Sencha Architect is a comprehensive software application which enables you to design and deploy applications for mobile devices and PCs, with a minimal amount of effort.
Extensive documentation and clean environment
The installation process might take a while, yet this is to be expected when considering the complexity of the program. It encompasses a menu bar, several buttons and a few panes which enclose all sort of information, as well as your on-going project.
In addition to that, well-drawn Help contents, comprehensive tutorials and several examples are provided, so as to make everything easier for all types of users, be they experienced or not.
Supported file types
This program enables you to use an Ext JS 5.0.x or Sencha Touch 2.3.x framework (or older versions of these) in order to create new projects, and lets you save projects to a custom location. Exporting is possible using an XDT file format, while you can also preview your work and publish items to a specified folder.
Elements at your fingertips and view logs
You can create both desktop and mobile apps, while it is also possible to toggle the main window from a design to a code view, with just a click of the button. Sencha Architect comes packed with a pretty large number of items you can easily use, by adding them to the “Project Inspector” pane. To be more precise, you can add behaviors, charts, containers, data, forms, models, resources, themes, trees and views.
Logs can be shown in a separate pane, along with a color-coded system which signal errors, warnings and items which have been debugged. You can easily take advantage of a search function, in case you do not find an element and bring up the Command Prompt.
Bottom line
In conclusion, Sencha Architect is an efficient and comprehensive software solution that provides users with a simple means of designing mobile and computer apps. The interface is intuitive, the Help documentation is comprehensive and the response time is good. The system’s performance is not going to be burdened and our tests did not reveal any kind of issues such as errors, bugs or hangs.







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Mobile app builder and the most complete toolkit available.

Sencha Architect features


– Project Inspector – Easily add widgets, components and other UI elements to the app’s UI layer using the Project Inspector window. The Inspector is also the place where you configure your Sencha Architect components.
– Create cross-platform desktop and mobile apps
– XDT builds and previews
– Tools and palettes that make Sencha Architect easier to use
– Advanced source code editor. The code editor allows you to edit JavaScript, CSS and HTML files directly.
– Quickly preview your work
– Navigate between views in your app’s design and code view with the “Switch Window” button
– Enable/disable editor file extensions on the fly
– 3D preview of a custom view. Watch the drag-n-drop 3D preview of any view in your project. Just drag, drop, and view in 3D
– Remote debugging, record and playback in the Chrome debugger

Extend your framework

– Filter the items in your Project Inspector to see only the elements that you can extend.
– Import and export.XDT files to see what you can do with your existing framework.
– Open and extend view templates.
– Create your own JavaScript libraries.
– Extend third-party libraries, including Sencha Design System.

Build your apps

– Update a single file and see the changes immediately – Sencha Architect has a built-in autoupdate feature that automatically updates your app’s JavaScript or Xml files as they are saved.
– Instant application compilation – Compile your app without using a local server.
– Import templates.
– Compile the view templates.
– Set compile flags.
– Define multiple versions of your framework.

Export your apps

– Preview the app, without installing it on the device.
– Save changes without deploying the app.
– Package the app as a zip or an installable.air file.
– Export the interface files into a different file format.
– Export the application to the “Mobile” folder on your computer for iOS or Android devices.

Remote debugging

– Run a remote debugging session in Chrome. The instrumentation tools for mobile apps are not currently supported in Chrome.
– Preview your remote debugging session with the built-in extensions to the Chrome debugger.
– Record your sessions using the built-in extensions to the Chrome debugger

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Not 100% sure how to pronounce “Sencha Architect”? Say it this way:

SAY: Sencha…A…Rchitect


Installation & Setup






Support and Downloads

No matter which of the versions of Sencha Architect you choose (Pro, Extend, Architect) you will be able to build
experiences and applications for desktop and mobile devices.

Extend allows you to build classic desktop applications with support for both iOS and Windows.

A project editor that runs either in a browser or locally to open in the editor.






Easy to Learn

Hard to Master

Download & Purchase

It all begins with a basic introduction to the Sencha Architect tool. Even though Sencha Architect is bundled with the Sencha Touch 2 framework, it supports Sencha Touch 3 and Sencha Ext JS 5.0 as well. We’ll start with an overview of how to create, analyze and build native iOS, Android and Windows apps.

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To create an app for iOS, the first thing you will need to do is create a new project. After that, you can start building your app which we’ll dive deeper into in the next tutorial.

After choosing the desired target, you can begin creating new components from the Project Inspector. Each item in the Application Toolbar has its own purpose and will be discussed further.





The time you save with Sencha Architect makes it well worth the effort. In just a few short minutes you will have not only created new apps, but you will have done so with the help of a professional development tool.

While Sencha Architect does not require any prior programming knowledge to operate, it will take some time and effort to put into practice. Still, it is worth it, as it will save you a lot of time and money.

Sencha Architect is a professional application that will greatly assist you in creating mobile apps that look and feel great. It is a complete tool that offers a great range of supported files and the ability to build multiple platforms.

New Looks and More Features



What’s New in the Sencha Architect?

GUI Designer, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Apache Tomcat Server, Java, Javascript, Windows Operating System, Sencha Architect (Architect) Edition Requirements: – jre version 1.7 (or newer) – OS : Windows XP/Vista/7

What’s New in version 2.0?
Extension System

Extension System is a new feature that provides you with the ability to extend the design environment by adding your own JavaScript, HTML and CSS components. You can use Sencha Architect to create and design them.

Add a customized panel to any panel.

Add any panel to any panel.

Add a panel for your own to any panel.

Add any panel to any panel.

Add any panel for your own to any panel.

You can access your own panel right from any panel by clicking the context menu and choosing Add Extension.

For example, you can place a DateText extension on a Panel title. The extension appears on the panel, so you can add your own views like sliders and so on.

Extension System contains multiple information windows. The Extensions window displays the information about panels, and it displays the components placed in the respective panel. The Browser window displays the view names, component names, and the extension names for any panel. The Panels window displays the information of all panels. The Components window displays the view names, component names, and the extension names for all panels that you have placed an extension on. The Templates window displays the available templates, data, and styles for any component. And, you can add a context menu item to any component and use it to add extensions to the component.


Dialogs can be used to create dialogs, popups, or any kind of dialog boxes. You can create dialogs with buttons, windows and other dialog items.

For example, you can create a dialog with an OK button and cancel button and place it next to a text field. The button is placed in the dialog. Then, you can click the button to create a popup.

You can use the Property Inspector to specify the dialog’s components, styles, and fonts.

New Gui: A history related to all the edits are displayed in the editor. You can find out the detail description of all the editors by clicking the Editor (top-right corner) and you can switch the editor quickly between different windows in the Editor by clicking

System Requirements For Sencha Architect:

Windows Vista 64-bit
Intel Pentium 4 CPU
NVIDIA graphics card with at least 128 MB of VRAM
Intel graphics card recommended
DirectX9 or DirectX10
Editor’s Note: My apologies for the delay, we had some problems with our server. We’ve now fixed the problem and this guide should be available once again.
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