of Black Ops player “Yennefer”.

Yennefer is seen speaking out in a video from a recent gaming event. She’s not standing for it. As she sees it, “you can’t just have a free for all, it’s unfair.”

It’s because of such things that the gaming community is willing to help Yennefer. They are donating in her name to something that they truly believe will help all gamers be better. With each donation the gaming community is actually helping to fund the creation of the Women’s Centre in Oxford. The centre will provide meeting space for the gaming community, and courses to teach the newest women to gaming.

Sounds like a great idea to me. Who knows, this may be the start of a trend, after all these games are already so popular with the women of the community. Imagine if every game was designed with the female gamer in mind. No more problems with balance, and no more troll invaders trying to change the game to their own advantage.

Black Ops has already been available for some months now, so we’ll definitely see this kind of initiative in other games soon. Who knows, maybe we’ll see some more successful crowdfunding campaigns with gaming companies.

So what do you guys think? Is this initiative good or bad?Some lucky winners in the University of Missouri’s annual costume contest got a lot more than a reminder of fall that they were in the running for prizes.

The university’s Homecoming Court had the opportunity to meet and take a photo with the winner of the Best Costume in Costume Contest on Friday night.

The homecoming court is selected each fall, in part, by representatives from sororities and fraternities at the university. The students in the court play a significant role in leading the homecoming traditions at the school.

This year, it’s different, says MU’s Homecoming Court Chairwoman Kelly Hansman, as the students


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I believe it’s because the argument you’re passing is an Array, but not an Array.
The following will work. (I added [] at the end of every line)
var car:Array = new Array();
car[0] = ‘Benedictino – Carmo, no Rio’;
car[1] = ‘The Guardian’;
car[2] = ‘Mc Donald’s’;
car[3] = ‘New York Times’;
car[4] = ‘Washington Post’;
car[5] = ‘Los Angeles Times’;
car[6] = ‘New York Post’;
car[7] = ‘Chicago Tribune’;
car[8] = ‘Chicago Sun Times’;
car[9] = ‘Washington Times’;

var tempCar:Array = car;

for (var i:int=1; iAdmitting a mistake is a step in the right direction

Media outlets should be wary when pronouncing Paul Manafort guilty on all counts.

The US jury in the federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, has delivered the Trump-hating US media a painful but absolutely necessary blow. The federal government’s charges against Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, were a repeat of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s entire investigation, and, in Manafort’s case, Mueller’s indictments were literally word-for-word the same ones from his investigation.

Manafort’s only sin was having met with a Russian politician that Mueller charged was a “Kremlin lieutenant” in 2016, and a campaign senior