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Richard Wareham, better known by his stage name, Richard X, is a British public speaker and self-help author who specialises in helping people unlock their potential.

Full disclosure: He is the cousin of former Made In Chelsea star Theo Epstein.

Richard X claims to have worked at R&D at the multinational Scotch whisky company that bears his name. The company told the Daily Telegraph that Richard X had not worked there for 20 years.

Richard X is an accomplished auto-biographer. He has written a book called How To Get Everything, based on his success with sales. He describes himself as a friend of Prince Charles and says he is on good terms with Kate and William.

He is a regular guest on BBC Radio and has appeared on the Today programme, and has made a number of TV appearances.

Perhaps his most public and famous appearance was on the ITV morning programme Lorraine, in January 2006. He said he was “absolutely certain” that the former Dutch model Karen Mulder was the missing Made in Chelsea star Carli Norris.

However, in April 2006, when he was the subject of a BBC documentary, Richard X walked away from the interview. He said that a

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Boyka Undisputed IV (2017) free torrent download. Free YIFY movies. The best Free YIFY movies. Download Undisputed 4 Torrent.Videos, Photos, and More. Boyka Undisputed 4 (2016) English DD5.1ch 720p.About Me

I started this blog when my children were young to keep them entertained and informed about who I was…and where we were going. It has morphed from such a project to a daily journal of our day to day life…and now…a glimpse into where I will go and what I will see…a day to day look at God’s creation.

Monday, June 2, 2012

Come On In, The Water’s Fine!

I was daydreaming as I drove down the road, thinking about summer. The days are so much longer, the nights are getting cooler…it’s all wonderful!

My “daydream” was interrupted when I pulled up in front of a big white house and there was a young man sitting out in front of it with his dog! Such a nice sight! I was so happy to see it!

I pulled in the driveway and said hello to the young man. He told me his name was Chip and told me to come on in. I looked at my husband and said, “You’re going to invite him in…I’m not! He’s got a dog and I don’t want to meet his dog!”

“Oh, come on in, Mom! We’ll just say hello and then leave!” my son said.

I finally relented and walked in to the front room and said hello to Mr. Chip. He asked if he could have my phone number and I told him I would write it down and give it to him later. He said, “I’m going to need a ride back to the condo.”

I was finally successful in getting myself out of there so I could go back home and get ready for the day.

About Me

I am a stay at home mom to 2 teenage boys and a husband who has left the home to serve in the Air Force. I am learning to follow the leading of the Lord as I try to raise my boys to be men that serve the King of Kings.Quit India Movement of 1942

The 1942 Quit India Movement was a general strike called by Indian National Congress and the Muslim League to demand British withdrawal from the Indian