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HD Online Player (Blade Runner Workprint 1080p Torrent)

so, for any true fan, at this point, all thats left is to wait for the eventual blu-ray release and hope that the video quality is better than this transfer. honestly, if you want to see what the cut was going to look like with a better transfer, thats great. but i suspect that the current disc is the closest thing that fans will ever get to seeing this version of the movie. well, more close than theyll ever get anyway.

in the end, this is, as always, the only version that is truly definitive. with the transfer its the only reason to own the workprint, and with the extra features, its the only reason to buy the box set.

in 1990, frederic carter and david nutter, who had just finished writing the batman film batman returns, wrote a script for blade runner 2. this script was then attached to blade runner. this would be the version that scott was overseeing when he became ill. it contains some of the most bizarre plot developments and contains several scenes that do not exist in the final film. its also under 20 minutes longer than the final version. critics greeted the film with utter disgust, and it received such lackluster reactions that 20th century fox, blade runner 2 freed david peoples from the film. it was his last project with scott. the film contains a series of odd plot twists and is often just plain incoherent. it is one of the more bizarre versions of blade runner.

the first editor working on the final cut of blade runner was bill butler. butler is the one who decided to replace all the music cues with his own musical cues, take out all the silent scenes (bllack’s weird dream and battys death are removed from the film), and several more things. the film you will see now is the finished, more mainstream version of blade runner. for your viewing pleasure, i have allowed a few of the hollywood directors cut director cues to reenter. for the rest of the film, youll be able to hear the original source music. this is a surreal reenactment of the director cut of the film that is actually available in the company of richard marks 1990 blade runner 2trailer disc.

blade runner survived long enough to achieve cult status. but for a long time, the film remained a movie that only the die-hards saw. the blade runner series still continues to this day, and the fans who stuck by it over the years have enjoyed generations of new fans. blade runner hasn’t ended; it’s only just beginning.
the universal picture blu-ray disc for the final cut (2007) is pretty cool too. its a little too shiny and on the wimpy side of blu-ray. but the 5.1 audio does provide a nice surround rumble, and theres even a nice bowers and wilkins surround-sound (yes, i just said bowers and wilkins — pardon me). theres room to add more content to the disc (apart from the unneeded “making of” scenes, and are there any other alternate takes of the film?) — but for now, this is it.
its a classic film. if youre new to the cult, you can check out the gotham city is burning list to find plays or events that will show you what a blade runner heaven can be in your own town. once you get a good feel for blade runner fandom, go to your local best buy or mass merchandiser and pick up a copy of blade runner: the ultimate edition, theyve got an awesome disc of this film inside.