If you work or browse the web at night, or in low-light conditions, your eyes probably aren’t that happy with the bright white background found on most web pages. Staring at the bright screen can cause eye fatigue, and it may even interfere with your sleep pattern.
Dark mode / night reader is a relatively simple Chrome extension that comes forward with a solution. It can invert page colors, which can be very helpful on some pages, as well as reduce contrast.
No configuration required – just install and select your preferred mode
It is worth appreciating just how easy it is to get started with this extension. You can find it in the Chrome toolbar after installation, and you only need to click the icon if you wish to switch to another night mode or disable the adjustments.
The dark mode currently in use will be indicated in the extension’s icon, and you can revert the page to its original state after cycling through all of them.
Fairly basic extension that can reduce eye strain
There are several night modes to choose from: the first one inverts colors and reduces contrast, the second only inverts colors while the third only lowers contrast. Just check out the screenshots to get a better idea of their effects.
When selecting a mode on a certain website, the extension will remember your setting and switch to the correct night mode when you visit the page again.
However, you cannot customize the night modes in any way. Some users may have liked to fine-tune the contrast reduction, for example, but this is not possible.
Suitable for users who need a simple way to prevent eye strain
While this extension clearly lacks advanced features, it has the advantage of being remarkably easy to use, so it is a great choice for those who want a straightforward way to reduce screen brightness while browsing the web.







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Dark Mode Night Reader For Chrome [Win/Mac]

What’s New In Dark Mode Night Reader For Chrome?


System Requirements For Dark Mode Night Reader For Chrome:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Mac OSX 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
Chrome 52.0 or Firefox 45.0 or newer
A Google account
A copy of Google Earth Pro?
A modern computer capable of running an operating system and Google Earth Pro
These settings won’t work on low-resolution mobile devices.
How it Works:
Google Earth Pro is a standalone application that lets
