There’s a neat and simple set of icons across the top of this page, which basically show you what sort of software the site hosts. There’s cross-platform apps (like apps that let you move from PC to Mac or vice versa), games, utilities, and so on.

Although it looks like a basic search engine, does actually offer some solid software (such as a free copy of Microsoft Office), and it does what it says on the tin. You’re able to filter search results by operating system, price and popularity. The site does not offer direct downloads, but it’s quite a good place to start if you’re looking for a particular piece of software.

This is a small site that focuses on directly providing cracked versions of popular software. We don’t normally put too much stock in a site that describes itself as “source”, but they have been proven trustworthy before.

If you’re looking for the best Windows software, there’s really no other place to go. It’s a comprehensive selection, with everything from software for gamers to general productivity apps. Plus, the site’s intuitive interface and detailed filtering means you can easily find the exact software you’re looking for.

Illegal downloading and cracked games are often the subject of lots of debate. After all, we want what you want too – more games to play! But before you get too carried away, be sure you actually have a legal copy of the game. Downloading illegal copies of software could end up with you being prosecuted. Another reason to download with caution: When you buy a game, you own it. Pirating a game isn’t as straightforward. The other reason is that most publishers simply aren’t going to want you to download their games. Instead they’ll be happy to put out a digital code when you purchase the game.
