
my question is there any way that i can solve my problem and able to play. by seeing the errors mentioned above.


Resolv the problem
Download the version of dll for the game (e.g. for 4.5.0) and install it on the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ folder.
The process is same in your PC as well and you have to install it to your default sysWOW64 folder.
Add a registry value
To make it work with the new dll, you have to add a value using regedit to the key


[ Token] = Any unique token that is generated when you log in to

Then, create a file called run.bat on the desktop and save it. Open it and paste the following content
DllPath = “C:\WINDOWS\System32\Dlfragmentation.dll”
SetPathToSdk = “%ProgramFiles%\Blizzard Entertainment\Realtime Strategy Console\Bin”
SetPathToDll = “%ProgramFiles%\\Bin”

@echo off
Set PathToDll = “%PathToDll%”
Set PathToSdk = “%PathToSdk%”
%PathToDll%\Dlfragmentation.exe -f %DllPath% %PathToSdk%

Run it and close it. Now you should be able to launch the game.


How to change text when hovering a div using jquery?

I am currently having the following:

Some text


I want to know how to do the following with jQuery:
When someone hovers on the div.container the h2 should be bold, while the span inside the div should be in a block and the p should be normal.


The best way is to use

How to download and install search Adware?
SearchAdware.NET is a free Search-specific Spyware removal guide.
You can search for harmful or unwanted programs, including adware. It will help you to recognize and delete them.
Key features:
Find, delete and fix adware and malware
Delete malicious software including search ads, Trojans, browser hijackers and browser extensions
Detect and remove potentially unwanted programs with its antivirus scan function
Automatically remove adware, spyware and malware including search spyware, browser hijackers and other potentially unwanted programs
Protect all your devices and find out lost shortcuts, bookmarks and passwords

∦ How to download and install search Adware?
SearchAdware.NET is a free Search-specific Spyware removal guide.
You can search for harmful or unwanted programs, including adware. It will help you to recognize and delete them.
Key features:
Find, delete and fix adware and malware
Delete malicious software including search ads, Trojans, browser hijackers and browser extensions
Detect and remove potentially unwanted programs with its antivirus scan function
Automatically remove adware, spyware and malware including search spyware, browser hijackers and other potentially unwanted programs
Protect all your devices and find out lost shortcuts, bookmarks and passwords

∦ How to download and install search Adware?
SearchAdware.NET is a free Search-specific Spyware removal guide.
You can search for harmful or unwanted programs, including adware. It will help you to recognize and delete them.
Key features:
Find, delete and fix adware and malware
Delete malicious software including search ads, Trojans, browser hijackers and browser extensions
Detect and remove potentially unwanted programs with its antivirus scan function
Automatically remove adware, spyware and malware including search spyware, browser hijackers and other potentially unwanted programs
Protect all your devices and find out lost shortcuts, bookmarks and passwords

∦ How to download and install search Adware?
SearchAdware.NET is a free Search-specific Spyware removal guide.
You can search for harmful or unwanted programs, including adware. It will help you to recognize and delete them.
Key features:
Find, delete and fix adware and malware
Delete malicious software including search ads, Trojans, browser hijackers and browser extensions
Detect and remove potentially unwanted programs


When I install Windows 10 Mobile, I have these lines in the event log.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: RAMAdvanse95Crackrar
Description: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-AV: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark

Wireshark.exe [0x0] Stopped responding.

Application is not responding and stopped working

Application: Wireshark.exe
Description: Wireshark Application: Wireshark


The complete thing was a third party app that was made for making youtube videos. This is the first time I had known about it and I loved it. I just loved the idea of creating youtube videos and sharing it with my friends, children and visitors. It’s a great way to share

I downloaded it and installed it, and it worked.
Now my question is, how should I make my own youtube videos without having to buy the app which I do not want to buy.Q:

Java source code file generated during compilation of a class in eclipse

I have been trying to figure out how to parse a java file which is generated during the compilation of my classes.
I have a class “Product” which is generated during the compilation of the class “SimpleProduct” in eclipse.
The class generated at the time of compilation is always different from the one that I have given as an input for my parameters.
What I need is to read the original (input) code file which I have given to eclipse. But I do not know if eclipse generates a source code file for the class/package during the compilation of the class. If it does, where will it be located?
If you can give me some pointers to the docs that can help me solve this problem I would be grateful.


Not always, but often.
The source code for the compiled class is stored in the Build Path object of the Product you used to compile the class.
To find it, right click on your project in the project explorer, then click on “Open Attachments”, then select “Build Path”.


Using Mapbox Annotation Sublayer like Google Maps

I’m trying to use Mapbox 0.2.0 on iOS to render a mapview of points in a local database (working fine), then use the Mapbox Sublayer framework to overlay clickable points, which take the user to a detail screen. On that screen the user will be able to edit the record.
On Mapbox, I can only achieve this using the Mapbox Annotations, which works fine, but as I’m looking to develop for iOS I would rather use the native Mapbox framework if possible (reducing the need for MBRtoLayers, etc).
However in the documentation I see mentions of the Mapbox Annotation Sublayer framework:
