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The time now is 10:00 AM.
The loud noise of a mobile phone startled me. I opened my eyes.

In a dull voice, Tengku Nisa said:

“Why are you sleeping so soon?”

I stared at her.

She asked me, “Didn’t you sleep at all?”

Did Tengku Nina sleep at all? So, she can also sleep?

As for me, I can’t sleep. I don’t even want to think about it. I still kept on looking at her.

“Hmm, I’m amazed to see your state now,” Nisa said.

I didn’t even hear what she said.

After a while, she said, “Anyway, I just spoke with our parents about this matter.”

You mean, my parents?

She said, “Yes.”

“So, what did they reply?”

“They said that they agree with your proposal.”

“That is not fair!” I shouted.

“Did they say that?”

I never thought that my parents would approve this proposal.

A big shock made me to drop my head and blink. That was, I didn’t expect that my parents would approve this proposal.

“Hmm, don’t you agree with them?”

I nodded.

“So, you don’t think that you should carry on this proposal?”

“Of course I should,” I said.

“You don’t have to pretend with me, I know it.”

She was the only one who was able to detect me.

“How is it possible for me to pretend to you?”

I didn’t know how to convince her now. I was still wondering about why my parents agreed with this proposal.

“Nisa, did they discuss the condition of the meeting with the princes?”

She nodded.

“Is it fair?”

“No way. Do you know why?”

She told me the reason.

“Since I told you the reason, you should know that. My parents agreed with this proposal because of the reward.”

“Then, that is it.”

“Obviously,” she said.

I was worried. She did not give me a proper answer for my question.


Your text contains some newlines. The character  is the “new line” character in Unix, but when saved with the Windows operating system, it’s automatically replaced with a space.
You need to replace those with spaces if you want to view the contents of the file on Windows systems.

Epigenetic factors in the aging human brain.
Recent research has uncovered a dynamic interplay between epigenetic events and environmental influences, which can alter transcription in a reversible manner. Epigenetic factors may be involved in the aging process by modulating gene expression patterns in the brain, either in a direct or indirect fashion. As we learn more about the connection between epigenetic factors and aging, we will be better equipped to understand the causes of age-related diseases and devise interventions, such as dietary and lifestyle modifications, which can prevent some of the damage associated with the process of aging.Every time I turn on my computer, I go through dozens of steps that, on a typical week, amount to at least 15 minutes of time spent using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Add it up and that could easily be three hours, not counting how much time I spend scanning files in email and online, using Bloomberg, purchasing blog hosting, and procrastinating about the New Year.

I’m no genius. I’m not even a web developer. Yet here I am, at the point where my time is spent making sure that the things that I create are both easy and accessible for others to see. It’s a non-sexy version of the hacker mindset. You can argue that it’s worth it, but to me, it’s a waste.

So I figured I’d write about some of my expenses. There are a few of them that are, arguably, worthwhile. But a lot of them are things I do because I’m just too slow, because I don’t want to be bothered, or because I don’t have the money to hire someone.The effect of surgery and aspiration in head and neck tuberculosis: a review of the literature.
Surgery and aspiration have been accepted to shorten the course of tuberculosis. Clinical decisions about therapeutic modalities are based on the results of clinical trials. To assess the benefits and harms of surgery and aspiration in head and neck tuberculosis. A comprehensive literature search of Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library was performed. We included all randomized or quasi-randomized studies that compared surgery with surgery and/or aspiration with observation, or surgery with aspiration

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How do I construct an `http.ResponseWriter` with a non-empty Headers map in Go?

I am using net/http.ResponseWriter to write HTTP messages to the client’s response body.
I’ve noticed that in some cases where the corresponding http.Request is a “pre-defined” type and in others, like mine, the response headers will have to be created by hand.
Is there a pattern for this? Basically, how do you write the response body of a http.ResponseWriter so that it appears to have headers that you actually added from your handler?


We do the same thing. We have a regular http.ResponseWriter that implements the http.Hijacker interface. Our user-defined http.ResponseWriter is the implementer of that interface:
var responseWriter = new(ResponseWriter)

func (responseWriter *ResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
httpConn, resChan, err := responseWriter.server.newHijackedConn(request)
if err!= nil {
return nil, nil, err

res, err := resChan.ReadWrite()
if err!= nil {
return nil, nil, err

return httpConn, res, nil

func (responseWriter *ResponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
_, err := responseWriter.server.hijackedConn.Write(p)
return len(p), err

If the user wants to send a chunk of data to the server, he just calls the write method with a []byte.
From http.ResponseWriter.Write

A server writing HTTP/1.1 response must send

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