For centuries, the powers of good and evil have divided the Lands Between, with the evil invading from the north and the good from the south.

In the northern mountains where the heat is intense, the rebel force prepared for battle.

The party came to the base camp of the rebel forces, and the heroes were cheered upon.

“My sister, we have no time to lose! The Dragon King has begun preparing to invade the north! We must stop him before it is too late! Prepare to fight!”

“Hurry up, Brother, if the heroes don’t arrive on time, we will be lost!”

Within the depths of the mountains, the commander of the rebel force, a woman with a beautiful face and a thunderous voice, looked at his subordinates with a stern gaze.

“Head of the forces, get ready!”

A red-haired man laughed and said, “This area is perfect for battle!”

“Do not lose our faith, comrades. The primeval dragon has been stirring for a long time in the depths of the mountain. He has not begun his invasion yet. The time for battle has arrived.”

After finishing her sentence, the woman, the “divine dragon slayer” named Tarnished, turned to someone on her left.

“Brother, what did you mean by that?”

“Is it because of the hero, Ormus? He is an eight-tiled hero, and he has saved the rebel forces many times. The Dragon King is clueless, and his army will be destroyed if we have a chance to defeat him. It is better for the Dragon King to lose in battle.”

Tarnished’s eyes turned bright red. Then, a cold smile formed on her beautiful face.

“What do you mean, Ormus? You need the benefit of the hero’s power of the Field of Life so that we can win the battle?”

Ormus did not respond.

Tarnished then turned to the person on her right. “Pisces, you’re also a hero. If you see Ormus looking shabby, tell him.”

Pisces, another member of the rebel forces, had a gentle smile on his face. “I will do


Features Key:

  • High-quality 3D graphics and smooth game play.
    As you progress to levels 100 or more in online high-ranking games, outstanding new features are added, and you will be able to enjoy the latest game play mechanics.
  • Create Your Own Character.
    A variety of items and classes are available to help you strategize.
  • Personal investment system.
    With your specified customization, new quests are added, and each day becomes a fascinating adventure.
  • A world full of variety.
    Unearthing a dungeon, selecting a town, or participating in an online game, you can enjoy a multitude of events occurring in the Lands Between, and the variety of available quests is unrivaled.
  • Other News Regarding Tarnished Online will be provided on September 23.

    Check out more information about the game at

    Character Design by Deo Waclaw (

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