BZIP2 Crack For PC

* bzip2 0.9.5, by, 1991-2003, Julian Elischer, available from:

* bzip2 0.9.0, 1998-1999, Julian R Seward, available from:
* Compression Algorithms from:

This application is made to be used in conjunction with a bzip2 compressed text. Bzip2 is a compression algorithm similar to gzip, and can be used in any C++ application.
This application is based on the SSE2 (SSE2 Shuffle Operations) extension in XMMand XMMX instructions. This application is compatible with OpenMP 3.1 or higher for the most portable solution. See here for an example of using OpenMP for this application.
This application will automatically detect your OpenMP version and change its code accordingly. See here for the documentation for the OpenMP version of this application.
Start it by clicking the [A] icon in the lower right corner of your desktop.
Start working on the compressed file you’re working on by clicking on the [B] button in the lower right corner of your desktop.
* Use the up and down arrows to navigate through the various options in the menu bar.
* Use the [X] to exit the menu on the upper right.
* Use the [C] to close the application and save your changes.
If you can’t figure out how to do a task, please contact me via email.
Other Features:
* When you start BZIP2 up, a [PID] (process ID) will be added to the file you’re working on. It will remain there until the file is completely or partially closed. You can remove it by clicking the [P] button.
* You can compress 2 files into one (combined) file. If you try to compress a file that already exists, it will rename it.
* When you are done with a file, you can click the [Q] in the lower right corner of the desktop to quit. You will see a message saying the file was closed, and you can close the file.
* The process ID of your compressor is detected, and it will be added to your file’s name. For example, if

BZIP2 Free PC/Windows [Updated]

I liked bzip2, because it uses fewer bits to compress large files.

Also, compression, decompression are faster than other free compression tools such as gzip, 7z, lzma,…

The ratio of sizes after decompressing is significantly smaller compared to gzip,7z,7za,lzma,…

Also, bzip2 is smaller than gzip, 7z, 7za, lzma,…,

So bzip2 is a good solution for files of different sizes.

Also, bzip2 allows to create files with a different compression ratio.

If the compression ratio is not specified, then a default ration is chosen.

Compression Ratio:

While compression is taking place (when you press the button in the tool) you can see the compression progress.

Compression speed:

In general, you can speed up the compression with the command “S” as in “s 1”, “s 2”, “s 3”.. etc.

Higher numbers mean that you want to compress faster.


It is an application that can be executed both as stand alone and as an icon in the system tray.

Using hotkeys :

The application provides dozens of hotkeys.


There are many more hotkeys than those listed below.

Hotkeys that are often used :

H = Help hotkey + 1.

In context menu, it is active on right click

S = Save, – to the compressed file

B = Enable Compression, – to enable compress (default enabled)

W = Enable Decompression, – to enable decompress (default enabled)

R = Remove, – to remove an existing compressed file

It is possible that the application performs several functions by default.
For this reason, it is necessary to press the same hotkey several times.

Compression :

S 0 = Compress to a.bz2 compressed file and to the original file

S 1 = Compress to a.bz2 compressed file

S 2 = Compress to a.bz2 compressed file and to

BZIP2 Free Download [Mac/Win] [Latest]

The bzip2 utilities enable you to compress and decompress files, and is a part of the GNU project for Linux.
The bzip2 utilities provide compression and decompression, and is often used by people using Linux because GNU/Linux is more commonly used as opposed to Windows.

Note: This is a review of the bzip2 compression utility. Other GNU/Linux compression utilities (like the GNU gzip and mpg-tools) have already been reviewed on
If you need a review of a GNU/Linux compression utility, please check the review section for other software reviewed on this website.

Downloading bzip2 Utility

The bzip2 utility can be downloaded free of charge from the GNU website.
Once downloaded, you can launch the application.

Note: The file that you download is a shell script, which you run directly from the terminal.

Since you cannot install software using the files in the.tar.gz format, you will need to unpack the files you need.
Open a terminal window and type:

$ sudo tar -zxvf bzip2-1.0.5.tar.gz

This is very similar to the Windows users who need to do the following:

After this operation is completed, you can launch the application and immediately start using it.

Creating a test file

Compress a file to your hard drive

Before you compress a file to your hard drive, you must first create a file.
On Linux, the file you create will be hidden.
To create a file on Linux, you must type in a command such as:

The –v option creates a hidden file which cannot be seen in Nautilus or anywhere else on your system.

Once the file is created, right-click on the file and choose the “Compress to… ” option, and then select the compressed option

File properties

Open a terminal window and type in the following:

# ls -al

This is to verify the file you created was indeed created.

In the above example, you will see the file contains the following information:

1. $ ls -al

2. drwxrwxrwx+ 1

3. -rw-rw-r– 1


What’s New In?


bzip2 is a block-sorting file compressor with an
extremely high compression ratio. It was designed
by David Shaw, and
Burton S. Wagner and Greg Roelofs of
Carnegie Mellon University. See the
compression and decompression
reference manuals and


Recent bugfixes and changes:

* Fixed a bug which corrupted the last block of compressed data if
it was exactly 64K long. Thanks to Thomas Klausner.

* Updated BZ2_bzlib.h.

* Removed dependency on zlib which can cause problems on some
systems. Note that this is not expected to effect any
applications which already have a working zlib installation.

* Removed dependency on libFLAC. This was causing a number
of link errors on systems which do not have it already
installed. On systems with libFLAC installed, if it is
not present, it is automatically configured to use a
link of the form:

* When bzCompress() is called with c=Z_FINISH, the
compression is complete and no additional input can be processed
unless Z_FINISH is subsequently used.

* bzDecompress allocates no memory, and crashes if any error is
encountered. It can return an error if it fails to allocate memory.

* bzFinish() can now be called multiple times. This is useful for
multi-threaded applications, in which multiple threads each call
bzDecompress() and bzFinish() independently.

* bzBuffToBuffWithMemoryLeak() can now be called multiple times.

* BzStream.bzerrno is now left unchanged from the beginning of
bzRead/bzWrite. Previously it was changed to a macro if a
bzError was detected.

* Bugfixes for 64-bit compile on vc6, vc7.

* bzWrite.bzerrno now stays the same at all times. bzRead
will only set it to BZ_OK.

System Requirements:

Windows – minimum: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10.
Mac – minimum: Mac OS 10.10
SteamOS / Linux – minimum: Ubuntu 14.04 / Debian 9
Note that if you run the game on a Mac, it requires the 32-bit version of Apple’s Xcode to be installed on your system, even though the game is 64-bit. If you don’t already have Xcode installed, the package is available here: