Despite its existence, casual sex — as a cultural phenomenon — remains polarizing: Some people just never feel comfortable with it, and for others, it can be a nearly necessary evil. When it comes to the discussion of casual sex, the standard refrain is that it’s neither healthy nor detrimental for casual sex. This is largely due to casual sex’s statistical prevalence.
10 benefits of casual sex
That prevalence is not something to be taken lightly, though. Experts like Larkin and researchers at the Kinsey Institute say that over a lifetime, people who engage in casual sex tend to have significantly lower sexual dysfunctions than those who don’t — suggesting that casual sex can both facilitate healthier sex lives and potentially have positive social and emotional benefits of its own.
Not all of these benefits would even be present for all people who engage in casual sex, though. For example, in the U.S., there are still definite biases against casual sex. That lack of openness can contribute to a feeling of invisibility — and therefore, a lack of agency — for people who engage in casual sex. But there is one benefit of casual sex that none of us can deny: casual sex is a super-fun way to have sex.
Casual sex is super fun
Just because casual sex has not only been legitimized in recent years, but veritably been made the social standard, doesn’t mean that it’s always super healthy. The ubiquity of porn, media examples, and above all, the swiping model of dating apps have all contributed to a society where hookup culture can be the default — “If having sex was once taboo, not having it is today,” says Washington Post columnist Christine Emba in her book Rethinking Sex: A Provocation. This pressure to hook up can lead to having — and even seeking out — sex when you don’t really, genuinely want it.
Casual sex is totally different than swinging. Swinging, in and of itself, is a relationship-building exercise, but swinging is usually not a hookup or one-night stand. More often, the very premise is to find people who want to be with you — by choice, not necessity. Casual sex, on the other hand, is usually done for very short periods of time, and rarely does casual sex have relationship components (i.e. talking about feelings).
How do I know if casual sex is good for me?
Go to the doctor if:
Don’t go to the doctor if:
Going to the
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Watching way too much TV as a teen can wreak havoc with your sex drive.
On the other hand, the dating app BeNaughty — whose motto is “it’s okay to talk about sex” — is a safe, on-demand place to discuss wants and needs with an anonymous, honest stranger.
You have more control of the situation than you’ve ever had before. But at the same time, you’re participating in a culture that has taken a casual hookup out of the shadows. And it’s no surprise that the new normal is single people who want to have sex with other people. In 2013, one in five people in relationships had a one-night stand. Today, that number is closer to 50 percent.
What kind of person uses porn?
Some people like porn, some don’t — and that can be OK too.
As to why, the stats are straightforward: Porn consumers on average report more casual sex (with casual sexual partners as well as with regular partners) compared to non-porn users. Men consume porn more than women, on average. Men also use porn to masturbate more often. And porn viewers on average have a lot more sex partners, including casual encounters with many people, than the general population (i.e., porn consumers are more sexually experienced than non-porn viewers).
Different kinds of porn are consumed for different reasons. One in 10 women who are employed or self-employed use porn to masturbate. Like it or not, according to a new study by Ohio State University, women in particular use porn because it makes them more relaxed and thus more likely to engage in sexual behaviors. Porn can promote more sexual behaviors because it can offer “unconscious reminders of how to perform sexually,” says sex researcher Jesse Bering of the University of Nebraska. It also helps women relax when they’re having sex with men they’re not attracted to (to be honest with yourself, she might be a hottie!).
You’re a lesbian, and she’s a straight guy, so you go on Tinder.
You may be a lesbian or a bi woman, or even a lesbian-identified bisexual woman, but some bisexual women are straight. One in ten women in the United States is bisexual, and some are straight.
The claim that bisexual women are more sexually adventurous than lesbians is wrong. A study published in 2014 in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that bisexual women have sexual intercourse earlier in life than lesbians do. Bisexual women have two years less