AutoCAD 20.0 Crack+ Free [Updated-2022]

Features of AutoCAD include a command-line editor, a menu-driven user interface, and a featureset of support tools for 2D and 3D drafting, drawing, and layout. A wide range of resources are available to help AutoCAD users, from online tutorials and manuals to AutoCAD Xpress to free AutoCAD-only websites and blogs. AutoCAD is available in English, Japanese, Italian, German, Spanish, French, and Czech, and is supported by Autodesk software partners in over 200 countries.

The AutoCAD family also includes other tools, such as AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD Architecture, and AutoCAD Map 3D, a free application for creating maps with data layers.



AutoCAD was originally named Estudio, while the “R” in “AutoCAD” is the “R” in the Latin for “write” (autographos). The term AutoCAD refers both to the AutoCAD software program, and to the initials of the software’s developers, Autodesk.

Development History

AutoCAD was originally developed for use with the AutoCAD family of drawing software programs. With the first version of AutoCAD in November 1983, Autodesk was the first company to sell CAD software in the personal computer market, and AutoCAD was designed as a commercial desktop application running on home computers with integrated graphics chips.

Autodesk’s first CAD product was released in November 1982 as a small application for the Apple II and the TRS-80 Model III series of microcomputers. AutoCAD was redesigned and expanded over the next two years, and became available on mainframe computers and minicomputers, operating on Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems. In 1985, the first release of AutoCAD for the IBM PC was released, and the following year Autodesk released a follow-up, AutoCAD II, which allowed users to design two-dimensional plans.

In 1987, the first version of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh was released. That same year, Autodesk acquired the French company Blue-Cat Software, and released AutoCAD in 1988 on the Microsoft Windows operating system. The following year, AutoCAD was introduced for the first time on IBM mainframe computers, running on the OS/VS. AutoCAD 1988 was released for the Apple Macintosh in 1989

AutoCAD 20.0 Crack PC/Windows

AutoCAD Crack includes in its permanent memory a database of registered users that can be used to access some of the data and features of the program.

See also
List of AutoCAD Torrent Download programs
Comparison of CAD editors for Unix and Linux


Further reading

External links

Autodesk Exchange Apps and Add-on Applications

Category:2002 software
Category:3D graphics software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Linux
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:CAD software for Linux
Category:CAD software for Windows
Category:CAD software
Category:Graphics software



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Recommended for ages 8 to 110.The present invention relates generally to a process for making a hose and particularly to a method of making a flexible foam hose having a helical reinforcement.
In the past, one method of making flexible foam hose, such as of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,686,985 issued Aug. 29, 1972 to R. W. Schutta, incorporated herein by reference, has been to feed a flexible tube of foam material onto a helical wire from a supply reel and pass the tube around the wire to form a helical tube. This process, however, has not been satisfactory. As shown in the patent, to form the tube in the manner described requires first the making of a helical tube and then the attachment of the tube of foam to the wire by means of an adhesive. This is both a tedious process and one which has proved to be problematical in that the foam tube is often distorted in the procedure and not properly aligned with the wire to permit the

AutoCAD 20.0 Crack + Download [April-2022]

Step 3
Start autocad and connect the serial number (keygen) to the extension file of Windows.

Step 4
The process will start.

Step 5
Save the output of the file on the disk.

Step 6


How to call controller function from WebAPI 2.0 Api action?

I am using Web API 2.0.In one of my API action method,I want to call controller method using attribute. I have used model binding as below.
public IActionResult Createproject(string projectName)
var projectDto = projectService.CreateProject(projectName);
return Ok(projectDto);

I am facing problem with $.ajax. Is there any way that I can call controller function directly from my api action.

public IActionResult Createproject(string projectName)
var projectDto = projectService.CreateProject(projectName);
//HERE I WANT TO CALL MY CONTROLLER FUNCTION(Lets Say CreateprojectController)
return Ok(projectDto);


public class CreateprojectController

public void Createproject(string projectName)
//Get DATA here


Basically you should create a class and make it a custom attribute (say, you can name it WebApiActionAttribute), and make the method an action (you can make it an internal method). In this class, you need to override the GetHttpMethod, then you can call the method in your controller, with [WebApiAction] around your method:
public class WebApiActionAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
protected override void GetHttpMethod(Http

What’s New in the?

Markup Assist provides a number of features designed to streamline the mark-up process. Once you’ve created your document in AutoCAD, you can use Markup Assist to rapidly create or add annotations that are displayed on a drawing in real time. Markup Assist lets you include hyperlinks to reference documents, embedded diagrams, and other AutoCAD data that can be viewed directly from your drawing.

Markup Assist highlights the current marker, so you can see where your annotations are positioned in relation to the drawing. Use this information to quickly determine whether your annotations are in the correct place and fit with the surrounding geometry.

Save time and effort by eliminating the need to edit your drawings multiple times. You can add comments and other annotations directly to your drawing without having to repeatedly open or create another drawing.

Once your design is complete, import the results into AutoCAD by simply dragging and dropping a PDF or a paper drawing directly from your desk or into the Autodesk Vault. The file can be stored in the Autodesk Vault, which allows you to work on the file from any device.

Define your very own user interface and skin in AutoCAD for enhanced collaboration. Create a new interface or update existing skins to provide additional, new functionality.

“AutoCAD is among the most important and popular computer-aided drafting programs in use today. 2023’s release of AutoCAD 2020 for Mac marks its first appearance on a Mac computer,” said Vincent Louie, AutoCAD product manager. “The two operating systems complement each other very well, so we’re pleased to offer the first comprehensive drawing program for both Mac and Windows users.”

Design Quality:

AutoCAD 2023 comes with new high-quality rendering tools that automatically create shadows, reflections, and materials to bring your 3D models to life.

You can also add a layer of transparency to your models to indicate the visibility of each part of the design. Get precise control over transparency and layer rendering, ensuring that the rendering is accurate and consistent.

Transparency can also be used to design your 3D models in an interactive environment. Through transparency, you can place 3D geometry in the background while still allowing the model to be clearly visible.

Also available in the product is a new Interactable Component tool that allows you to interact with 3D models without

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

DirectX 9.0c compatible
Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7
Minimum System Specifications:
Windows Vista or Windows 7
Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements: