The use of pirated software can cause many difficulties to the victim. The virus running on the pirated software will be able to damage the hard disk, the installation files of that particular program will not be compatible with the original software. Pirated software can further cause your computer to become unstable. You might even find it difficult to connect to the Internet.

If you want to remain safe, never trust your business to software that has been pirated. It does not matter how good of quality the software is if it has been pirated, you cannot trust it. If your business is legitimate, it is important that you have the software validated. The software that you buy and install from the product vendor’s website has already been checked by the makers and you know it is safe.

Pirated software that is running on your computer has a significant impact on the performance of your PC. This includes a noticeable decrease in the speed of your PC and a higher risk of creating system errors. Most of the time, this may even cause your computer to shut down. As a matter of fact, a system crash from a pirated software is much worse than a system crash that would occur from a virus or spyware.

Another factor that makes pirated software so dangerous is the fact that it is often not tested for viruses. If it has been pirated, it may not be completely checked for infections. A software that has been pirated is also not always updated to the newest version. Every program that has been created has its own version numbers that are used to improve the software. It is possible for pirated software to have this number omitted. Software companies use these version numbers to work on the program in order to improve its operation and to fix issues. If your software has a missing version number then you should definitely get a new copy of the original software.
