The most important thing you can do is to find the best torrent sites by searching on Google. There are hundreds of torrent sites available on the web. You should choose a site that has lots of good seeds (the people with torrents) and good quality torrents. Some of the best torrent sites are

First, please remember to check the Terms of Use for any website you visit. And if you dont know, please get to know. Then, go to a site, and start downloading. Some websites will ask you to login and they will ask you to enter your email address and password. Make sure to remember it. If they ask you to download a driver, install it as well.

We love Skidrow, but their reception of reviews or claims of mirroring games doesnt really help them out. Furthermore, Skidrow doesnt really care for competition. Some sites that are just mirrors of other platforms, for example the Microsoft Store. We are aware that Microsoft is enforcing Windows Store policy on sites like Skidrow, so it might end up being removed one day. Microsoft wants all of us to be in the Windows Store, so we understand theyre trying to keep this platform as clean and white as they possibly can. At the same time, maybe they should try to keep a better oversight on these sites, to ensure theyre safe for the end users. We think its a good idea that they block many known sites like Skidrow. If you dont want to install Windows on a new PC, this is the best way. Anyways, again, Skidrow is one of our recommended uploaders.

Skidrow is a common platform. Some people will consider it is the best, but we recommend you have a closer look at its reputation. We also have to warn you, that some of the sites where you might find the best are now in a different spot in the ranking. Usually that means that the site was ranked by The Pirate Bay. In future, you can use our sorting of results by popularity to find the best. Its also a good idea to read the What can I do with my unpacked files? page to find out about your options.
