Hot Plants: Nature’s Proven Sex Boosters For Men And Women Book Pdf


Hot Plants: Nature’s Proven Sex Boosters For Men And Women Book Pdf

along with thousands of other plants, these herbs have been used for centuries as medicine to treat a wide variety of ills. some are well known and widely prescribed in modern-day medicine, while others are little known. from curative to cosmetic and preventive medicines, they have been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of illnesses including asthma, arthritis, anxiety, diabetes, obesity, migraines, depression, hemorrhoids, infertility, heart disease, impotence, menopause, and many other maladies. the secret ingredient in this groundbreaking book is the fresh, raw truth about these natural remedies. learn more than 4,000 valuable tips about hundreds of natural remedies that can significantly boost your sex life.

soon after the federal government outlawed peyote in the 1930s, the santa fe indian center in new mexico began to purchase and distribute peyote buttons to anyone who wished to use them for spiritual purposes.

traditionally, the root is dried and grated, mixed with water, and drunk. or it is dried in the sun, crushed, and combined with water, sifted, and boiled. the traditional use of the root is to produce an herbal tea that is employed throughout malaysia and elsewhere in southeast asia as a way of restoring sexual potency, enhancing energy, increasing endurance, and promoting health. the root has been included in various dietary and dietary supplement preparations. for example, some commercial weight loss products include tongkat ali (60 mg) to boost appetite and increase energy and performance.

in the 1930s and 1940s, the plant became popular as an aphrodisiac in the english-speaking world. the popularity of tongkat ali as a sexual enhancer peaked in the early 1970s, when boxer muhammad ali shared the news that he had been taking tongkat ali for more than a year and found that he was having more sex, enhanced his performance in the ring, and had more energy. people worldwide began buying tongkat ali and using it as a natural aphrodisiac. in the 1990s, ajinomoto food, japan’s largest food additive manufacturer, launched the “world’s first soft drink” that contained tongkat ali as a sex booster. the company rolled it out across the japanese market, employing a strategy of linking the drink to the country’s great national pastime, baseball. the original soft drink, branded as “ha-oh-ta, a japanese baseball drink,” contained 42 percent tongkat ali. throughout asia, customers and their children loved the drink. it was so popular that ajinomoto eventually launched a series of soft drinks that contained the herb with various other aphrodisiacs, including ginseng, ginkgo, and horny goat weed. it should be noted that some of the ingredients in the soft drinks have not been shown to be effective aphrodisiacs or for enhancing sex drive or performance. some people prefer to use tongkat ali in capsule, tablet, and or liquid form. in fact, both the base capsule and the injections contain only one gram of the root. one review noted that while 100 mg of tongkat ali in one capsule may boost sexual potency in a single user, he or she would need to double that dose (500 mg) to see the same results in a group of men or women taking the capsule on a regular basis [ 118 ].
