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Chapter 1

The Father who created the Earth and Heaven

The Earth and all beings that are born of it, is full of the three worlds of three effects:
1. The magic net, of the fear of death, is represented by the Fire of the Brâhmanas, which,
2. The gifts of good and evil, is the spreading and contracting of the life, or the peace and the
3. The significance of the Vedânta, is the bliss of the Atman’s, or the subtile principle, which is the
King of all.
The one resembles this, being the King of every father, whom all these members do represent,
and whose sight is in the fire of every Brâhmana.
All beings, as they have each their different natures, being all born of the essence of the
father, are called Amsraâsas.

Chapter 2

In this world, the difference between the difference between the three worlds.

As these members are the bodies of the king, which receives and causes the influence of the
three worlds, if a person has good or bad deeds, good or bad words, every one of these members
from whom arise, is thereby troubled, either good or bad. The medicine for the fear of death, the
gifts of good and evil, and the significance of the subtile principle, is the Brahman’s being the
3rd of these members.
If the evil deeds of the body are not hid, the fire of Brâhmanas is enlightened; if the body
does not have good deeds, the life is diminished; if there is no good word, the mind is disturbed;
if there is no fixed sign, the intelligence cannot see the significance of the subtile principle.
Every person and the father, are the same.
Thus the Deeds in the world, and the sign of the gifts of good and evil, are the gifts of
life or the life’s peace.

Chapter 3

Every one of the three worlds is in itself pure happiness.

The happiness of the world of Jâva is the subtile principle; the happiness of the world of the
Sattva is the contemplation of the