AutoCAD Crack+ Free Download PC/Windows

To date, over 3.5 million copies of AutoCAD Cracked Version have been sold.

How it’s used

AutoCAD is the design and drafting software of choice for architects, engineers, drafters, CAD managers and team leaders in many industries, including architecture, industrial design, manufacturing, construction, landscape architecture and civil engineering. It’s also a popular choice for students who learn at home and at school.

AutoCAD was originally a desktop app, but later incorporated features that make it useful for mobile devices.

Key Features

Create and edit 2D vector drawings

3D models and videos

Draft and annotate 2D designs and specifications

Import and export CAD data

Assign, comment, set and save annotations

Create and print drawings and prints

Work with AutoCAD and other software

Produce barcodes, labels and other forms of printouts

Work with Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and Unix platforms

AutoCAD Lite is a free version of AutoCAD available in the Microsoft App Store, Amazon Appstore and Google Play. This version has limited functions, such as layer support and workspaces, but can be used to create and edit AutoCAD drawings. The full-featured version is available for a yearly subscription.

Actions and commands

AutoCAD offers dozens of commands and actions that are available to the user. Some of these actions are used for moving, selecting and other operations on a drawing, and others are commands to perform actions on the software itself, such as creating a new drawing, saving a project, or opening an existing drawing.

Commands are available from the main menu of the program and from the AutoCAD taskbar, or “action bar” on the bottom of the screen. A handful of basic commands are available at the menu bar. You can access other commands through the keyboard, but these are not as simple as using the menu or action bar. When you want to work with a command that isn’t available, you can use the commands panel. The commands panel is not as rich as the menu and action bar, but it’s very simple to use.

Tools and software

AutoCAD offers a toolbox containing dozens of drawing, drafting and 3D modeling tools that are available for free. The default installation of AutoCAD comes with the following tools:



AutoCAD was first released on 1 October 1987 as AutoCAD 1.0. It is the first fully featured computer-aided design (CAD) system for drawing 2D and 3D drawings.

AutoCAD was originally available for the Amiga, Atari ST and Macintosh computers. It was also available as a DOS application for IBM PC compatible computers. Starting in 1998, AutoCAD was also available for Microsoft Windows.

AutoCAD was originally bundled with AutoCAD LT. It was later incorporated into AutoCAD 2000, and became the base for AutoCAD 2008, AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2009. AutoCAD LT 2010 added the ribbon design, which became the default on AutoCAD 2010.

The pre-release version of AutoCAD LT 2009 was called “AutoCAD 2009”.

AutoCAD LT 2012 is available for Microsoft Windows.

In April 2017, Autodesk released AutoCAD 2017.

AutoCAD has three main uses:
Engineers use it to design buildings, bridges, roads, cars and any other engineered structures.
Architects use it to design homes, schools, office buildings and any other architectural projects.
Graphic designers use it to design logos, posters, business cards, stationery and any other artwork.

AutoCAD is primarily used in two ways. The first is for 2D drawing. A 2D drawing consists of layers. Each layer may be blank (i.e., white) or have one or more blocks and lines. Layers may be grouped together to make a drawing. The second is for 3D drawings. There are three types of 3D shapes: solids, surfaces, and polylines.

As an architectural product, AutoCAD can also be used to create architectural layouts. In this situation, AutoCAD is used to create “plant diagrams”, drawings of the construction elements of a building.

AutoCAD 2010 and later use the right click mouse button.

Version history
Version history of AutoCAD in different languages:

See also

AutoCAD Architecture


External links

AutoCAD news, presentations and blogs at Autodesk (as of December 2010)

Category:1987 software
Category:3D graphics software
Category:3D graphics software for Windows
Category:1987 establishments in California

AutoCAD Crack+ Activation Code With Keygen

Go to ‘Start>Programs>Autodesk>Autocad 2010’.
Run ‘Autocad’.
Select ‘Autocad Template’ from the menu bar.
Click ‘Select File’.
Select the ‘userkey.dat’ file from the file system.
Click ‘Open’.
Autocad will ask you to enter your Autodesk registered e-mail address.
Click OK.

Open Autocad and click on ‘More > Preferences’.
Click on the ‘User settings’ tab.
Click on the ‘userkey.dat’ tab.
Click on ‘Browse’ and select the ‘userkey.dat’ file.
Click ‘OK’.
Click on ‘User key’.
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘OK’.

The ‘userkey.dat’ file is now installed and ready to be used.

NOTE: Autocad now can read the ‘userkey.dat’ file to verify that the registration worked.

NOTE: You must uninstall ‘userkey.dat’ before you can install the new version of ‘userkey.dat’.

To uninstall:

Open Autocad and click on ‘More > Preferences’.
Click on the ‘User settings’ tab.
Click on the ‘userkey.dat’ tab.
Click on ‘Remove’ and then ‘Ok’.

To install a new ‘userkey.dat’ file:

Open Autocad and click on ‘More > Preferences’.
Click on the ‘User settings’ tab.
Click on the ‘userkey.dat’ tab.
Click on ‘Browse’ and select the ‘userkey.dat’ file.
Click ‘Open’.
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘Ok’.

NOTE: If you decide to uninstall the Autocad Autocad ‘userkey.dat’ file, be sure to re-install the previous version before you reinstall the ‘userkey.dat’ file.


What’s the impact of numpy arrays in term of speed?

I’m doing a lot of work with numpy arrays. I notice that one of my biggest bottlenecks is array operations, especially element-wise operations. For example, the following code:
from numpy import linalg
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_raises

def test_norm():
A = np.array([[1.0

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

The Import tool, part of the New Markup toolset, makes it easy to incorporate feedback into your designs. Simply load the marker file and you’re ready to start the markup process.

The Markup tool in AutoCAD, part of the Standard toolset, is designed to speed up the application of feedback for drafts and to help you incorporate feedback into your designs. The tool will scan paper and PDF files for markers, and automatically add the markers to the drawing.

The Markup tool can quickly scan paper and PDFs in two ways, depending on the type of marker you have available. If the marker is in a placeable format (such as a vinyl or wood marker), the tool will automatically make a link, which can be shared and worked on from other CAD tools. If the marker is in a markerless format, such as a hand-written or paper-based note, the marker will be automatically imported.

An additional new tool in the Markup toolset is Markup Assist, a tool that allows you to apply feedback from either the AutoCAD Graphics window, or the Preferences dialog. (video: 1:14 min.)

General Enhancements:

Autosave files, whether they are in the same folder or on a network, using the folder-level “AutoSaveEvery” feature. (video: 1:29 min.)

Provide “AutoShare” access for software such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, and others to your AutoCAD drawings. Allow your drawings to automatically be shared to these accounts.

Easily share files across the Internet or other file sharing protocols such as FTP, HTTP, SMB, FTP, and SFTP.

Continue working on your drawing while it is shared.

In the Standard toolset, the Beam toolset has been reorganized for easier access and improved performance.

New alphanumeric comments feature: in the Layers palette, you can toggle comments and comments that are generated in other toolset dialogs on or off, and add comments to the command that generated them.


Convert classic ISO 17214:2004 measurement units to metric units.

This allows you to more easily reuse measurement units between 2D and 3D drawings.

Measure and scale:

Enter measurements for the values specified in the Units

System Requirements:

– OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
– Processor: Core i3 3.4GHz or higher
– Memory: 6GB RAM
– Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
– Hard Disk Space: 2GB free space
– Network: Broadband Internet connection
– Processor: Core i5 2.7GHz or higher
– Memory: 8GB RAM
– Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760