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AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Crack+ [Win/Mac] [2022-Latest]

About Autodesk

Autodesk, Inc. is a Silicon Valley based international design and 3D software company and design solutions provider. Its products include AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Architecture, 3ds Max, Vectorworks, and Fusion 360. Additionally, Autodesk offers a wide range of services, including software maintenance and product support.


Autodesk AutoCAD History

, originally Autodesk Inc. was a video game software company. In 1982, it acquired Micro-Research, Inc., a Silicon Valley company that specialized in CAD programs. As part of the acquisition, Autodesk acquired the rights to the software and renamed it to AutoCAD. In 1986, Autodesk developed the AutoCAD LT line of drawing software. The following year, Autodesk acquired Aspect Software, which developed tools for use with AutoCAD. In 1988, Autodesk introduced the Professional Solutions Program (PSP) to provide services to AutoCAD customers.

AutoCAD 2000

On August 6, 1998, Autodesk introduced AutoCAD 2000. It was the first version of AutoCAD to use OpenGL for computer graphics. The upgraded version has support for a range of file formats, including Autodesk DWG and DXF, as well as 3D shape and texture files in the BIN, NBT, and MTD formats, along with the ability to import and export such formats. It also has the ability to import and export STEP data. In addition, it has the ability to convert the rasterized images in any of the supported formats to outline line drawings.

AutoCAD Architecture

The next major AutoCAD release, AutoCAD Architecture, was released on November 23, 2002. It was the first version of AutoCAD to be renamed from “AutoCAD” to “AutoCAD Architecture”. It had many new features such as 3D models, dynamic blocks and components, component libraries, a collaborative block library, and project templates. It also has a searchable database for all drawings.

AutoCAD Civil 3D

The third major AutoCAD release, AutoCAD Civil 3D, was released on November 12, 2004. It introduced several new features such as 3D construction and 2D to 3D conversions. It also introduced the ability to edit TAB-delimited drawings as well as the ability to make basic 3

AutoCAD 2020 23.1 License Key PC/Windows [Updated]

For technical support, contact Autodesk Technical Support for AutoCAD Crack Keygen.

Version history



CADML is a language for writing drawing information, usually CAD files, which was developed as a rival to DXF, although it is more complex and is seldom used for the same purposes.

Customization functions

Custom functions
Autodesk offers custom functions as an add-on for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT to extend functionality.

Some actions are built-in or can be obtained by setting a macro or by using the action palette.

The rasterizer is a library of functions for creating and handling 2D layers and rendering the scene with 3D objects on a 2D surface. The rasterizer features:
Rasterizing with 3D geometry.
Non-destructive editing with interactive surfaces.
Collaboration with comments and layers.
Autodesk introduced the Rasterizer library in AutoCAD 2000 for handling 2D layers and rendering the scene with 3D objects on a 2D surface.


Toolbars can be customized to fit the users’ needs. Autodesk extended this capability to allow objects on the canvas to be dragged to and dropped onto the toolbars.

Simplification is a set of functions that simplify the geometry of 3D objects, such as collapsing or simplifying 2D drawings to a single 3D shape.

The simplification library is used to simplify 3D objects.

Autodesk introduced Sketching in AutoCAD 2000 and has a variety of functions for sketching.

There are two major drawing units:
Freehand drawing: Using the standard drawing toolbar.
Drafting: Using the draft toolbar.

Sketching consists of several key aspects:
Viewing: When the view mode is set to Draft or Back, the sketching option is enabled automatically when you move your mouse.
Drawing: You can create a sketch by clicking the sketch button on the standard toolbar or by selecting Sketch from the “Document” menu.
Modify: You can modify existing sketches by clicking the blue arrow in the upper-left corner of the sketch view.
Finish: You can finish a sketch by clicking the small pencil icon in the upper-left corner of the sketch view.
Undo: You can undo a sketch

AutoCAD 2020 23.1 License Key [Updated]

Generate the key.

Copy the key to your C:\autocad\acad.ini file.

Restart your computer.

The program should now work.

The keygene can be found in the “outline” panel next to the model or sketch.

You should save all your work as a backup copy.

The keygene can be found in the “outline” panel next to the model or sketch.

You should save all your work as a backup copy.

You can use this keygen in:

1.Autocad 2010
2.Autocad 2011
3.Autocad 2012
4.Autocad 2013
5.Autocad 2014
6.Autocad 2016

This keygene can also be used with other versions of the same version of Autocad:


Q: I have the keygen for Autocad 2010 and am unable to start Autocad. What should I do?
A: First check that you have the latest version of the Autocad 2010 keygen. Then delete all previous files from the C:\autocad folder, restart your computer, and reinstall Autocad.

Q: How do I use the keygen?
1. First open Autocad and click on the keygen icon. It should look like a gear.
2. You should now see the keygene. Click on the keygene and copy the key into your acad.ini file.
3. Restart your computer. Autocad should work.

You should save all your work as a backup copy.

The keygene can be found in the “outline” panel next to the model or sketch.

You should save all your work as a backup copy.

You can use this keygen in:

1.Autocad 2010
2.Autocad 2011
3.Autocad 2012
4.Autocad 2013
5.Autocad 2014
6.Autocad 2016

This keygene can also be used with other versions of the same version of Autocad:


Q: I have the keygen for Autoc

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Create and edit design components directly from AutoCAD® that you can reuse later in your drawings.

Sharing, collaboration, and review from anywhere. Share designs across team members, keep everyone on the same page and access your designs in one place from the web, mobile devices, and desktop.

Manage the history of edits in your drawings. Retain the history of your changes by storing drafts, notes, and comments in the AutoCAD ®.dwt file.

Easily create and share digital storyboards for your project. Simply export and combine pictures into file that AutoCAD® automatically imports to create a static digital storyboard.

Guided drawing:

Save time by drawing a 2D blueprint on your screen and getting precise measurements automatically.

Bring your 3D drawings to life with Guided Drawing. With AutoCAD® 2023, you can animate more complex scenes and free yourself from complex camera and camera motion settings.

The new toolset includes more drawing and measurement tools and the ability to create and animate objects and scenes.

For more information about the new tools and features, see the AutoCAD® 2023 Release Notes.

Hardware and software requirements for AutoCAD®

AutoCAD® for Windows® and AutoCAD® for Windows® XE support:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500, AMD Athlon II X2 250, or newer


Operating system: Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit) or Windows Vista (32 or 64 bit)


A driver that supports Direct3D 11 or later. You can download the latest graphics driver from the link above.

A video card with support for the Direct3D 11 API.

Software: AutoCAD® version 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, or 2015

Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Firefox 2.0, Chrome 6.0, Safari 3.0, or later. Internet Explorer 8.0 is not supported in Windows 8, and the AutoCAD® Internet edition version is not supported on Windows 7.

AutoCAD® for Mac® and AutoCAD® for Mac® XE support:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500, AMD Athlon II X2 250, or

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7
1024 x 768 or 1280 x 768 screen resolution
512MB RAM or more
150MB of free disk space
DirectX 10
DirectX Feature Level 9_1
Product type: Full version
You can uninstall any earlier version of the game from your library via the “Manage game list” button on the main menu and select Uninstall. You can also manually remove the game directory for the version from your games directory.
(Make sure to remove