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The continuation of the series If left as they are would give the reader the impression that once a week or so is enough to read a book. On the other hand, if the reader follows the author on Facebook, they will know that she normally publishes a book a week. matapo ya fasihi pdf download mshimbuladzi masulooma.Decked out in their own energetic personas, the “real-life superheroes” of Ruckersmith are New England heavy-lifting dynamos who have a singular purpose: to help people. These integral, always-on forces each have a different specialty that allows them to create solutions for the home and garden. Beyond that, their strength – in the lean bodybuilders who push, pull and lift, and in the smiles that direct traffic to help others – is boundless. Their “wonton” movements, their time spent in service and the support they give extend beyond the physical realm.

They are the nimblest bands in the country, team members who have all achieved greater height, breadth and distance. They have outdistanced their competitors in endurance races and triathlons, in the heat of competition, with much longer runs. They have won brownie points for having trimmed their waistlines by a few pounds, and they have earned ribbons of well-earned achievement. All that effort on the track, or in the pool or on the open road – all of it is born out of a single motivation: to help someone else.


And to help someone else. That’s the motto for the largest group of World Record Holders in the United States. At Ruckersmith Industries, a network of co-op shops that specializes in offering practical solutions to the home, they share the values of a tight-knit band. The first thing one notices upon entering the massive Ruckersmith warehouse in Falmouth is the sound: the rhythmic thud of the jackhammers and drills, the steady buzz of power tools. Then the faces come into focus – twenty or more co-workers bent over a project, nose to the woodpile, hammer in hand.


The second thing that strikes you, of course, is the laughter. A crew of sweat-tanned workers, smiling and laughing, bent over the daunting task of building a wooden chair. Even without the tools, hammer or wood, the effort itself is an act of