It’s the time for medieval warfare! Take command of your troops and lead them into epic battles! This pack includes 2 weapons, 11 troops, 15 units, 41 items, and 28 talents.
Each rank of units comes with the land of your choice.
If you have RPG Maker MV, the same content is available by downloading the free “RPG Maker MV – Medieval: Warfare” package from the developer’s website.
However, if you’re not a developer of RPG Maker MV, you can still get this content from this website! We offer all the latest content of all packs up to the newest one!
Please watch: “RPG Maker MV – Medieval: Warfare – Second Expansion now available”



Best Add-Ons for RPG Maker MV – Medieval: Warfare

Best Add-Ons for RPG Maker MV – Medieval: Warfare

Best Add-Ons for RPG Maker MV – Medieval: Warfare

BestAdd-Ons forRPGMakerMV – Medieval: Warfare. IncludingNewBattleName, NewArmyRankUI, ThreeNewTroops, ThreeNewSupportGroups, NewBarrackSubType, FourNewArmySpecies, NewSpecialVFX, NewNewTroopSaberArms,, OneNewArmyArmsHow to install the Add-ons:
1. Download all files that are included in the pack.
2. Unzip all downloaded files.
3. Drag and drop Add-on file to your “RPG Maker MV – Medieval: Warfare” folder.
4. Close the game after the Add-on is installed.
About the Add-on:
* This pack includes four brand-new troops.
* Six new support groups.
* Ten new assorted subtypes.
* Nine new special VFX.
* Eight new army arms.
* Three new species.

Hommage à RPG Maker MV

Hommage à RPG Maker MV

Hommage à RPG Maker MV

This video is


TEOCIDA Features Key:

  • Enemy creature + cartoon monsters from Dragon Ball: Dragon Ball New Game, Samurai Warriors etc.
  • New action interface with new abilities. In addition, resource management.
  • With the included skill cards, You can upgrade or change the new characters.
  • Player had been playing a very addictive game, add your own strategies.
  • Compete with your friends on Facebook or other networks.


How to play:

  • Simply choose a character and then start playing.
  • Make the game come alive or dying.
  • Upgrade your character and skills, you improve the life or kill.
  • Family come before yourself, we all owe respect to our senior member.



Raziel is an adventure-esque, atmospheric and utterly poetic game.
A rich and atmospheric game that brings you into a soul-searching story about your past and about the human condition, while having a bit of a lighthearted game side to it.
You play as Avoir Cafard, a miserable man who lives in a dirty and deplorable apartment, in a forsaken town with sad people and monotonous situations. He is constantly struggling to have a life worth living, and he’s slowly starting to realize what it would mean to actually have a happy life with someone and his pets, who has been missing since he moved to The Town.
However, he is rather reserved and will only talk to people when he needs to, either to work or to solve a task. One day, while moving from his apartment to the town he lives in, he meets a police officer who notices his peculiar gait and his general demeanor. Together, the two of them go on a five-day quest to solve Avoir’s personal problems and possibly give him a new outlook on life.
The game revolves in five chapters, split into various mini-games that may take the player anywhere in The Town, and end with a final epilogue in which the solution to Avoir’s problems will finally be revealed.
Even though it revolves in five chapters, the game is not linear, and it has reactive storytelling. This means that the story changes with the player’s decisions, and even though your choices are limited to a few choices between dialogue options, they really matter and will play a huge part in the story’s ending.
Finally, the game is entirely based on semi-open world, meaning that it has no loading screen. However, if you are heading away from someone or something you want to talk to, the game will give you the opportunity to go talk to them.
Book Marking
If you make a choice at any point the game, you have the choice to “book mark” that location. This means that, if you revisit that location again later, you will choose what that person would say if they talk to you at that time.
The Story
1. Prologue
2. Day 1
3. Day 2
4. Day 3
5. Day 4
6. Day 5
7. Epilogue
This game is very old and was made with a very old version of RPG Maker 2000.
Now that there is a new and modern version of RPG


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A small, squat, hooded figure, so poorly dressed as to be pitifully dressed, appears to be sleeping, but in fact is only a disguise. At first glance, the creature looks like a living nightmare, with its long, needle-like fingers, gleaming white teeth, and pitch-black eyes. But this is just an illusion, a ploy to keep the wearer of this hood from being seen until needed.


Illusionist, Creature, Humanoid

A small, squat, hooded figure, so poorly dressed as to be pitifully dressed, appears to be sleeping, but in fact is only a disguise. At first glance, the creature looks like a living nightmare, with its long, needle-like fingers, gleaming white teeth, and pitch-black eyes. But this is just an illusion, a ploy to keep the wearer of this hood from being seen until needed.

The Illusionist is the ultimate enigma. She never shows her face, but instead is an example of the chaos and destruction wrought by the cruelty of war. We all know she is a manipulator of people, and those around her have even warned others to not allow their guard down, but in truth, she is the one with the most to lose. She travels incognito and can only be seen when the mood strikes.

Strength – 2Craft – 5Fate – 4Lives – 1Alignment – GoodStart – CityYou begin the game with one Spell and one Illusion.Choose which Skill you want to use as your main Skill. When you activate your Skill, you must also activate your Illusion.You have a special way of dealing with people; when a character attacks you, you can pay their Attack to cause them to attack your Illusion instead. Your Illusion is then discarded.Every time you encounter an Event or Stranger that refers to alignment, you may choose to alter your actual alignment to any other available alignment. If you wish to change your alignment, you must pay a Craft check.

Illusionist’s Gaze

Illusionist’s Gaze, Spell, Quasi-Divine, Skill, Spell

A mysterious, incandescent vision that travels with you in the world, letting you see into other minds and observe the habits and choices of people.

Illusionist’s Gaze is a spell that is unique to the Illusionist. It allows the Illusionist to peer into the minds of other characters and find the secrets


What’s new:

: Devil’s Mother

(Small town girl. Rude, cruel town boy. Stupid victim.)

I’d been madly searching for my mother up until this point. I suppose looking for her should have been easy — all I needed to do was make a journey to the town I lived in, look at myself in a mirror, and see that red birthmark somewhere near my cheek.

Unfortunately, that idea was not exactly workable, even after thinking about it for five or six years. Coming of age without knowing you were adopted could easily leave a person quite confused and unsure about everything. Indeed, regarding myself as a victim had, in its way, been an effective tool for masking my discomfort.

But on the night before my journey, I gathered my courage and finally lay on my bed, staring at the night sky. “There has to be a reason,” I whispered silently. There had to be a reason for how I’d been neglected by my mother.

I thought about the red marks on my cheeks, and decided that I must have been cut by some kind of pen, though I had never seriously questioned that idea before. The illogicality and inherent implausibility of that notion didn’t occur to me before. Why would a person cut you with a pen, where cutting was a perfectly normal medical procedure?

Several days later, right when I was about to abandon the notion of looking for my mother, something happened. I was driving home from my weekly appointment at the doctor’s office, when I decided it would probably be a good idea to go home and wait, just in case I needed my mother’s medication. I remember thinking that that was a crazy thing to do, and then asking myself why I felt compelled to go home at all, because it was after four o’clock and I definitely didn’t need a ride. Surely I wouldn’t be needing my mother, and she wouldn’t need me — it would be more than a year later before she would be ready to be adopted. I’d begun to think a lot about what adoption meant, though I’d never really asked anyone, and I didn’t know what I wanted to think. I decided that the best thing for me to do was wait for the next day, and see where I got to before making any decisions, but I just kept thinking about going home and waiting for


Free Download TEOCIDA Crack + [Win/Mac]

VR Arcades is a virtual reality arcade developed by Spook-A-Rama games. They were recently featured by Kotaku as “VR arcades to check out.” (
Built from the ground up specifically for VR arcades, VR Arcades is a completely customizable arcade cabinet. A handful of publishers have already commissioned VR arcades from Spook-A-Rama.
Several Indie video game developers are creating unique VR arcade experiences in the VR Arcade and publishing them on VR arcades.
Enjoy cool games like Kyber Knights at your nearest VR arcades!
Standard Arcade Gameplay
You can shoot, pick up objects, and teleport with the touchpad. No hard menus, no need to bother with buttons.
Easy to play. You can learn everything in 3 minutes.
3 Characters and 2 Gameplay Modes
The game allows you to play as The Squire, a Damage dealer using a crossbow,
The Knight, a Tank using a shield and cannon, or
The Plague Doctor, a Heal-the-Village specialist with a syringe gun.
There are two gameplay modes to choose from.
“Deathmatch” mode, for Arena-style shooter action,
“Team Deathmatch”, for 1v1 action with a team.
Gameplay Modes can be changed via the configuration file.
Save and Load
In case you want to start a new game when you are not playing in the VR arcade, you can save your game at any point!
Automatic Matchmaking
If you want to start a new game without entering your Steam credentials, simply connect to a local LAN network and you can instantly start a game!
Friendly Options
As is customary in arcades, you can adjust the value of each shot (so you don’t go over it) and the speed of the countdown.
You can also use custom skins/artwork, 8 bit icon sets, audio clips, and more!

The massive upgrade of the Kyber Knight causes the hero to transform into its new state.
The powerful new form unleashes new abilities, but also costs the hero some of its health. Now the old-but-new Kyber Knight must find the balance between self-preservation and survival. The speed of its attacks is increased, but with


How To Crack:

  • Open the Box.
  • Extract file.
  • Run the game.
  • Enjoy.

    Pakistan and India: can there be a peace deal? Published duration 8 June 2011

    image caption Countries on the front line often claim territory first

    In February 2009, Nawaz Sharif, who had been Pakistan’s PM, attended an international conference where a formula for achieving peace between India and Pakistan was proposed. Can this work now?

    At the end of November 2010, at the conclusion of his first three-day visit to India, Nawaz Sharif is expected to fly back to Islamabad and resume his position as prime minister.

    For years, the two arch rivals have displayed an elementary civility that would shame some senior diplomats in another environment.

    But any such cordiality is fundamentally fragile: for two troubled countries, they have long been in this state of limbo while having the potential to cross the Rubicon into much more perilous territory than the brink of mutual indifference.

    This deadlock, coupled with a growing festering mistrust and hostility over the Kashmir issue, and a weak economy have not made the countries’ relationship any easier.

    After 10 years of informal talks, Imran Khan’s pre-emptive strike into the Indian-controlled Kashmir region in October has made the future peace talks more remote rather than more likely.

    Still, the resumption of formal talks in a special session of the UN Security Council (UNSC) in February was some small comfort.

    Peace process

    Now, the Pakistani prime minister, as has been clear, has come up with what is described as a formula for peace. It involves three points:

    Security. Maintenance of a sovereign, territorial Kashmir. Good neighbourly relations between the two countries.

    But as former Indian military analyst, P.R. Sundaram, has pointed out, these three tenets are mutually contradictory. On one hand, there is the truce (or at least no intense fighting) with little cause for complaint, which keeps India-Pakistan relations from becoming too adverse.

    “A resolution of the Kashmir issue would mean recognition of the interests of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir and its people, and an abjuring of the designs of Pakistan. This would place Pakistan in the (some may say) conflict-


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