MikRotik RouterOS 5.20 Key Level 6

warning: if you plan to use more than one router at once, you must use the same license types. otherwise you will be able to use licenses of only level 4 with license from 5.20 that can only be used on level 4.

if you plan to use multiple mikrotik routeros devices on one computer, you must use the same license type. otherwise, you will not be able to use the license on the second system. the error message will show only for the first device, and will not show up for other devices. only the serial number will be visible.

mikrotik can work with a fleet of routers and it’s not always easy to have a concise and clear view on how a specific client configuration is. it would be a good idea to use the client zone in all mikrotik devices with the same systemid. this will allow you to create a blueprint of how the client side looks like and which could be used later, to simply send you an email on what needs to be done.

warning:if you plan to use multiple virtual systems of the same kind, it may be possible that the next machine has the same systemid as the original one. this can happen on certain cloud providers, such as linode. to avoid this, after your first boot, run the command /system license generate-new-idbefore you request a trial license. note that this feature must be used only while chr is running on free type of routeros license. if you have already obtained paid or trial license, do not use regenerate feature since you will not be able to update your current key any more

warning:if you plan to use multiple virtual systems of the same kind, it may be possible that the next machine has the same systemid as the original one. this can happen on certain cloud providers, such as linode. to avoid this, after your first boot, run the command /system license generate-new-idbefore you request a trial license.

Firstly, you need to open the Mikrotik router interface on a PC. This will display a “Log into Mikrotik” splash page. Now press the “Back” button and then press the “Hardware tab” button. The screen should now be displayed as seen in
When the key is installed, press the “Download RouterOS_xxxx.zip” button to begin the download. Now download the ZIP file, and unzip in the Mikrotik router installed on your PC. Now the Router can be rebooted and device setup. Finally, you should be at this point:
Is your Mikrotik router now live on the internet or does it show only a blank white screen? If blank white screen then next steps need to be done before it will work. First, we need to register the router to be ready to receive traffic. Next, we need to configure the device IP address. We will need to add a DNS server address to this device. Afterwards, we can proceed to configure the router as a DHCP server and give it an IP address such as, for example, However, your local router has to be able to send an ARP request to the Mikrotik router. You can do this by enabling a loopback interface. This will allow your Mikrotik to operate as a proxy, since any traffic sent to the local network should be forwarded to Mikrotik server. Refer to the Guide Turn Your Router into a MicroTik DHCP Proxy for the steps on how to do this. You can skip the DNS step by opening the “Settings” button and then selecting the “DNS” tab.
Login to your Mikrotik account page and search for the router hostname. Click on the settings icon and on the Online Status tab, click on Add a key. Enter the public key you purchased in the box and click Add button. Once the key is added you can control the router as long as it is in the trial period of the trial version. Once 24 hours have passed, you can change the IP address on your router and then configure a key.

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