DameWare NT Utilities 7561 X86x64 ((LINK))


DameWare NT Utilities 7561 X86x64

like most microsoft products, the ntu windows services are configured by using group policy. group policy can be targeted to a specific object class in active directory or to an entire domain for all resources. once set in group policy, the windows ntu services can be managed via command line or by using the ntu administrative interface. the ntu service monitoring utility is found in the servicemonitor folder of the dameware ntu/utilities 7.6.4 installation. the servicemonitor.exe (active directory service monitor) is designed to be run on a domain controller/wsus server. the configuration of the service is copied to the administrator’s computer where the ntu administrator interface is running. the ntu admin interface is designed to be used on a remote computer and is found in the ntu admin interface folder of the dameware ntu/utilities 7.

the ntu windows service can be accessed via the ntu administration interface or via the servicemonitor service monitor utility. the (2008) ntu administration interface runs as a win32 application. however, i was surprised to find that the servicemonitor utility is a rather large executable that was extracted from the binary ntu7.6.4 installer. the ntu administration interface is made up of several subfolders that look like they contain a server to manage active directory; however, when the ntu administration interface is launched the ntu service is stopped and the ntu service top level window is hidden. to show the window, one must minimise the application. thus, the ntu administration interface is somewhat underused.

at this time, the ntu administration interface is not compatible with windows 8, although i was able to access the application successfully with windows 7. the servicemonitor utility runs with the ntu service, but it is not compatible with windows 8 or 8.1. unlike the ntu administration interface, the servicemonitor utility is not minimised. instead, when the ntu service is stopped the ntu window will be hidden. to display the ntu window, the user must maximise the application.

with dameware nt utilities, you can simply take a snapshot of your current ntu configuration (and customizations) and revert back to it at any time. this is a godsend for anyone who is developing a “best practices” ntu deployment.
we are a small company with a couple of servers, several laptops, and a couple of workstations. we have come across several utilities that enable us to do all kinds of things that we never would have been able to do, without them. a couple of them have even led us to discover new things that we can do that we never knew we could do before.
dameware nt utilities 7561 is a great program for managing users and group policy on your windows server 2008 r2 domain controllers. you can create and edit user accounts and group policies, apply gpos to users and groups, create and edit security groups, and export user and group properties to text files.
dameware nt utilities (dntu) is a single, simple console that integrates dozens of windows, active directory, and custom tools. nt utilities is designed to be a one-stop shop for administrators who need to do everything from adding users to active directory, to remote server or workstation troubleshooting e.g.
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