FB Post Filter For Chrome (Latest)

Filter out the posts that are sent to you by friends, family and business partners by searching them in all or only a specific Facebook category!
The application is the easiest way to manage and filter out your Facebook news feed by category. Use it on your mobile and desktop phone or your PC or Mac.
* Filter out the posts sent to you by friends, family and business partners
* Filter by categories (work, personal, game, movie, business, community, etc.)
* Filter by keyword search
* Filter by friend (only if there is more than 1 friend in the list)
* Filter by person (only if there is more than 1 person in the list)
* Filter by group (only if there is more than 1 group in the list)
* Filter by hashtag (only if there is more than 1 hashtag in the list)
* Filter by fb:tag (only if there is more than 1 fb:tag in the list)
* Filter by author (only if there is more than 1 author in the list)
* Display the total amount of friends
* Display your friends’ profile pictures
* Shows number of total likes and shares
* Filter out your friends’ posts if they have a privacy setting. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out your friends’ comments. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out any post where the user is blocked by you. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts from a single user. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you from a specific category. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you from all of the categories. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you by a specific friend. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you by all of the friends. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you by a group. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you by all of the groups. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter out all of the posts sent to you by a single user. (Only if there is more than 1)
* Filter

FB Post Filter For Chrome For Windows

What is FB Post Filter?
The main idea behind FB Post Filter for Chrome Product Key is to clean the web from spam and unnecessary posts.
If you like to browse your Facebook News Feed, there are chances that you might get flooded by countless posts you do not care about, no matter if they are published by your contacts or if they are sponsored.
Since it is a Chrome add-on, you first need to access the Extensions tab by opening the browser menu, then accessing the Tools section to launch the Extensions tab. Then drag and drop the downloaded CRX file onto this tab and install the add-on.
Next, you just need to login to Facebook with your registered email and password, then browse to your news feed and mind your own business.
When there is any subject that gets mentioned by too many people, you can simply press the dedicated icon of FB Post Filter for Chrome Crack Mac and enter the keyword or phrase that bothers you – they will immediately be hidden, so you no can longer view them.
Alternatively, you can right-click a word and add it to the list using the Filter option added to the context menu. The effect is similar, all posts containing the respective word or phrase will be instantly removed.
If you change your mind and you want to restore your news feed to its initial state, you can easily disable the filters, with a single mouse click.
All in all, FB Post Filter for Chrome can help you enjoy Facebook more than before, especially if your default browser is Chrome. You can also try FB Post Filter for Firefox or FB Post Filter for Safari to enjoy the same functions in different browsers.
Include any Facebook posts in your list of words to be hidden
Add Facebook posts to a list that is automatically deleted
Filter by the keywords or phrases you do not want to see
Filter by a specific Facebook group you belong to
Filter by a specific Facebook page you belong to
Filter by a specific Facebook event you attend
Filter by a specific Twitter account
Filter by a specific YouTube account
Delete or hide your own posts
Manage your filter lists and export the filtered posts
View the filtered posts when your computer is idle
Access the post list with keyboard shortcuts

An Instant Getaway for Mobile Game Players!
The book will provide a complete guide to playing online with your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. It will teach you the basics and even the advanced features of free to play, in-game advertising, freemium games and providing useful tips on monet

FB Post Filter For Chrome Incl Product Key

This extension will filter and hide post from your news feed!
It’s so easy to use, just right click a word and add it to the list to block it.
– Filter posts
– Hide posts
– Add post to the list
– Add post to the default post
– Filter from the default post
– Password protect the add and add to the list
– Block key words or phrases
– Search all posts
– Support 24 languages, now includes more than 50 languages: english, chinese, japanese, spanish, etc.
– Supported Facebook version: v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v2.5, v2.6, v2.7, v2.8, v2.9, v3.0, v3.2, v3.3, v3.4, v3.5, v3.6, v3.7, v3.8, v3.9, v3.10, v3.11, v3.12, v3.13, v3.14, v3.15, v3.16, v3.17, v3.18, v3.19, v3.20, v3.21, v3.22, v3.23, v3.24, v3.25, v3.26, v3.27, v3.28, v3.29, v3.30, v3.31, v3.32, v3.33, v3.34, v3.35, v3.36, v3.37, v3.38, v3.39, v3.40, v3.41, v3.42, v3.43, v3.44, v3.45, v3.46, v3.47, v3.48, v3.49, v3.50, v3.51, v3.52, v3.53, v3.54, v3.55, v3.56, v3.57, v3.58, v3.59, v3.60, v3.61, v3.62, v3.63, v3.64, v3.65, v3.66, v3.67, v3.68, v3.

What’s New in the FB Post Filter For Chrome?

Facebook is a social networking platform that allows millions of people around the globe to keep up-to-date with all their old friends, but also to see what is happening to their new ones and stay in touch. But the great thing about it is the fact that users can easily browse the same thing:
# The News Feed:
– All the latest posts and replies to their posts
– Posts published by their friends
– Links and Pages they have liked
– Latest activity on their wall
– Messenger chat messages
# Events
– Events organized by the users
– Pages they have liked
– Recent photos of the users
– Followed pages
# About
– Latest posts of the user
– The profile of the user
– Profile Picture
– Cover Picture
– About
– Check-ins, Places and Photos the users have shared with their friends
– Contact info
– About
– The News Feed

How to Block Ads on Facebook Forever?
Do you find ads on Facebook annoying? Do they distract you from what you are supposed to be doing on Facebook? Then, in this article, we will look at how to completely block ads on Facebook forever.
Facebook is a social networking site that lets people keep in touch with their friends, but it also serves as a great tool to advertise products and services. In a business-wise sense, it can be quite profitable to advertise on Facebook, but many people find this idea to be really distasteful. As the Facebook algorithms are changed constantly, it is a tedious and often frustrating job to keep advertising on the social media site up-to-date and relevant.
However, there is a trick that can help you stop Facebook ads from bothering you. In this article, we will show you how to prevent all advertisements from appearing in the news feed on Facebook. You will be able to keep Facebook from bothering you, you will be able to hide ads from people who show interest in your page and you will be able to opt out of this obnoxious pop-up ads.
How to Block Ads on Facebook for All Time
When you install the app, you will be asked to allow Facebook to access your device. Once that is done, you will need to register your Facebook account. You can either enter your email and password or create a new account with your Facebook ID. You will then need to confirm your registration by clicking on the verify option.
If you have successfully registered your Facebook account, you can proceed to the next step. You will need to select your Facebook page that you wish to block advertisements from on Facebook and then you will be asked if you wish to block ads. The next step is to allow the app to automatically detect new posts and to block ads.
For this, you will need to turn off your device, which you can do by navigating to the App info and then selecting the Privacy settings. After this, select the manage ad preferences from the Facebook

System Requirements For FB Post Filter For Chrome:

* Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP
* DirectX 9 compatible video card (PC only)
* Internet Explorer 9 (PC only)
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