A simple utility for generating an IGMP general query on all active IPv4 interfaces and then listening for responses. Uses the WinPcap library for raw socket access.
Give IGMPquery a try to see what it’s all about!

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Generate an IGMP general query on all active interfaces and listen for responses.

With this utility you can discover the connected members of a multicast group (in the case of IPv4 addresses) of a local network in the following way:


where network-name is a network name or IP address (e.g.

The IGMP query will be sent via all interfaces of the computer on which this executable is executed.

So I’ve got a windows NT server that has 2 network cards on it. eth0 is for internet, eth1 for local subnet. I can easily join and leave multicast groups on the local network with:
net join -g my_group

How can I use the windows built in IGMP query utility to search for all the devices on my local subnet that are part of the local network my_group?


Try this:
net join -g my_group


This is a new command that came out in Windows 7:
netsh interface ipv4 show subnet

This will show you the interfaces in that subnet. You can use this information to send the necessary queries.


You can use netsh (or “Command Prompt” under start menu) command to send the (IGMP) multicast query.
For example, you can send multicast query to find the network containing by this command:
netsh interface ipv4 show subnet

You could use netsh to send the multicast query to all of the connected hosts on your local subnet.
See more netsh command on this link:

– Joe


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– Protocol: “IGMP” (IPv4)
– Source MAC: “00:0d:ed:1b:1f:cd”
– Destination MAC: “00:0d:ed:1b:1f:cd”
– Source Port: “0-65535” (set using default behavior)
– Destination Port: “0-65535” (set using default behavior)
– Query Type: “Join”
The following settings apply to every configuration:
– 1 = Only attempt to determine the interfaces to query once and then exit.
– 2 = Always attempt to determine the interfaces to query and stay active.
– n = Number of interfaces to query (default 1)
Note that some interfaces may return “0” responses. This happens because these interfaces will either not respond to a standard IGMP query, or their IGMP snooping is turned off. For example, bridges will not respond to standard IGMP queries.
This utility can be executed multiple times without exiting. After each run, the following data is printed:
– IP addresses to which queries were successful.
– The number of packets received.
– The number of packets dropped.
– The amount of CPU cycles consumed.
Invoke IGMPquery with arguments (options):
-1, –configfile=
Config file to read.
-2, –configfile=, –configfile=, -2
Config file to read, then use as base for search path.
Source MAC address.
Destination MAC address.
–source=, –destination=, –source=, -2
Source MAC address, Destination MAC address.
Source port range.
Destination port range.
–port=, –destination=, –port=, -2
Source port, Destination port.
Network protocol to query.
–protocol=, –protocol=, -2
Network protocol to query, then use as base for search path.
Type of query.

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I made this utility to be able to easily start a general query on all my IPv4 interfaces to see if any of them are receiving traffic. The network interface’s IP address and interfaces that are in the same subnet as the interface that initiated the query are be added to the report.
The program takes two arguments (IP address range and interface to query). If no interface is specified then a query will be sent to all interfaces. A list of all interfaces that belong to the same subnet as the initiating interface will be saved in a file.
Each interface that responds to the IGMP query will be added to a text file with a common format. Each of these responses will contain the IP address of the interface that responded, and a single line for each interface containing it’s own IP address. If there are multiple interfaces that responded to the query, the lines will be split between each of them.
There is currently a bug in the WinPcap library in which the responses are not being formatted properly. Please have a look at the included sample output below, which should be a good representation of how the responses should look like.


Sample Output:
IGMPquery – Getting IPv4 addresses from subnet and interface
> 01:50:43:04:00:00 IP > 01:50:43:04:00:01:50:43:04:02:eth0
> IP > 01:50:43:04:00:01:50:43:04:01:eth1
> IP > 01:50:43:04:00:01:50:43:04:03:eth2
> IP > 01:50:43:04:00:01:50:43:04:04:eth3
> IP > 01:50:43:04:00:01:50:43:04:05:eth4 192.168.

What’s New In IGMPquery?

IGMPquery is a simple utility for generating an IGMP general query on all active IPv4 interfaces and then listening for responses. Uses the WinPcap library for raw socket access.
IGMPquery runs in the Windows System Services so it’s not started up as a service by Windows. You can run it in a command prompt window just as you would any other command-line application.

IGMPquery is available on Sourceforge and as a WinPcap ZIP file.

IGMPquery Usage:

Note that when running IGMPquery (either as a service, or command-line application), you must pass the IP address of a router on the local subnet for it to get responses.

If you want to configure IGMPquery to use the default router (via network interface address 0), then for WinPcap, you would add -b 0 to the command line.

For other hosts/routers, the command line to run IGMPquery would be:

IGMPquery -b router_ip_address

The router you select will see a query on all of your IPv4 interfaces. It’s a form of broadcast traffic but you don’t need to listen for the responses – you simply let IGMPquery run, monitor the log file, and when it’s done, you can kill the process using the Process Table (Task Manager).

For example, if I run:

IGMPquery -b

I get the following in the command line window. Note the string message=”Interfaces:” at the end of the output. This is a typical error message you get if you haven’t given IGMPquery a router address.

Note that I don’t actually monitor my iptables configuration since I usually run this as a service. It’s possible that IGMPquery will be run multiple times in parallel by other services (smbd, nmbd, etc.) on the same subnet. It will not attempt to listen on the same interface twice, so if there are other services running that are trying to listen for responses on the same subnet, the other services will get them first.

It’s possible that IGMPquery could be run multiple times in parallel by other services on the same subnet. It will not attempt to listen on the same interface twice, so if there are other services running that are trying to listen for responses on the same subnet, the other services will get them first.

Right now I have a script that generates a one-liner that contains the static IP addresses for the interfaces and calls a windows batch file which starts the process.

@dac2k I need to add that the IP addresses in the log should be from the LAN so it will likely be all on the same subnet.

I can’t wait to have this utility on my PC

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7, 8 or 10
Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent.
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics: 1024MB NVIDIA GTX 660/AMD Radeon HD 7870 or equivalent
Hard Drive: 20GB available space
Additional Notes: Game will be installed on the E: drive only.
OS: Mac OS X 10.8 or later
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent.
Memory: 8GB RAM
