Helix Patch Generator, also known as HelixPG was developed as a semi-random patch generator for the Audjoo Helix virtual synthesizer.
It loads the Audjoo Helix virtual synth, and generates random patches for it by setting its parameters via the VST API. The randomness of the patch, and the subset of parameters the generator affects can be controlled by the user.
The program also provides utility functions like copying oscillators, envelopes or filters between patches, clearing the modulation matrix, or generating new sequencer patterns aligned to semitones.









Helix Patch Generator License Keygen

Helix Patch Generator (HelixPG) is a VST plugin for generating semi-random patches for the Audjoo Helix virtual synthesizer. It generates patches by changing the parameters of the synth using the VST API. It can also choose to change only a subset of parameters affecting the resulting patch, if you prefer using this method instead of just randomly changing all the parameters (more patches are generated by changing all parameters instead of a subset).
The patch itself is generated by randomly setting the volume, modulation matrix (lows, highs, luma, chroma) and waveforms of all the oscillators, envelopes and filters. The type of attack, decay, sustain and modulation of the envelopes, the left and right depth of the stereo effect of the filters, as well as the switch between stereo and mono, are also determined randomly. The number of random cycles determining when the envelopes and filters are touched (add decay) is also set to random, so you cannot get the same patch repeatedly from one run of the program, even if the same amount of time is set.
There are two modes to choose between, depending on how much of the parameter changes you want to control. The first one is the classic mode, where the patch is generated by changing all parameters of the synth, and only a subset is changed when the user chooses to do so. The second one is a random mode, where a selectable subset of parameters is changed to generate a new patch. The user can choose between one of 10 preset subgroups. These subgroups are: Drum instruments, Synth sounds, Bass sounds, Lofi, Chiptune, Vibratos, Basses, Waveshapes, Effects, SFX
The program can also help in keeping the Helix organized by generating patterns in a specific key for easier copy and paste. On top of that, it offers functions like copying envelopes, oscillators, filters, and 2 additional functions: a function for generating 8 semi-random patterns, and a function to create a new patch in the key of 1.
More Functionality:
– Generate patches for Audjoo Helix
– Generate patches with parameter choice
– Generate semi-random patterns for Audjoo Helix
– Generate new patches in the key of 1
– Copy envelope, oscillator, and filter data between patches
– Clear the modulation matrix
– Clear all pattern values (all notes off)
– Generate a new sequencer pattern

Helix Patch Generator Crack + With License Code (Updated 2022)

Based on how the Audjoo Helix virtual synth is built, and how you define a patch, the patch generator does not have any external loops or “souped up” features.
Hence it is designed to be non-intrusive. No configuration files need to be edited manually. As long as the patch uses a VST synth, it should work.
How it works:
Helix Patch Generator uses a basic patch generator. It uses the Audjoo Helix virtual synth to generate semitones aligned “linear” patterns for the modulation matrix. Helix Patch Generator provides the following controls to tune these linear patterns:

Shift patterns by semitones
Width (number of semitones)
Lane (starting at which semitone)
The “Shift” mode and “Width” controls are tightly linked, and affect the same range of the matrix. As the Width value increases, the patterns will be shifted by increasing semitones towards the right (for the “Shift” mode) or towards the left (for the “Width” mode).
The Lane controls are also linked. As the Lane value increases, a wider range of semitones will be processed.
All patterns are generated in a quadratic sequence, using the global modulator and the modulation matrix.
How to use Helix Patch Generator:
Helix Patch Generator runs as a VST plug-in (in windows), and as a command line application (in linux).
It also requires the Audjoo Helix virtual synth to be installed.
1. Patch generator control:
The control panel for Helix Patch Generator looks like this:

2. Shift patterns:
Shift patterns are commonly used to define more complex patterns. Patterns can be shifted, and the lane in which they start defined.
3. Width:
The Width parameter controls how wide the linear patterns are.
4. Lane:
The Lane parameter controls which semitone range is processed. The default range is all semitones (as one part of a 4-voice synth), and as such is suited for the “Shift” mode.
5. Modulation matrix offset:
The Modulation matrix offset parameter controls the distance between the generated matrix pattern and the default matrix pattern (with all channels disabled).
When the matrix is shifted, the vectors are shifted in opposite directions.
If no lane is specified, the lane set as current at patch creation is used.
6. Save pattern:

Helix Patch Generator Crack [Updated]

HelixPG is a semi-random patch generator for the Audjoo Helix virtual synthesizer. It loads the Audjoo Helix virtual synth, and generates random patches for it by setting its parameters via the VST API. The randomness of the patch, and the subset of parameters the generator affects can be controlled by the user.
The program also provides utility functions like copying oscillators, envelopes or filters between patches, clearing the modulation matrix, or generating new sequencer patterns aligned to semitones. HelixPG Free Download

Patch Rotator, also known as Patch Rotator, Patch Sequence, Patch Matrix or Callibro is a unique software that is compatible with various DAW, Virtual Studio Technology (VST) and Audio Units (AU) music program applications.
It rotates the selected patch for a preview on the host’s screen. The patches can be cycled through by changing the sequencer’s step speed. Rotating the patches makes it easy to show or hide them.
You can load and save your own patches in any format, and save the current patch sequence in any format too.
Patch Rotator: an application that allows you to rotate through patches for preview.
Save/Load current patch in or from any file format.
Callibro is a unique software that is compatible with various DAW, Virtual Studio Technology (VST) and Audio Units (AU) music program applications.
You can load and save your own patches in any format, and save the current patch sequence in any format too.

Patch Matrix Generator, also known as Patch matrix Generator, Patch Matrix, Patch Generator or Callibro is a unique software that is compatible with various DAW, Virtual Studio Technology (VST) and Audio Units (AU) music program applications.
It randomly creates a patch matrix template and then fills it with random patches. The patches can be cycled through by changing the sequencer’s step speed.
You can load and save your own patches in any format, and save the current patch sequence in any format too.
Patch Matrix: an application that randomly creates a patch matrix template and then fills it with random patches.
Save/Load current patch in or from any file format.
Callibro is a unique software that is compatible with various DAW, Virtual Studio Technology (VST) and Audio Units (AU) music program applications.
You can load and save your own patches in any format, and

What’s New In?

In its simplest form Helix Patch Generator behaves just like a binary search search for minimization.
It works by trying to find a pattern (or set of patterns) in a database of known good patches.
If a match is found it displays the patch in the viewport. If a match is not found it increments the search step, by first trying the next possible value, then the previous value of the database, then the database itself.
It can then be simply used to randomly generate a large set of patches.
It can also be used to create a search pattern. By looping through the database and incrementing the search step by either 1/3, 1/3 or 2/3 the algorithm will converge on a particular search pattern.
Basic Usage:
– Click the “Generate Patches” button to start the process.
– The program will search the database for a set of patches that are identical to the currently selected preset.
– If one set is found it will be displayed.
– If more than one is found they will all be displayed.
– You can clear the search pattern by clicking the Clear button.
– When a pattern is found the program will save it to a file and exit.
– To view a pattern selected in a preset, just double-click in the viewport.
– To start over, use the “Search” button.
– To generate a set of patches to a particular search pattern, click the “From Preset” button.
– You can select the number of patches to generate by entering a value in the “Number of Patches” field.
– Once you have set the desired number of patches the program will start to generate them.
– Patches will be generated until the program has reached the desired number of patches.
– Patches are generated in ascending order of the search step and are added to the active patch list.
– Patches are generated in either ascending or descending order based on the search step.
– The order of the search step determines which patches are generated first.
– The order of the search step determines which patches are generated first.
– If you select a “From Preset” button while the program is generating patches you will generate a set of random patches to a set of patches generated in the preseter.
– If you want the generated patches to be generated in a particular order use the “Use Preset” button.
– You can then select a patch in the

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Dual Core Processor
Memory: 1 GB
Storage: 300 MB available space
Graphics: 1024 × 768 display, 32-bit DirectX 9-compatible card
Other: 1-day free trial version
Processor: Intel Quad Core Processor
Memory: 4 GB
Graphics: 1280 × 1024 display, 32-bit DirectX 9-compatible card
Other: Advanced options, 32-bit
