Users of all platforms can download here. Now this is something different. It is not a download website but a website where you can upload your cracked software. The uploads are peer reviewed and you can also download your submissions (if any). But, you dont really need to upload any software there. The best part is that you dont need to register an account for that. Just go to the category of your interest and download as many cracked software as you wish.

It is a forum. I dont know anything more about it other than that it is a crack forum. Some questions are hard but most of them are pretty straight forward. I am using it to download my cracked software from. I did a search and found this forum and that is what I did. I found a cracked with a very good software description and then started looking for cracked software. They do have a really good collection of cracked software if thats what you are looking for. But, no site has a complete collection. Some are kinda incomplete. You need to find them yourself and then download as many cracked software as you can.

Do not be fooled by the “I cracked it” tag. This site is one of the best site for cracked software download and it has a good collection. But they dont advertise it as cracked software download. These cracks are uploaded by various users and they are peer reviewed. You download as much cracked software as you wish from the site. But please read all the terms and conditions before downloading.

This is a good site for crack software download. It is called They have more than 24000 cracked software which includes cracked software for windows, mac, android, windows phone, Xbox, ps3, online stores, cracked software, blackhat, hacking, p2p, warez, spyware, keygens, crackz and many more. Currently, it has 14678 cracked software. With the number of cracked software steadily increasing every day, I believe that they will take the first spot in the list of top crack software download sites
