Expanded fantasy RPG Battle Royale is set in a world where heroes and villains battle each other in a blood filled no holds barred fight to the death for the right to rule. Engaging gameplay, dramatic events, and satisfying character progression make Battle Royale easy to get into and hard to put down. The high re-playability factor, and a deep story arc make Battle Royale appealing even to those not into role-playing games.
Key Features:
Exquisite Art: The vibrant artwork of Battle Royale is a sight to behold, featuring full color artwork and detailed character portraits!
Supportive Crew: Battle Royale uses Fantasy Grounds version 3.3.6 and above. Battle Royale requires a subscription or one-time purchase to use this system.
One of the Best and Coolest RPG Tools: Battle Royale offers amazing support for the Fantasy Grounds community! From the combat support to the nitty-gritty character sheets, Battle Royale has you covered.Despite a new government decree toughening penalties for those promoting, disseminating, or circulating “information about drug use” among children, most provinces have yet to adopt measures to prevent or detect child trafficking.

Illicit drugs are “the source of much death and suffering for children who are forced to take part in the production, sale, and use of drugs,” says the Asian Drug Report, which is issued annually by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). As such, “the criminalization of drug users and traffickers is often inappropriate and should not be the primary strategy to address the problems they pose.”

The UNODC report, based on findings gathered in 2004, highlights the dire situation facing the estimated 12 million to 14 million children in Asia who are involved in drug use, from the production of illegal drugs to the distribution of drugs.

While drug-related crime is clearly a problem throughout Asia, the report shows that child trafficking is more common in certain Asian states than in other states.

In Thailand, for instance, the report notes, “children are increasingly involved in the production and sale of illicit drugs. Children are recruited by drug traffickers who promise them better earnings, while some are victims of gang rape. Children are increasingly forced to work on farms growing poppies for opium.”

Evidence of child trafficking has become more widespread in recent years. Children have been found at opium poppy farms, in and around the heroin-processing centers in northern Thailand, and in drug markets in Bangkok.

The full report, available


Features Key:


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Alien Space Bastards
is an arcade style 3D action shooting game.
Fight back against the onslaught of enemy space bastards as you battle to eliminate wave after wave of scum to save the galaxy.
Carefully maneuver the atmosphere through an open array of planets with 4 unique environments to explore.
Shotgun starfighters for defense and an electro missile for offense.
Use the arsenal to create your weapon load out by deciding how much firepower you wish to provide in order to get the job done.
Max out your defense and go online for points and leaderboards.
Easy game play that will quickly lull you into a dream-like state before finding you in serious trouble.
Gather your arsenal and use a combination of skill, strategy, and bullets as you blast your way through warring alien scum.
Auto fire at your will as you boost your starfighters and dodge enemy blasts.
Your enemy knows only one thing and that is to destroy you.
Enemy resistance will increase as you progress through the levels.
Stick to your enemies and they can’t use their weapons.
Holograms are an enemy doubling machine.
Starfighter are your swarms of space bastards.
Randomized powerups for each level to help you discover the hardest and deadliest weapon on the planet.
Homing bombs for precision damage.
Alternate fire modes from lasers to missiles and everything in-between.
Use of rare bonus items that can assist in your survival on a particular planet.
Enemy generation is highly randomized so you will encounter different planets at different stages of the war.
Use any available weapon to rack up the points and upgrade your starfighter in order to survive.
Multiple weapons and starfighters to choose from for extra fun.
Multiple Bonus items to unlock.
Online high score leader board.
Steam achievements.
Alien Space Bastards will challenge the player to adjust their level of difficulty as they gain experience and learn new tactics to survive the onslaught.
Alien Space Bastards is designed to be a casual game.
Easy to pickup and play, you will be playing in a matter of minutes.
Easy to learn and fun to master.
Suggested Gaming System Requirements:
Requires Windows
7, 8, 10
DirectX 9
You must install a Steam Client to run Alien Space Bastards.
Installing the Steam Client will ensure a consistent & stable experience.
Steam Client – A download and installation of


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Perks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Perks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

The Perks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox will provide you with information on a variety of things specific to ranged combat, and is the perfect addition to any ranged combat focused character. Your choices will let you define your character’s abilities and focus on the most effective and fun options for you, and Perks provides you with dozens of great suggestions.

Spellbooks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Spellbooks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Not every spellcaster must face their enemies in melee, and some might be better at casting from a distance. Yet even with our favored modes of spellcasting, we often find ourselves in situations that require us to cast spells from outside melee range, or from within melee range without any ranged attacks available. Spellbooks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox provides you with tons of new rules options, feats, and magic items that make it easier to cast spells from a distance and remain in melee range, providing you with the extra options you need to tailor your character and roleplay situations.

Skills – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Skills – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

While Perks – Ranged Tactics Toolbox provides you with a range of options and tricks to give you more choice in ranged combat, Skills – Ranged Tactics Toolbox provides you with tools and advice to help you have more fun. Many skills involve using your stats, but you’re not restricted to only using them as a point sink; some skills can be used for fun, creative tricks like having advantage on Wisdom saving throws and checks, or performing an additional action every time you use your abilities.

Trades – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Trades – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Many of your ranged attacks will make use of your spellcasting, but not every spell has to be a ranged attack. The Trades – Ranged Tactics Toolbox will provide you with some neat options and tricks that let you use your spells as though they were another weapon or another kind of attack, from the exclusive Shocking Flurry and Echo Arrow that set off a storm of flying arrows every time you attack with it, to the new effects of some of your arcane weapons.

Command – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

Command – Ranged Tactics Toolbox

In combat, spells and abilities are what you can use to command your allies or deal damage to the enemy. Yet the commands


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