Grade 5 Scholarship Past Exam Papers Sri Lanka 2012l 👍


Grade 5 Scholarship Past Exam Papers Sri Lanka 2012l

The RAC represents the dominant group of authors and academics whose work has been most represented at the conferences. During the past 30 years, 95.6% of the 287 individuals listed as authors of presentations and papers have been white (Figure 1). Of the 283 female authors, only four are Asian or Asian American, accounting for 1.5% of female authors. Two of the remaining female authors are Caucasian and are American, so only 1% of the 287 authors are Asian and Asian American (Figure 2). Of the 91 presenters at RACs in the last 30 years, 90.1% have been white, accounting for more than 95% of total authors. Five of the 88 female presenters have been Asian or Asian American, accounting for 5.7% of female presenters. The majority of those presenters have come from institutions in the Global North; only two of the 88 female presenters are based in Asia. Of the 101 papers, 25.7% have been written by Asian and Asian American authors. Of the 83 female authors, five have been Asian or Asian American, accounting for 6.0% of female authors. None of the 83 female authors have been Asian and Asian American (Figure 3). For more information about the role of professional associations in excluding those who speak on behalf of non-European peoples, see Padel (2019). Figure 2. Figure 3.

As I have noted, those published are the people who were invited to present and those published are those who were invited. As such, we should be careful when inferring from the pattern of invitation that those at the conference have the characteristics of those invited. Those invited to present are overwhelmingly male and Caucasian, and receive a large number of invitations from prestigious institutions, reflecting their high-status. For instance, an analysis of RAC papers in the periods 20012004 and 2005-present ( Table 2 ), show that at least three-quarters of the authors are male and over 60% have received their PhDs at prestigious institutions. In the most recent data set (2017), of the 61 speakers at RACs and TRACs, only four (6.6%) were female, of whom one was an African American. Taken together, these figures point to a practice of exclusion of scholars from the Global South and Asia. Grade 5 Scholarship Past Exam Papers Sri Lanka 2012l

TRAC is more diverse, with the number of scholars who are Asian or Asian American in the range of 15% to 29%. The most successful TRAC conferences have had an average of 1.1 Asian or Asian American presenters, with the most successful TRAC conferences featuring between 4 and 10. Similarly, while the most successful RAC conferences have had an average of 3.9 researchers of Asian descent, with the most successful RAC conferences featuring between 3 and 11. In the most recent data set (2017), 2.3% of the 95 speakers at TRAC conferences were Asian and Asian American, and 17.9% of the 303 speakers at RAC conferences were of Asian descent. Taken together, these data show that from 1994-2017, the minorities who have presented at these conferences are token instances. Grade 5 Scholarship Past Exam Papers Sri Lanka 2012l

The conference is seen to reflect the character of the academic and archaeological community, with the most successful TRAC conferences featuring between 9 and 12 white, Anglo-Saxon males. Of these 19 conferences, six of them are not inclusive of women or scholars of Asian descent and the racial and ethnic diversity of the recipients of these scholarships ranges from 66% to 100% white.

Same as HIST 461. Provides students with the ability to examine the changing social, political, and economic life in the US from the early Republic through the Civil War. Focuses on the expansion of American democracy, constitutional reforms, slavery and abolition, the conduct of the Civil War, the Reconstruction era, urbanization, and the rise of the Republican party, the growth of the West, the maturation of the economy and society, and the development of modern industry. Participation in class discussion, a midterm, two papers, and a final exam required.
Same as HIST 462. Provides students with the ability to examine the changing social, political, and economic life of US from the 1880s through the 1930s. Focuses on the rise of industrialism, urbanization, the growth of the New Deal state, the rise of labor unions, the reduction of child labor, the development of women’s rights, the modernization of life, and the emergence of modern consumerism. The course will also stress the highly politicized nature of much of this social and cultural development. Participation in class discussion, a midterm, two papers, and a final exam required.
Same as HIST 463. Provides students with the ability to examine the changing social, political, and economic life of the United States from World War I through the 1950s. Focuses on the impact of changing social, political, and economic thought on American society and culture. There are three major themes: violence and repression, race and class, the meaning of the American experience. The course will also explore these themes through literary and non-fiction texts, media texts, and a variety of visual materials. The course will also provide an introduction to American History research. Participation in class discussion, a midterm, two papers, and a final exam required.