Defeat all the enemies on your way to the goal. This is a fast and simple game, easy to play and simple to learn. Just tap on the screen where you want to launch your energy arrow. Aim and launch! The more you play, the easier it gets!

– Easy to play and fun to play
– Easy to control your energy arrow
– 15 challenging levels
– Various items and power-ups
– Game Center support with leaderboard

You are kidnapped and locked up in a fortress. The only way to escape from the prison is to find and defeat the guards that have the key to unlock the cell door!

Use the weapons to attack your enemies and the environment to block off their paths and get past. Blow them to bits and run like crazy!


Your mission as the prisoner is to escape from the prison and reach the goal. To make it easier for you the guards have taken away the keys. So use the weapons to defeat the enemy, blow them up and run away!


With the weapons you can block the guards, throw them around, blow them up and run away from the danger. You can carry only one weapon at a time, when you throw it, it will disappear to make the guard run after it. You can use it against the other guards as well, blast them to bits and run away like a madman.

You can find and use the grenades to throw bombs at the guards and blow them up. You can also use the power-up items to make everything easier like bombs that explode faster, bombs that explode when you throw it and you can use them to make your runs through the fortress easier.

There are also scattered around the fortress a lot of coins. When you defeat a guard you will get a coin, when you get a coin you will get extra life points.


The game has a retro feel to it, with it’s great presentation and and stellar gameplay. This game was a lot of fun for me to play and it’s really cute to see how you can blow up the guards with a well placed bullet. The effect on screen of the bombs exploding and the explosions was really awesome!

The user interface and game mechanics themselves were very easy to learn and use which helped me learn how the game worked very quickly.

I love the villains from the movie and the weapons you get to use as well


NALOGI Features Key:

  • Save game state (possibly including progress) to disk
  • Automatically resumes the game if it ends prematurely
  • Controls and finishes are fully configurable

If you experience any problems with game keys, here are some resources to help you:

  • For issues with Steam: Contact support
  • For issues with Contact support
  • IRC channel: #gamekeys on IRC


NALOGI Crack + [Win/Mac]

The hero leads his team into many intergalactic challenges, none of which are easy, but if one team member dies, the others will join the Dark Lord. The hero needs to keep everybody alive.

NALOGI is a fantasy-themed, turn-based RPG with roguelike elements.

The game started development in April 2015.

NALOGI officially released on February 28, 2019.

●? A new update is added daily and includes new features, a bug-fix, and improvements.

NALOGI is a free game


Email: [email protected]

Fork & Fork: [email protected]

Bug Reports & Requests: [email protected]

FAQs: [email protected]



Offline Mode:

✔ New report system

✔ New character progress report

✔ New map update report

✔ New town report

✔ New quest report

✔ New battle report

✔ New bug report

Offline mode also includes various game states such as: New report system (You’re logged out when you die, thus NALOGI won’t be able to inform you of a failed mission and report your death).

New character progress report:

This report helps to notify you of your character’s level and progress.

New map update report:

New towns and new towns’ update reports:

NALOGI also includes various town reports such as: New town report, New quest report, New battle report, and new bug report.


Offline Character Transfer:

Now, you can transfer your offline character into the online game.

There are 2 ways of offline character transfer: the first way is to enter the password of your offline character, and then you can transfer your offline character using the password you’ve set in the game.

The second way is that you download the character files in offline mode. Then you can go to the `Download` menu, and select to transfer your offline character.



✔ New maps


NALOGI Crack + Free PC/Windows 2022 [New]

Click Here!
You can help her out, so she can have her college fund. I have changed her to suit your needs because she wants to mature and have someone of her caliber to take charge of her as she has done for you.
Beneath her feelings are also that she has you in her grip and that is why she is so dominant and cold.
She’s There if you want her, but She’s There if you want to make the choice.
My members is so nice.
And, you know that.
I’m not really that way, but I remember your ways, and I need it to be the same for her.
I know you care, but my personality is known, and I can’t convey to you, as I do with my many other members, my true affection and love.
And that’s in the game.
You need to update in-game.
You know, just to keep the real-life feeling.
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A big thank you goes to George for the English Editing!
She needs to be the professor that she is if you want to win, but there is no harm in using it, if you don’t want to be serious.
Your reputation will suffer, and she needs the money.
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