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This list is the best resource for all the torrent sites available for the download of torrents of various kinds. If you are looking for a Torrent Site, check our list of Best Sites to Download Torrents.

With the recent crackdowns on torrent sites and many users preferring to download Torrents instead, G2G has decided to list the Top 10 Best Torrent Sites with the most brilliant and appealing collection of torrents, premium and free.

Thank you for this list. I’m an author myself, and I’ve been going through your listing and trying to create a new site. In your list, I really like the way you combined free downloads of books with paid downloads.

Torrentr is a great place to download new games, repacks, and upates. The site offers a large selection of games and repacks, each tagged by category and the addressee, so you know which game youre looking for without having to browse the entire site.

If youre looking for downloable games on the PS4, then Operation Torrent Downlds is by far your best bet. If youre on the PS Vita, the PS2 will do just fine. (The Vita is much less secure than the PS2, though, so your personal data is at more risk.)

Torrents are quite a bit like torrents on the web, you know? If youre looking for games, theres really only one site you want to use – it does the torrenting for you, the repacks, the downloads, and the hash checking!
