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and finally in the movie, it’s a comedy, and it’s this biopic of the making of devil dancers, because it’s actually based on this book that’s only available in the library right now. the only one copy of it on earth. so, we took a number of the characters from that, but the most important character, other than donald duck, was jim, and his character was based on jim carrey. and so we wanted to give him some kind of a, you know, we just wanted to kind of put him on the cover. we had to give this up, and we were really worried about it, but we got lucky and we found a really good deal where we could have a really good cover, and then we were able to do the whole thing, the whole reissue, free.

hello and welcome to the patreon page for titan comics. we are the smallest digital publisher in the united states. it’s the biggest comics publisher in india. our company has been doing well for the past 4 years, and we are in the process of building our own infrastructure. titan comics is an independently owned company. we are a subscription based company. we don’t rely on big investors to survive or on big corporate studios to give us money. it’s a real company and a real company which produces a lot of work, and that is our core strength.

if you haven’t noticed, we have started making shorter and shorter comics. if you look at the first issue of the death-defying doctor sex, it’s really, really short, and we have shorted even further since then. you get to read a lot of short stories in our comics at titan, and it’s awesome. i love that we do that, because we’re shorter because we are developing our own projects, building our own infrastructure, which is awesome. it’s giving us the creative freedom and the time to allow us to tell longer stories, but with the ease of short stories. we’ve got brand-new authors, and great artist on our books.

and finally in the movie, it’s a comedy, and it’s this biopic of the making of devil dancers, because it’s actually based on this book that’s only available in the library right now. the only one copy of it on earth. so, we took a number of the characters from that, but the most important character, other than donald duck, was jim, and his character was based on jim carrey. and so we wanted to give him some kind of a, you know, we just wanted to kind of put him on the cover. we had to give this up, and we were really worried about it, but we got lucky and we found a really good deal where we could have a really good cover, and then we were able to do the whole thing, the whole reissue, free.
hello and welcome to the patreon page for titan comics. we are the smallest digital publisher in the united states. it’s the biggest comics publisher in india. our company has been doing well for the past 4 years, and we are in the process of building our own infrastructure. titan comics is an independently owned company. we are a subscription based company. we don’t rely on big investors to survive or on big corporate studios to give us money. it’s a real company and a real company which produces a lot of work, and that is our core strength.
if you haven’t noticed, we have started making shorter and shorter comics. if you look at the first issue of the death-defying doctor sex, it’s really, really short, and we have shorted even further since then. you get to read a lot of short stories in our comics at titan, and it’s awesome. i love that we do that, because we’re shorter because we are developing our own projects, building our own infrastructure, which is awesome. it’s giving us the creative freedom and the time to allow us to tell longer stories, but with the ease of short stories. we’ve got brand-new authors, and great artist on our books.
