Download Setup + CrackDOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Download Setup + CrackDOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)



Dawn of the Dwoerg, an adventure for four to five level 7 player characters, has been adapted for the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, published by Wizards of the Coast. The new edition of DAWN OF THE DWARG is compatible with the third edition of Dungeons and Dragons (and therefore requires an existing Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition character to play the character classes and monsters found in Dawn of the Dwoerg) but is not compatible with Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition (Dungeon Masters may wish to refer to DAWN OF THE DWARG or read the third edition rules).
Players in search of an exciting story about role-playing, adventure, and epic fights around the world can benefit from Dawn of the Dwoerg.
IMPORTANT: Your purchase of DAWN OF THE DWARG includes the same free digital version available to all existing Fantasy Grounds 2 users. Do not download your own copy. For more information, see the Fantasy Grounds 2 website
This product is a complete “stand-alone” adventure.
Product Type: Interactive Tutorial
File Size: 198mb

***IMPORTANT!*** When downloading this product, you will be redirected to the Fantasy Grounds 2 website.
This digital download is provided as a convenience for all current Fantasy Grounds 2 users. If you do not purchase this product from our website, you will not be able to access it.


This product includes two versions of the adventure: the main base adventure (799mb) and a version containing four optional support quests and a 756mb version without the optional quests.



A 5th edition compatible adventure for four to five level 7 player characters

Wizards of the CoastReview by RyanNEOGamer


Shattered Heart Adventure Path – The Temple of Jewels and Mirrors (5E) is an adventure that mostly takes place in and around the Dwoerg city of Stoneroot, a city of importance for the history of Picollo. A band of five brave companions are about to embark on a journey that will require much preparation and put the future of Picollan society at risk. I highly recommend this adventure if you like 5th edition and MMORPGs.

Installation & Set Up

FantastyGemsReview by Jove82


Great for new players or 5th edition and if you like role playing games like Final


Features Key:

  • New Set: Ankenorth, the forgotten and rebelled world. Set in a lush jungle wilds, with one of the most resplendent cities in the world
  • New Monsters, NPCs, items and magic
  • New Storylines make the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors the premier location in Ankenorth
  • New Players! New Clans! New Settlements!
  • New Items and Magic elements all of the Kindred are melting into the background of life in Ankenorth!

Product Description

The Temple of Jewels and Mirrors is an epic adventure, the premier location in the Ankenorth setting and your new home. You can set up day one in the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors:

  • Start a new adventure and campaign set where the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors once stood.
  • Set up your characters and gear in the comforting and finely detailed interior of the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors
  • Become the Noble House, and learn the origins of the epic and harmful conflict that destroyed the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors
  • Fantasy Grounds’ 5E Legendary Edition is a new gaming platform where you can deliver epic heroic fantasy gaming. Players and GMs alike will find Legendary editions to be a great gaming environment.


Fantasy Grounds – 5E: Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple Of Jewels And Mirrors Crack + Latest

The fifth edition compatible adventure for four to five level 7 player characters (as presented in the PHB).
This path introduces the fearsome Zagnatti, the revived Devotees of the Four Hearts, and the ancient threat that continues to plague the tiny city of Stoneroot.
The dangerous times have returned to Picollo and a city-state once again lies in the crosshairs of a malevolent deity.
Richly detailed relationships with recurring NPCs.
The race of the Zagnatti, the Devotees of the Four Hearts and their most sinister fey allies.
The player’s guide to the creation of the Zagnatti’s
renegade protectors and minions.
A method to track the PCs’ influence on the future development of the city of Picollo.
Notes on scaling for parties of 6 or more.

The five-part version of Warpath for PCs of level 7-10 is now available. If you missed Part 1, or are hoping to revisit some characters who had a good run in the previous adventure, this is the one for you.
T. A. Stark suggests the city of Gustaint, which was once of great importance in the Picollo wars. Her information is supplemented by information taken from a map that the PCs found on the corpse of an adventurer that had been killed during the Zagnatti wars.
It must be said that since this is an adventure that is focusing on the war between the Aghori and Zagnatti, it is difficult to find out much about that conflict, but it is clear that the Aghori have managed to defeat the Zagnatti and keep them from conquering Picollo.
The five-part adventure begins with a general overview of the city of Gustaint and its history. The history of the Aghori is also discussed, though most of it is known to the PCs from their recent exploration of Tala. After that, detailed information about the city and its surrounding region is revealed to the PCs. This includes a detailed map that includes a map of the surrounding countryside.
A number of notable individuals are profiled, including the Giardine, which is mentioned in the title of the adventure, and some of the Zagnatti allies. The background of these individuals is also discussed, as is the history of the Mage’s Guild and its influence on Gustaint.
The PCs arrive at the city, where they meet with a former employee of the Giardine who


Fantasy Grounds – 5E: Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple Of Jewels And Mirrors [Mac/Win] [April-2022]

Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple of Jewels and Mirrors is a story focused, 1-2 night adventure suitable for fourth level to sixth level characters. The players enter the temple seeking a ceremony to prepare it for the active worship of the goddess. Their entry is uninvited and unexpected. What they find will shake them deeply, perhaps even to the core. The characters are directed to a complex set of puzzles they must solve to fulfill their mission and reestablish the role the temple holds in the affairs of the city of Stoneroot. The raw power of the patrons, the mystery of the ancient threat and the power of the Goddess herself stand before these adventurers.

Also included:

Three new dragonborn, the Zagnatti: A race spawned from the mind of an alien god.New character sheets and a new “campaign” sheet for the GATE roleplaying system.New maps and encounters for the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors.A secrets of the Temple of Jewels and Mirrors, a short novella for those brave enough to read it.

Run and commit a number of successful stealth checks and jostle your way through one level of the temple without alerting the patrons.When the players locate a sleeping figure in a chamber filled with treasure, the guards, who are awakened by the noise, quickly arrive on the scene.There is a fight. The adventurers are outnumbered and outclassed but the ancient powers of the patrons are at work. If they die, the city of Stoneroot will slip back into the Dark Ages, their power over the city lost.The adventurers must destroy a noxious device before it unleashes the city’s ancient dark power.Then they must ride to the docks and find a ship that will take them home.

Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple of Jewels and Mirrors is a story focused, 1-2 night adventure suitable for fourth level to sixth level characters. The players enter the temple seeking a ceremony to prepare it for the active worship of the goddess. Their entry is uninvited and unexpected. What they find will shake them deeply, perhaps even to the core. The characters are directed to a complex set of puzzles they must solve to fulfill their mission and reestablish the role the temple holds in the affairs of the city of Stoneroot. The raw power of the patrons, the mystery of the ancient threat and the power of the Goddess herself stand before these adventurers.


What’s new in Fantasy Grounds – 5E: Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple Of Jewels And Mirrors:

    From Errata Free to the Session from Pretty Much Unplayable

    24 July 2016

    Of all the ways that 5E can be a chore to play, I don’t think any one is more irritating than the Errata. The daunting
    volume of product, the extreme inconsistency of quality and the generally muddled nature
    of the “fodder” within means the player has a lot of work to do on top of the regular
    “meat and potatoes” described in the rules.

    In my experience, Errata aren’t the most conducive to fast, easy
    games. In my skillset, fix-its are a mixed blessing. On one hand they may mean my players
    have a chance of actually succeeding in the game. On the other hand, they also
    mean there’s a chance I’m making the game less enjoyable for them. A quick example

    Something that came up in the last session of the Temple was a large map of the
    temple. With that in place, we rolled up characters and immediately saw that one player
    was missing 9 Int checks. The check in question was “Dwarven Tinkering” which
    involves rolling 2d6, taking the best of three with +1/+0 (use 3d6/3d6) and then adding
    your proficiency bonus.

    The issue was on the first try on the map the player decided they would do a sneak
    attack and simply try to pick the lock. This is contrary to the rules. You have to
    roll as though you were attacking the lock. You can’t just value the lock higher
    than the target, it has to be part of the total. In this case, the target was
    high enough (one DC) that it simply would have been easier to bash it in, but
    it’s the kind of thing you want to avoid. So the player rolls two dice (2d6)
    to break the lock, adds 1 for his proficiency bonus and then rolls three times
    with the lesser of their modified rolls (see above).

    In this case I’m happy things happened as they did. A second player kept requesting
    we roll for damage. In this case, we rolled twice. Firstly for the full attack.
    So by our logic, we were continuing to roll to damage.

    In the second case the player rolled twice, added the bonus and then never rolled
    again. Most likely they wanted to keep the dice clean


    Download Fantasy Grounds – 5E: Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple Of Jewels And Mirrors Crack With License Code For Windows


    How To Crack:

  • Unrar, 7z and PeaZip
  • Open /purchased/temple of jewels and mirrors.fgd
  • Select language: English
  • Press Play button
  • Play Game

$49 or $99, depending on amount of games played.

Play Game

Play game. Enjoy it.

If the “player’s first 25 minutes of play” end with a

Play should start and the game should start loading (for version 1.2).

The game is most likely failing to open because it has not been cracked.
The game is fairly locked down for cheaters and crackers.

Should not report this type of issue!

Please consider helping to unlock the game so we can build on top of it.

You can find the source code and how to crack the game.

Click here to download link to FFG’s unpacked download.

File size of Fantasy Grounds – 5E: Shattered Heart Adventure Path (5E): The Temple of Jewels and Mirrors for Windows is 5,833,752 bytes .

Continue to Crack Game & Locate folder where you’ve extracted game.

Open the folder.

Go to Game folder and locate the file ffglnx.exe. Delete the file ffglnx.exe and extract the crack from the.crack file. FFG may ask you for a crack when you crack first time.

If you crack the game once more or when FFG detects crack or you crack on demo version FFG may ask you to register the game.

Please read the terms and conditions for FFG’s cracked or demo version.

Go to the folder "Cracked_Game_Templates" and locate the folder "Install folder"

System Requirements:

Mac OS X:
Czech version added
This mod adds Cursor_FX support to the game. The mod allows to use the custom cursor from the Cursor_FX package. The character is made in 3DS Max 2011, so it’s compatible with this program.The mod makes 3ds max’s cursor with customization options, but it’s just for the character, it’s not compatible with any objects in the level, unfortunately,


Download Setup + CrackDOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Download Setup + CrackDOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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