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Last Shelter Survival Farm Bot 300 Farms Link In Description

mickael, volumental, oyster mushroom tea– this was the first one in our series. we all agree on this one. its iconic. everyone here loves it. when i was sampling cheese bread and strawberry jam, i was like, okay, this is another one of those things people had to learn about. i havent gotten any backlash about it. and to be honest, ive been sampling it for eight weeks, so people had time to get used to it. there is definitely a wider range of questions on the menus, where a lot of our crowd are open to trying new things but not always able to follow an entire food journey from recipe to food, but this is the one theyre talking about. we really didnt ask if they liked it or not. we asked if they enjoyed the experience of trying it. and the most important question was when are you going to make one again?

we have prepared for flu season for four years, and we have had vaccine shortages each year, so we thought we had a nice mix of products. however, the vaccine timing is perfect to buy our produce for year-round availability. with the flu vaccine shortage, we have shifted toward preparing for the worst scenario, stocking up on everything we can, and being prepared for staying home for 2 weeks or more. we have started to start handing out masks, and have been distributing cleaning supplies and cleaning wipes to those who have asked.

although we have had a warmer and more humid fall in comparison to past years, i have been happy with our autumn sales and so far they have been strong. while we try to offer local organic/local non-organic options, it is harder to offer this in our production-driven model, where we have to sell to demand. we want to get to the point where we can offer products in more product options: more breads, more meat. while we will continue to work with our off-site farmers, and focus on our own operation for the next year, i am excited to take on new initiatives and partnerships, and to build on what we are doing.

the last month has been challenging. i was hoping that things would get better by now, but they’re actually getting worse. there are a lot of people who are in a really bad situation. the only way to pay them is to pay them. we’re doing everything that we can to ensure that everyone gets paid. i think it’s really important to advocate for farm workers and to show the community that its a really important job, and that it shouldnt be this hard to pay your workers. the people who are in a bad situation right now, they need to be able to see that we’re doing everything that we can to get them paid.
afolu mitigation policies are needed at different levels. a first step is to enhance the management of existing natural and semi-natural vegetation, including to protect, preserve, restore and/or create “carbon stock” (i.e., above- and belowground biomass, litter, peat, soil organic matter, and dead plant material) and reduce the conversion of natural land-cover types to agricultural, urban, and industrial uses (high confidence). it is essential to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted from the land surface, by enhancing the carbon content of the soil and reducing emissions from land use and land-use change activities (high confidence). mitigation also should be considered at the global level. the authors note that the current global emissions from agriculture are much higher than those of the ipcc ar5 wg iii, and that mitigation must be global, as it will be more effective when applied on a larger area of land. mitigation at the global level should include specific strategies for emission reduction in industrialized countries and in regions with large deforestation rates. to this end, afolu mitigation policies should focus on reducing the use of land for food production, promoting the use of land for food production, and improving the efficiency of the energy system, while reducing emissions from the transport sector. moreover, mitigation at the global level should consider the land-based carbon and the water footprint of food production, the resulting ghg emissions, and the water availability for food production (high confidence). examples include improving the efficiency of agricultural technologies and the use of natural resources; promoting the use of more sustainable agricultural practices (e.g., organic practices, crop rotation, and agroecology); enhancing the utilization of waste streams for energy; and promoting the use of biofuels in line with with the nature of food supply (high confidence). last shelter survival farm bot 300 farms link in description