Well, maybe. But bad is not the same as dangerous. As mentioned above, there are all sorts of potential health consequences of casual sex, which you should be aware of before going all in.
Most STDs and diseases can be transmitted via sex, whether it’s anal, vaginal, or oral. So if you’re not on birth control, and you have vaginal intercourse, you can contract an STI even if you don’t have an active infection, says sexual health expert Priscilla Kim.
“It’s because you don’t have protection,” she tells Bustle. “It’s the same reason why there’s pap smears in your routine, and we have to go for PSA and prostate screening. When you’re having vaginal intercourse, that’s when you’re most at risk.”
Your risk of contracting HPV is high if you have multiple partners. Taking birth control is a way to help reduce the risk of contracting HPV through sex. Birth control pills can even block out the virus’s modes of transmission. “Condoms don’t [confer] protection against HPV, but they can prevent the virus from sticking around in vaginal areas,” says Kim. Anal sex also holds similar risks, but this is especially the case if you haven’t properly cleaned yourself before having sex. In either case, you may contract a disease, which increases your risk of getting cervical or anal cancer later on.
Pre-sexual stress, too, is one of the most common ways in which you can contract an STI. And sex is not the only place that you might have stress. There is an emotional stress that you can experience during the hookup process, and part of that emotional stress can be stress from the inherent desire to hook up. Your overall health will determine what this stress actually does to your body, but many studies show that when you’re stressed, your levels of the stress hormone cortisol go up. Many diseases and infections are associated with high levels of cortisol, like cervical and anal cancers. While stress doesn’t cause these diseases, having them isn’t a true sign of being “healthy.”
In addition, it’s also possible to contract an STI or disease without even having sex, says Kim. Using a condom isn’t enough to protect you from these risks.
Risk of getting an STI or disease is always a possibility, whether you’re in a committed relationship or casually dating someone new. You should still be using protection, though!
If you’re going to have sex, make sure you know your
qv meaning sexually

If everyone were all self-reliant, content in their one-guy-or-girldom, you’d have a tough time convincing us that casual sex was anything but a no-brainer. But an increasing amount of evidence suggests that this singular pursuit is anything but natural. Out of all sexual acts, casual sex may be the most misunderstood, least-talked-about, and furthest from the best-case scenario. But the “thought leaders of women’s health” themselves are now issuing warnings.
In the question and answer section of Dr. Ruth’s Facebook page, there was a long thread in which a woman described all the men she’s had sex with, and the frequency with which she had sex. This was followed by a long thread where people weighed in with their views, including one contributor who claimed that sex once a week was a healthy lifestyle. As a public health official, I have no idea how to respond to this kind of comment, so I’ll let another reader take over: “Then you are completely missing the main issues,” they write. “This means that you never had a stable partner, you were promiscuous, you were mistreated, you were abused, you were desperate. Anything but what I was told to do. You were self-centered and a slut and you’re a role model to women? Shame on you.”
It makes sense that casual sex is still relatively taboo — there’s not much of a whole in it. You only have to look at the rule books for most sports for more examples of unwritten rules that simply exist because it’s the right thing to do. I’m fairly ethical when it comes to casual sex, and I’d never want to shame a person who can’t see themselves being able to date someone for any length of time. But, if you’re serious about your sex life, it’s good to have an idea about where it’s going. Casual relationships aren’t worth the risk to your long-term relationships, and someone who has been recently single should seek out a dating app specifically for people who are looking for sex only. These types of dating apps could include the casual sex friend zone, the group of women who are looking to have sex, or the male crowd who’s looking for their first sexual experience.
Keep in mind that everyone is different, and there’s no single definition of what casual sex means to you. But, if you’re talking about sex with people who aren’t your future significant other, but who you know in real
