Copying a file or a folder to another location is one of the most basic file management tasks you can perform on your computer. Even so, applications such as Microsoft RoboCopy can help you customize the copy process and automate the task. On the downside, Microsoft’s tool is a console application, which might make users reluctant. Easy RoboCopy provides a user-friendly GUI for it, allowing users to carry out copy tasks easier.
Copy or move files your way 
The advantage of Easy RoboCopy is that it displays all the parameters you find in Microsoft’s RoboCopy in a standard GUI. In other words, you don’t have to deal with the console window and type-in commands with a specific syntax. Instead, you can begin by selecting the source and the destination folders, choose the desired filenames, in case you are copying files only.
Easy RoboCopy can be configured to copy subfolders and empty directories as well, down to a user-defined level. Not only that it can perform copy tasks, but it can also be configured to move the data, thus deleting it from the source location. You also have options to mirror a folder and create a 1:1 copy of it.
Various filtering and customization options 
Easy RoboCopy features editable exclusion lists for both folders and files. Optionally, it can also exclude junction points for files, folders or both. Additional filtering options allow you to skip files that are newer or older, or are part of other similar file classes. Moreover, you can set limits for the file size, age and last accessed date to customize the copy operation.
You are free to choose the file properties to copy: data, attributes, timestamps, security fixes, ownership and other similar information. A file’s attributes can be copied selectively as well. The corresponding command line is displayed in the lower side of the window, allowing you to execute it directly or copy it to the clipboard.
A frontend for Microsoft’s RoboCopy 
With an intuitive GUI that includes all the options of Microsoft’s copy tool, Easy RoboCopy manages to provide various customization tools for a data copying task. Unfortunately, it does not allow folder monitoring or job scheduling, which would really add to its value.







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Version released: 1.0.6
File Version:
Application File Version:
MIME Type:
HKCU\Software\Easy Software (Easy Software Edition, 4.x)
HKCU\Software\Easy Software\Accessories (Easy Software Edition, 4.x)
HKCU\Software\Easy Software\Accessories\Copy (Easy Software Edition, 4.x)
Easy Software Edition,
File Name: EasyCopy.exe
Folder Name: lib\EasyCopy.exe
Company: Easy Software, LLC
Original File Name: EasySoftware.EasyCopy.1.0.6
Original File Size: 724,922 bytes
Development Team: easysoft, LLC
Product Version:


If you want to automate this you can look at softRAID software to backup and restore your entire system. It’s pretty darn easy to set up and is essentially a front end to robocopy – you can define files and directories to exclude from being copied, specify your backup location, monitor the status and when it completes (similar to robocopy) and it allows you to continue to use your computer during the backup.
SoftRAID Homepage
System Requirements
(drum roll)


How can I use a random image on every post in WordPress?

Hello I know this must be a simple question but for some reason I can’t find the answer anywhere. I’m creating a test blog on WordPress and I want to create a function that uses a random image for every post.
So far, I managed to put the the the_post(); function in my loop.php but I can’t figure out how to make the function only used on the posts.
I tried adding
if (is_singular())

in the function but that didn’t work.
How do I make this function only use on my posts?


Use get_post_custom() to read the custom field value:
function my_random_image($post_id, $field_name) {
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($post_id);
return $custom_fields[$field_name];

Easy RoboCopy Crack + [Latest]

Write once, read often, and read right: these are the three reasons why a good website needs to be easy to use and to improve. If your site isn’t fulfilling those requirements, your website may be falling short of the results you’re hoping to see.
Here at Wordfence, our primary goal has always been to make it easy to maintain a high level of security without sacrificing any of the essential user experience. We’ve spent a lot of time making sure this happens and we want to share some of the concepts behind our user interface as well as a brief overview of what it is that we’ve accomplished so far. If you’ve read through the list of features we’ve talked about on other sites and blogs, you already know that we want to help people use Wordfence by making sure that it’s easy to navigate, easy to understand, and easy to use.
We definitely do want to make Wordfence easy to use. We’re not trying to trick our users into thinking it’s “easy” because it’s not. It’s a straightforward way to secure your WordPress site by keeping an eye on it. It’s really hard to make that security easy.
However, we do want our users to use Wordfence to help their site be more secure. If we can make it easier for our users to manage their site and secure their site with Wordfence, the user experience is fantastic and we win.
Let’s take a closer look at the 3 things that we think make a website easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to secure.
Easy to Use
We’ve already talked about how we make sure that Wordfence is easy to navigate on your home page. We have done a lot of work to make sure the basic navigation is absolutely crystal clear and that basic security concepts are explained in a way that a user can understand.
We’ve also gone a lot of the work that we think would make things easier to understand for non-technical users. We’ve gone out of our way to make sure we’re very clear when we talk about things like the “IP Address”, “user agent”, “file access”, etc. We’re not just trying to be a “black box” when it comes to security. We’re taking every opportunity to be clear and transparent when we talk about security.
What we’ve tried to do is create a very user friendly way of describing what we’re trying to do and to show what the results will look like. We’ve tried not to

Easy RoboCopy With Full Keygen

Version: 3.2.0
Price: Free
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Size: 1.52 MB
P4 2.40 GHz

How to generate an array of the day of the week for all dates

In the following snippet of code how can I efficiently generate an array, returning the day of the week for each day of the year?
def days(dt =
# Fill the array with days of the week for the year.
# Please note, I am using Ruby 2.0.0
arr = []

# How can I do this?
# arr = [‘Mo’,’Tu’,’We’,’Th’,’Fr’,’Sa’,’Su’] # so on

return arr


You can use
=> 1
=> Sat Sep 28 00:00:00 -0400 2007
=> Sun

As for the conversion:
irb> (0..365).each do |year|
…> dt = + 1)
…> day =
…> puts “#{day}”
…> end


There is a way using ActiveSupport. You can access the helpers day_of_week and day_of_week_for.
That is:
class MyClass
class MyClass.days
=> [[:mon, 0], [:

What’s New in the?

Easy RoboCopy’s interface is designed to facilitate the data copying processes for anyone that does not know the exact syntax of the RoboCopy’s command line.
What is new in this release:
A frontend for the console copy tool
Versions and earlier use the following RoboCopy commands:
“xcopy.exe /e /y /c /z /r:1 /r:0 /w:1 /t:c /sf /e:u /y /r:1 /r:0 /w:1 /xl /if /r:0”
Versions and later use the following RoboCopy commands:
“robocopy.exe /e /y /c /z /r:1 /r:0 /w:1 /t:c /sf /e:u /y /r:1 /r:0 /w:1 /xl /if /r:0”

Re: Easy RoboCopy

Hoping this helps you solve the problem.
Click on Start and type in “cmd”
Copy/paste this line of code
“robocopy.exe /e /y /c /z /r:1 /r:0 /w:1 /t:c /sf /e:u /y /r:1 /r:0 /w:1 /xl /if /r:0”

As you can see you don’t even have to enter the full path because it is relative to where your running from. That is a great way to solve your problem.


You can use this command line to copy a folder and all its subdirectories in one shot:
r: sf:: fx*


For copy
copy folder path to directory or file (this does not take recursive copying into account)
copy files or directories from one folder to another
download files from internet
download the remote file from FTP
download the file from http (http or ftp is optional)
download the files from the file system
zip or unzip files (z, u, f are optional)
copy the files to a directory
download the files (file)
copy the file to another directory
delete files or directories
more info


Is there an alternate version of jQuery

System Requirements:

The server requirements for this game have not been confirmed.
Although the development is still in progress, we can see an important new feature that was requested by many players in the fan game. We are bringing back the ability to change weapon’s colors by players’ request.
This feature is still in testing phase, so there might be some problems when it is released.
We will keep improving and adding new content to the game according to the players’ feedback.
Are you curious about what the game has now? Come and play the demo!