Air Traffic Controller 3 English Language Pack


Air Traffic Controller 3 English Language Pack

On 4 November 2016, the Air Accident Investigation Branch reported that the collision of two aircraft occurred on the runway between the stands in almost the centre of the runway, just before the departure end. The first aircraft was an ATR 72-500 and the second aircraft was an Airbus A319. The first aircraft had landed after an aircraft in the same direction had completed its landing and was not in the runway approach zone. However, the controller did not notice this and had failed to read back its clearance to take off. The second aircraft was cleared to take off without clearance. On entering the wake turbulence, the pilot immediately raised the warning panel and may have reported the wake turbulence but the controller did not read the message so he did not see the aircraft. Once airborne, the ATR had responded to a frequency to confirm its arrival and he heard no response. He continued with the take off clearance. He did not notice the second aircraft because it was invisible behind the first aircraft and he was also unaware that the second aircraft was in the wake turbulence.

On 6 July 2011, a Boeing 737-800 on the runway at Vnukovo in thick fog was seen by ground controllers to be descending with only one engine on. It was not clear to the controllers in the tower what had happened. As the aircraft descended they called out to it and it was heard to respond. As the aircraft reached a height of 10,000ft, it passed over them then started to lose height. It came back to about 3,000ft from the tower and disappeared. This was assumed by the controller to be a landing gear problem. The aircraft was found to have been on fire on impact with the ground at a speed of 350kts. The Co-pilot had stated, “The pilot reported the undercarriage wasn’t working and was losing power”.

In this function, you are assigned to one of the flight control divisions and will manage the traffic flow around your sector. You will be responsible for managing the activity of all aircraft in your sector. All aircraft are assigned to a specific sector and you will issue instructions to pilots of aircraft in your area and control air traffic flow by managing the frequencies used. Air traffic flow is also an important factor in determining the size of your sector. The higher the volume of aircraft around you, the larger the sector you will manage. When you move to another flight control area, the information associated with the sectors you have previously managed is transferred.
Q: The game crashes shortly after I pressed the Start button. A: The game requires the system language to be Japanese. To solve this problem Microsoft(c) offers a tool called AppLocale which makes the game believe that the system language is Japanese without changing the actual system language. This bug is fixed in both the Lanuage Pack and the Headon Patches, so you dont have to use AppLocale once you installed one of these.
At the end of your training, youll be able to apply for a job as an air traffic controller. Once you have completed the first year of the associate degree program, youll be able to work as an air traffic controller with a 100 percent entry-level flight attendant position. The air traffic control program is designed to provide an excellent basis for advancement within your career and for eligibility for the next higher civil service examination.