Film Bokep Kungfu 3gp


Film Bokep Kungfu 3gp

homicidal vampire (1996) – this is the only vcd cover found so far. imdb lists release year as 1994 and i’m going with that. this can’t be verified because there’s no vcd with it on them out there to check. i know for a fact that it was produced in 1996 as it’s been in the news lately.

my first source for this list has been , a site that specializes in the films of the shaw brothers period. this means their quality is excellent, but i have little access to their chinese language content. the site has a book called shaw brothers horror film which is out of print and not readily available at used book sites, but some fans have been able to find it on the site which has a lot of shaw brothers stuff. also, all of the films listed below have been found on dailymotion , so check there out too if you can’t get the rights to a particular title.

while many western audiences are familiar with the term shao shao shi (aka mother iron fist / iron sister), this rarely comes up in the kung fu world. this character comes from the story film story: iron-fist awakening , which is a part of the story arc known as “the shadow family”. the longer version of the story is called “monsters forever”. i’m not going to go into detail about the plot as i have other reviews for the shaw brothers films, but the story is about a group of female warriors who were born with some sort of chinese immortal fighting spirit inside of them. the story ends with one of the characters sacrificing her life to stop the immortals from destroying all of mankind. hooray, modern day chinese gender equality!

anyway, 1989 was a very interesting year. the first half saw eight more films released, three of which are included in this list. the second half of the year is more boring with mostly repackaged / rebroadcasts of earlier films plus not much in the way of new releases. but, like i said before, it wasn’t until 1990 that the genre really got going. and, weirdly, there’s a lot of good films released that year.
1) new world of noah’s ark (; shengwan yi guar) (1989) – the yang family, who own the noah’s ark mall where the film takes place, are evicted from their apartment and forced to sleep with everyone else under the ark. basically a reworking of the happy ghost, this title is more successful on the whole because it was made in the 80s when tv was still in its infancy and vhs tapes didn’t exist. also, the yang family is by far the most well-known family in the universe of 1970s television soap operas and, due to that fame, its house has become an instant tourist attraction in hong kong. originally a tvb production, it was then co-produced with shaw brothers and released theatrically and on tv as a strange dream. there are two versions, the first the shorter tv broadcast version with english subs. the second is a longshot and i can’t even verify it but it’s rumored to be the shaw brothers theatrical release (this time with chinese subs!). compared to the happy ghost, the original new world of noah’s ark has more respect for the source material and its characters (it’s actually a surprisingly touching and very sincere soap opera) but suffers from a lower-budget that makes the cheap special effects and even worse costumes jarring. quality wise, the two versions are basically the same. new world of noah’s ark was remade again in 2003, this time as a 20th anniversary special with a different cast.