Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD) is a handy, Java based tool designed to offer users a BDD package. BDD or Binary Decision Diagrams are widely used in Boolean Logic minimization, Technology mapping , circuit design and optimization.







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ROBDD is Java application, Single Java exe file for Windows and Linux OS.
In the ROBDD package comes with integrated viewer like tools like Minimizer BDD, Eliminator BDD, Flattener BDD etc.

In this post, we would take an example to show the basic functions of the ROBDD Package. We would use the ROBDD package on a single java class to produce the following BDD as shown in the image.

ROBDD Package Developers has created an open source project you can download from

* ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro – The powerful plugin to make your code easier to read, manage and maintain. The plugin helps you keep your code clean, organized and well-commented, extending common refactorings with new code fixes and ensuring code correctness. ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro integrates with ReSharper and Visual Studio and provides suggestions and action-based inspections based on current options, projects, files, and your personal code style. Its unique Editor-Actions work with all areas of code, and show quick fixes and suggestions for common problems. It’s better than Snippets.

After installing ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro plugin, start ReSharper, and open a.cs file (Yes, a C# file not a VB.NET file). It will suggest for importing or adding Abstract Class:

In its pre-release version 2.0, ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro is a very useful tool for cleaning and improving code. When a class is added to the project, ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro can suggest for code cleaning to make the code better. And to change the default values, ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro has a new option on the Code Cleanup tab in the Options window:

Now, this is a new feature in ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro, which is much better than the Free version 1.x. To change the default values, right-click on the class name under the Types tree, select Cleanup Code, and select the options you want to change:

Here is the code I edited:

There are some items on the window for cleaning the code.


First, it shows the settings of ReSharper Ultimate Code Cleanup Pro. You can change these settings at Tools->Options…->Code

Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD) [March-2022]

ROBDD is an extension of the Java Nautilus generated BDD package by Philip Comon in 2002. The extension of this package is for the removal of a large number of redundant edges that can be generated by this package. The key problem to solve is to find a way of minimising the number of Boolean variables in the package.
This package is created to solve the problem of using the Java classes to manage the binary decision diagrams, which generates the same results as BDD package. It solves the problem of the generation of too many redundant nodes and edges during the calculation of the DFS and BFS algorithms when the BDD package is used.
Introduction to Rationale:
The project cost is approximately $7,000. This package is not currently suitable for large classes of problems. The original BDD package by Philip Comon in 2002 was generated by a proprietary java tool called Nautilus. This package was sold to New York University as part of their java course. The problem is that the proprietary tool that Philip developed is very large and due to license constraints could not be released as an open source java tool.
It is the intention of the author to maintain this package and extend the java tool to allow it to be released as open source. This will allow users that are studying and more advanced users to download and use this tool to produce their binary decision diagrams for a small amount of money. A single class of problems takes approximately 15 minutes to generate a BDD package using the Nautilus java tool.
The original BDD package takes approximately 2 hours to generate a bdd package for the same class of problems. The reduction of time due to the removal of redundant edges and nodes is approximately 15%.
Rationale for using Java:
The project, originally written as C++ language, to replace a proprietary java tool written by Philip Comon in 2002. This java tool that Philip developed by himself is proprietary. The problem is that it could not be released as a open source java tool due to license constraints. By porting the project into Java, the author has been able to license the project under the GPL. The objective of this project is to give the user the tools to make a free and open source tool to be released as a java tool.
Rationale for using Java and XML:
The original BDD package is generated by a proprietary java tool called Nautilus. This java tool is written in C++ language. The problem is that the tool is proprietary

Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD) Free [Win/Mac] (2022)

ROBDD was designed to offer users a BDD package. BDD is an efficient means of Boolean logic minimization and has been widely used in technology mapping, circuit design and optimization. Often users desire these complexity-reducing techniques when it is not yet clear whether or not a design works, where it works, and what works and doesn’t work in a design, and when it is desirable to simplify a design without substantially affecting its functionality. BDD optimizes the resulting logic by reducing multiple variables, constants, and AND, OR, NOR, and XOR gates to a single node. The complexity is reduced not only in the number of components but also in wire length (fewer nets).
Depending on the technology mapping objective there may be other factors that enter into the selection process. For example, minimal component count and minimal wire length may be important to a technology mapping effort while accuracy may be the priority for a circuit design application. Under either scenario, the BDD optimization process generally begins with the user selecting an algorithm.
The BDD represents the relationship between variables and their possible effects in a form of a binary tree. Each node represents one of the variables and the child nodes are the possible values of that variable. Each node can also represent a constant or operation.
The leaves of the BDD tree represent the possible values of the variables. Variable leaf nodes are either 1 or 0. A constant leaf node is either 1 or 0 or it is an unknown variable, which means it is a leaf node but it cannot be tested because there are too few predecessors for it to have any possible value. Each leaf node can have only one predecessor, but these predecessors can have their own predecessors, etc. The tree structure continues until each variable is tested, and a constant leaf is encountered.
The ROBDD User Interface
The ROBDD works interactively on a presentation screen and can be run from any Java application including the Java programming language, the applet embedding language (java applets). The ROBDD User Interface (ROBDD UI) uses the Java 2 platform, architecture tools API for application development.
While a Java 2 application may be Java thread safe, ROBDD UI is not. ROBDD UI may not be threaded since there are no threads in its core. The user has control of the pxl animation speed and choice of color palette. While the color palette is very limited, the user can change the palette at any time.
The structure of the ROBDD UI is a collection of frames

What’s New In Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD)?

ROBDD is useful for providing Shortest path algorithms and other applications. These are:

1. Circuit Analysis.
2. Boolean Logic Minimization.
3. Optimization.

The Solution:

ROBDD is an open source tool developed by Prof. S.R. Jafarizadeh, Ph. D. It is freeware but has a limitation in the way use of the tool is restricted. However, before considering it as the source solution, we must look into the rest of the alternatives that are available.


There are few reasons why ROBDD was developed.

1. A very easy to use BDD package.
2. Higher quality than other BDD package.

This can be verified by comparing the ROBDD website with the source code of the solutions available. The ROBDD source code is also easy to use for developers and educators.

What’s New?

The latest update is in June 2019.

Additional features:

Sized BDD

Time limit handling

Use shortcut (typed) source to automatically trace the diagram

Brute force search for test points and an exhaustive traverse for the shortest path algorithm.

Visitor’s Guide

1. Requirements

Java 7 and above is required to run the tool. We will only provide a user manual for those who use a Java version below Java 7.

2. Downloading

Download the zip package. Unzip it. Install the included jdk 7. Finally, fire up the program.

3. Using ROBDD

Open ROBDD in the Java Application folder. Click on File -> Open option. The only available option would be to use a file. If there is no file, click on the Browse button and search for the script located in the downloaded folder.

The following figure shows some of the basic options:

Source Options

The following options can be seen in the screenshot:

Name: You can make a name for the source solution.

Lines: Specifies the number of lines/vertices that are present in the source.

Time: Specifies the time limit at which the source to be converted into the ROBDD.

Number of Tests: Specifies the number of test points in the source.

Error: This option gives you the options of error exit status if the time

System Requirements:

OS: Microsoft® Windows 7 or later
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB free space
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express
SDL and SDL_mixer
Mod Support:
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