Identifying program bugs is only a small portion of the entire bug life-cycle. A good Bug tracking system is important to ensure that the bugs identified are provided with an effective and permanent solution.
Bug Life-Cycle (Your Bug Trail)
Bug Trail allows an easy approach to create your process flow and follow that effortlessly among the teams of test engineers, leads, developers and managers.
Attach images and other data files
Bug Trail lets you add screen shots directly from the clipboard or insert an image from a file, to any record. There is no limitation on the number of images you can add to a record. What more, you can pin point the problem area using drawing tools available. The intended user can zoom in to get a better look at the added image.
Access Control
Bug Trail supports multiple projects and multiple users. The access control mechanism allows control over the feature set as well as the projects.
Capturing System Parameters
In cases of complex applications, system parameters are key to understand the cause of a bug/defect. Often, capturing system parameters is as difficult. Bug trail makes it very easy: just select the nature of parameters desired and Bug trail does the remaining.
Output files
Bug Trail creates well formatted MS-Word/HTML output files.
Ease of Use
The 1 minute installation and 5 minute setup ease reduces the learning curve and makes it easy to work with.
Filters / Reports
With Bug Trail, statistics are easy to get. Bug Trail has a comprehensive filtering capability to generate the required data in its Defect List Reporter.
The Defect List reporter also provides the facility to Search for Text Strings in the data being displayed in the Grid. Bug Trail’s Analysis tool provides a graphical representation of the data in the form of charts, which can be generated after filtering the data.







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Following are the words which best represents the nature of work performed by us.

The BugTrail tool provides all necessary monitoring features and reports that an application team can use to follow and manage their testing activities. BugTrail can also be used as a test-case manager for testers. In fact, BugTrail can be considered as a test-case manager in which the team can create test-cases, assign test-case category, and track the progress, cost, and failures of the tests in a specific test-case. All the team members will get immediate notification of any changes that takes place in the test-case.

BugTrail is designed to work across multiple applications. It will help any team of testers to collect and track defects and their values. It also provides configuration options to generate different reports and views for the different client teams.


Based on successful pilot projects with over 10 clients across various geographies, the tool scope has been defined to be


1. A set of web based tools to collect and manage defects and tracking the progress of the work is provided.
2. The tool is easy to set up and thus provides very little set up time and effort, while the tool provides a smooth run for the users.
3. The tool is also highly customizable and supports multiple languages.


1. The work order/test-case wizard takes care of capturing all the necessary information which makes it easy to perform in a rapid manner.
2. The tool provides a easy to setup dashboard and a a “Do-It-Yourself” approach for those who are interested in automating the whole process and want to maintain their own dashboards.
3. The tool is deployed in a “PAAS” Model where the user can setup an “app on your own instance” of the tool.
4. BugTrail provides “Content Management” capabilities similar to other content management tools like WordPress and Joomla.
5. Tool was created to be highly Agile since the tool is designed to be non-proprietary with an open source license.


1. Helps to reduce the defect count and provide a better view of the test cases.
2. Tool helps in getting a better view of the defects and understanding their impact.
3. With this, it helps to reduce the need of manual data and come up with a more informed

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The prototype of Bug Trail is an IIT Delhi project with an aim to enable testing teams to capture details of multiple defects for a particular application. It is primarily used to create the RFI, RFQ for defects.
The Bug Trail is also used by test engineers and testers from various industry verticals such as Pharmaceuticals, Construction, Financial services etc.
Industry Verticals:
BPO, Software testing, Defects Management, Various Product Bodies & Educational Institutes, Various Pharmaceutical & Biotech Firms, Defence & Training Bodies, Research Institutes, Electronic Product Designing Firms, Defence, Public Works, Insurance Companies, Various Agencies, Electronics Firms, Various Bank Firms, Software Development, Various Manufacturing Companies, E-learning Firms, E-governance agencies, Various law firms, Various Research Institutes, Universities, Various Public & Private Bodies, Textiles & Apparel, Construction, Financial, Advertising Agencies, Retail, Pharma, Not-for-profit organizations etc.
Directions and Technologies Used:
Bug Trail is implemented on Microsoft Windows.
Use of Language:
The English language only.
Bug Trail has been live for about 3 months. There is a lot of additional feature requirements to the platform. Bug Trail is in alpha stage and it is under testing. The first version is available at
Additional Information:
Bug Trail is a project at IIT Delhi and it is in an alpha stage currently.Apology not accepted: Visvesvaraya on 4 February 1961 remark

The Government of India has denied a claim of a top official of the Indian Railways that the Railway Minister, Mr Y.B. Chavan, had “apologised” to him over the 4 February 1961 comments in Parliament on the Kurukshetra Express.

According to his claim, Mr Visvesvaraya had been waiting outside the Railway Guest House in New Delhi where he had gone to drop his wife to the airport when Mr Chavan came out accompanied by other ministers. Mr Visvesvaraya said he understood that Mr Chavan had met him at the airport as he was also going for a flight to Allahabad after being called by the Prime Minister.

But in his “confidential report” to the Home Ministry, submitted through his private secretary, he has recorded the “agony of Mr Chavan and embarrassment of the other ministers who heard him make

Bug Trail WorkGroup Activation Code

Bug Trail is a web-based defect tracking system which is intended to complement existing defect management systems. It has been designed to be user friendly and much simpler to use than these tools. It has been specifically created for use by software development teams, and it incorporates the following features:
Ease of use
Information capture
Capturing system parameters
Analysis reports
Integration with other web based systems and document management systems
Reporting features
Integration with Confluence wiki
Bug Tracking System
Project Features
Bug Trail is also a Project Management tool which provides features such as:
Task Assignments
Bug Tracking
Project & Bug Details
Bug Reports
Bug Trading
Report Results



Bug Tracking System



March 2012

Modo is a personal information manager, that allows project management, time management, and task management. Modo is available for Windows and Mac OS X. Modo is a free open source project released under the GPL v3. The development of Modo began at the Fondation Inria in France.
Bug Tracking System
The Bug Tracking System provides an easy way to manage the bugs by the teams. It provides good interoperability with all the team member devices.
Project Features
Project feature allows the users to create customised project templates.
Checklists feature allows the user to set and track customised set of steps in their projects.
Closed Tasks/Issues
Closed issues help us to handle the defects. Each tasks can be closed. It can be directed to other. The best thing about it is that all the open issues can be viewed from their links. This allows us to immediately see the severity of the problem reported by the users.
Task & Status List
The Task & Status List is also a handy feature. It lets the users to check the tasks/issues. It can track the status of the task easily.
Newest Issues


Activity Feedback for Tracking Bugs




Full Features




November 2011

Todoist is a to-do list application for personal and team use, Todoist was the winner of the 2011 Jingle All the Way! Android Challenge. Todoist is a collaborative task management application. To do lists can be created and assigned tasks assigned to other users. A user

What’s New In Bug Trail WorkGroup?

Bug Trail is an app that provide teams easy access to bug data. Bug Trail includes functions that simplify capturing bug information, creating reports, analyzing defects and managing projects. Bug Trail also supports multi-team collaboration which keep information in sync and build relationships between your teams. Bug Trail is a complete solution for all Test or Developer roles in the organisation.
BugTrail product features:

Easily Capturing Bug Information

Visualize Data

Create & Analyse Reports

Manage Projects

Collaborate with multiple teams
BugTrail is an easy to use, elegant, professional bug tracker that is built for developers, testers and engineers alike.
BugTrail works by creating a database that includes a listing of defects. This is called a “Bug List”. A Bug List is made up of “Tasks” or bugs. Each task is an entry in the bug list with an ID, title, description, author, status, priority, etc. BugTrail makes it easy to create, locate, edit and link to tasks, including each of those links to related bugs.
BugTrail helps you manage the bug life-cycle. You can start, track and resolve bugs fast.
BugTrail is a popular tool among developers and testers, allowing them to collaborate easily on bugs.
BugTrail is used in several companies, including Philips, 3M and RIM, and is used by a wide variety of applications including G5 and Android.
BugTrail is an all-in-one desktop solution, available as a stand-alone or as a web plug-in.
BugTrail is fully web based, so there is no installation or maintenance required. It works on Mac or Windows, using a browser and web server.
BugTrail is the right tool for your organization when you need:

Easy Access to Bug Information

Visualize Data

Create Reports

Manage Projects

Connect to Multiple Teams
The Bug Trail WorkGroup product is geared towards increasing the productivity and improving the quality of life of any group or project. It can be used by new teams to get their start and by teams that wish to improve. Users can work together on bugs or provide internal or external communication with a clear workflow.
BugTrail is a leader in the Software Testing field, often recognised by its partners as a vendor of choice.

System Requirements:

OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7, OS X 10.6 or later
Processor: AMD Athlon XP or better with 256 MB of RAM (Windows Vista and 7)
Memory: 512 MB of RAM (Windows Vista and 7)
Graphics: OpenGL 3.0 capable
DirectX: Version 9.0c compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7
Hard Drive: 2 GB of free space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9 and Windows 7. Must be able to support a sample rate of 44.1 kHz.