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The supreme court decides who the Supreme Court is. The president nominates potential SCOTUS candidates, and the Senate has two weeks to confirm them. The Senate has to at least approve of the president’s candidates, not just vote for them. Then the president nominates a 2nd candidate, who the Senate needs to approve as well. If none of the two presidents candidates are approved by the Senate then both presidents are unable to appoint SCOTUS and the next in line is replaced.

Now about the Supreme Court? The justices have to be approved by Congress. So, you can claim that the Senate has some say, but it’s not direct control. A matter of opinion.

So, what about using a Trump vs Hillary scenario?

Trump nominates…

Trump8: Well, there is the Rehnquist, Scalia and Alito-Scalia/Rehnquist. Any two of those are a majority. That being the case, I nominate Rehnquist and Alito to be our SCOTUS.

Ted Cruz is out. Any two of Cruz/Ginsburg, Cruz/Roberts, Cruz/Scalia are a majority.

Cruz8: Well, there is the Rehnquist, Scalia and Alito-Scalia/Rehnquist. Any two of those are a majority. That being the case, I nominate Roberts and Scalia to be our SCOTUS.

Now, what happens if Trump8 AND Cruz8 are confirmed?

I guess, the second Trump8 is also a tie breaker.

Now I will tell you, when I was in high school I was in a group of friends. We would all vote on who to date. I mean, we had a group vote and if nobody was voted as number one then the person with second highest vote would date the person with first highest vote. Of course, in real life, you usually only have to worry about

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Background subtraction is a necessary preprocessing step in the evaluation of applanation tonometry data. In this work we study the effects of background subtraction on the estimation of aortic stiffness from SphygmoCor waveforms. We compare the effects of three different background subtraction techniques on the estimation of aortic stiffness from a clinical dataset, consisting of three SphygmoCor recordings of 30 healthy adults. Each recording contains normal and brachial blood pressure, in which the left and right radial pulses are used as reference pulses. The results showed that the background subtraction had a significant effect on the estimation of aortic stiffness. In all three cases the background subtraction had a marked influence on the aortic stiffness estimation, with the largest errors observed for the radial tonometry and lowest for the radial-brachial tonometry. the slot slot for the template tag in the settings file you can do something like this
title : “A template plugin for the weekend”
save_as : “/some/path/title.html”

This could be a title or one of a number of other things. That template tag will then handle making a particular title for you. Now you can say
{{ article.title|snippet_slot|default:’…’ }}

And the template tag itself can have a default value for the snippet. It can be whatever it likes. This is the piece of code inside the template tag.
extends : “base/snippets/snippet_slot.html”

You can also have an optional value for article.title which should be used if the value for article.title is not present. Let’s say there’s this code instead.
{{ article.title|snippet_slot :’…’ : article.title }}

You can combine this with a template
