Should you just keep it casual?

Are there health risks?

Yes, casual sex is risky. Since the availability of casual sex has increased dramatically and the stigma around it has been reduced, even casual sex is risky. You’ve been a slave to your hormones long enough. Get a f***ing clue and start fucking. Stop waiting around for marriage, start fucking.
Although casual sex is more risky than one-night stands, there are ways to lower those risks. Make sure to be open-minded about doing a sex tryst on a dating app, or with an older partner. Use condoms if you’re concerned about STIs. When hooking up with a new person, take care to get tested for STDs, if you’re interested in staying “casual” about it. Not all STDs are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or sex, so having sex with someone who you don’t know could be more risky than hooking up with someone you do know (especially if they’re an older partner).
When you leave a one-night stand with a new person, it’s wise to consider the source of the first date to find out whether this person is a drama queen who would spread rumors about you once they’re sick of you.
A couple dating apps, like Tinder and Bumble, make casual sex completely casual by requiring you to answer a slew of questions before confirming a match. Sure, being genuinely match with someone takes some legwork, but isn’t that the case with any dating app?
If your dating app doesn’t allow you to verify this, create a fake account of your ex’s school picture with a sad emoji. That will at least get you a few “matching” results. The matches aren’t exactly “casual,” but they’re better than nothing.
Still not sure if casual sex is right for you? Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding if casual sex is right for you.
How much time are you going to put into a casual fling? I think one of the hallmarks of casual sex is that it’s easy. It’s like buying a pair of shoes online without ever trying them on; you put on your clothes, pick the best shoes, toss them in your cart, and think of yourself as the “happiest”
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The problem with the swiping model is that it’s bringing into the mainstream a model of sex that encourages booty calls. Of course there are healthy, emotional connections to be made and capitalized on when dating, but from a purely physical standpoint, there is not an inherent value to having sex with someone you’ve just met — and who happens to be nearby. When it comes to casual sex, “I’m in bed, his penis is in me, and that’s that,” says Samantha Konzak, health educator for That makes for a pretty simple model when it comes to understanding the art of casual sex, and a very easy way to impress your hookup companions. Even if you’re using an app that facilitates hookups, it’s all about the choice of fucking versus talking.
Also keep in mind that no matter how casual a sexual encounter, if it’s your first, it will be uncomfortable for you. That said, as Andrew was well-versed in sex, the “frisson of being taken advantage of was not there.” There are many reasons for this. Physiologically, sex is an evolutionary necessity. The most basic reason that casual sex just isn’t as appealing as committing to the long haul is that it doesn’t feel as fulfilling.
It can feel like having sex with another person is about mutual power exchange: Having sex with a person you only know through a lot of online research and those sweaty, awkward, and largely silent encounters is very different from a date with someone who you’ve shared a meal with or have known for a long time.
“There’s no context to casual sex, so it’s the loneliest sexual encounter in the world,” says Konzak. “I guarantee that for most people, it’s not just another sexual encounter, it’s the first sexual encounter. It’s the first time that they’ve been taken advantage of and can’t easily wipe the sexiness off their psyche. It’s in our hormonal systems that make us feel that way.”
This is not to say that it’s impossible for casual sex to be a great experience — of course it can be, and in fact it is a good way to get to know someone, according to Inked, a service that helps service those in the military. However, being unaware of this, as described above, is a huge mistake. “A lot of people assume that it’s easy because everyone’s doing it,” says Konzak. “It can be easy for those that have