The 50 Shades of Grey Effect?
If you want the most out of your hookup — and the most out of your fling, while still being able to remain discreet — Tinder, for example, is your best bet. While OKCupid will give you access to profiles from across the globe, Tinder allows users to upload their pictures to the app — and that’s the key. With more than a decade of camera-wielding media, it’s easy to see why we expect hot pics of some of our favorite celebrities. The joke’s on us, though. The majority of users are fake. In fact, according to a 2014 study that looked at the pictures of Tinder users, nearly 25 percent are bogus. So, really, what can you expect if you’re about to bed a picture of Mariah Carey, Taylor Swift, or Amanda Bynes?
Bad decisions can come at you in a variety of ways — emotionally, financially, physically. And since casual sex can also be hook up app in itself, it’s not just your own act of procreative sexual relationships which can affect your health — the recreational drug use, unprotected sex, and lack of planning could all lead to unexpected problems in your future. That’s not to say that the incredible period of pleasure we’re talking about, however, is inherently harmful — but that you have to be aware of the possible perils.
Sometimes, the aforementioned sex with hot people may even become a sexual addiction. There has been much discussion on sexual addiction, and many of the same indicators that a relationship can become sexually compulsive are the same as an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Some of those indicators are loss of control over time, regular use, spending large amounts of time together, pushing away friends or family, having a secretive life, and more.
And the best way to know you have an addiction is to test it yourself. Check out “how to spot a sex addict” to see how to know if it’s you.
The benefits of casual sex

Casual sex has only been around for the last few decades or so, but its role in the American lifestyle as we know it has become one of the most common ways for people to have sex. Countless couples that never would have imagined being together outside the bonds of marriage are able to express their love and desire in a way that would have been impossible in the past. For many young people, casual sex can become a kind of stepping stone. For many others, though, the goal of casual
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But first things first, what is casual sex? It’s when someone without long-term relationships has sex with someone they’re not totally, deeply invested in. It can happen in a relationship. You just might not plan for it.
And while most people think that casual sex is always just a body experience, the fact is that you can hook up with someone because you’re honestly kind of into them. The appeal of casual sex lies in the fact that it feels like a game of who has the biggest balls (and who has the largest balls-ack). You might make out on a train to your first night out together or stay up until 2 a.m. singing “Circles” by Coldplay (like we’ve all done). You can know the person you’re hooking up with in detail or as little as a clean Instagram. You might have drinks, dinner, or a late-night movie and Netflix thing. Sex just happens — or doesn’t, as the case may be.
And all that said, when we think about casual sex, sex in general, and dating, here’s our take: If your goal is to be in a committed relationship, then be in one. However, if your idea of a relationship is that you have multiple casual sexual encounters with different people, then we think you’re probably on the wrong app. Don’t confuse “looking for sex” with “casual sex.” It’s not always the same thing.
How does casual sex work?
In order to talk about casual sex in a meaningful way, we need to also talk about sex, and how to have it, in a meaningful way. Because, no matter what we write about this on the internet — hookups, “casual sex,” relationships, sex, dating — there’s not going to be an answer to when it’s right, when it’s not, when to do it. And because of that, the only thing we can recommend is just to enjoy doing it with someone with whom you’re getting into something beyond the physical. That doesn’t mean that you need to have a relationship (casual or otherwise), but that you’re getting into something more than just physicality.
In fact, if you’re looking for a long-term relationship, don’t expect to get it via casual sex. We live in a society that encourages casual sex, that encourages you to turn hookups into permanent relationships. However, in reality, relationships take time and effort. Hookups, while fun and freeing and