Configuration File Comparer is a feather-light and portable application that you can use to compare two files with the .CONFIG format to find out whether or not they have identical content. It doesn't include complicated options or configuration parameters, so it can be handled by all user levels.
Portable app with a simple GUI
Since there is no installation implied, you can save Configuration File Comparer's program files in any part of the disk and simply click the executable to launch the app. Another option is to keep it safely stored on a pen drive or other removable storage unit, in order to seamlessly run the tool on any computer. Unlike most installers, it doesn't add new entries to the Windows registry or Start menu.
The user-friendly GUI is represented by a large window with a plain appearance. Although it doesn't put emphasis on graphical elements, it's quite simple to navigate.
Easily compare two CONFIG files
After indicating two CONFIG files via the file browser, you can enter two display names for them and ask the application to make comparisons with one click. Any key and value differences are shown in two separate columns.
Although Configuration File Comparer doesn't implement an option for copying data to the Clipboard, printing it or exporting it to file, the first operation can be done by making a text selection and opening the right-click menu or using the global Copy keyboard shortcut. There are no other notable options available.
Evaluation and conclusion
As we expected, CPU and RAM usage was minimal during the program's runtime. It compared file contents without any errors, and it didn't freeze or crash in our tests. Even if it contains just a couple of options, Configuration File Comparer is simple to use and gets the job done.







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The tool is designed to perform a comparison between two CONFIG files. You can compare them for configuration options, user privileges, applications and other data. You can easily make a backup of all or some of the attributes.

The app is here available for free for a limited time. The evaluation version of the tool runs in single user mode and allows for a limited number of comparisons for each file. If you want to compare more than that, you need to get it, for free or for a limited time. This

Binary Configuration File Comparer allows you to compare two configuration files (CONFIG).
With just a couple of clicks, it can quickly find out if the two files are equal or not. You can see and compare each individual option and attribute for both files. If the contents of a configuration file is different from the other file, Configuration File Comparer will show it with a red colour.
Binary Configuration File Comparer supports the following comparisons:
1. Compare two files (CONFIG)
2. Compare any two files
3. Compare one file (CONFIG) and compare all files
4. Compare any two files from a directory
5. Compare any number of files
6. Compare all files in a directory
7. Compare all files from a directory
8. Compare config files of specific software
9. Compare a config file based on a line of text
10. Compare a config file based on a configuration line
11. Compare a config file based on a parameter
12. Compare a config file based on a parameter set
13. Compare a config file based on a config line
14. Compare two files using diff
15. Compare a config file based on a domain
16. Compare a config file based on a list of domains
17. Compare a config file based on an enum value
18. Compare a config file based on an enum value set
19. Compare a config file based on a list of enum values
20. Compare a config file based on an enum list
21. Compare a config file based on a setting value
22. Compare a config file based on a setting set
23. Compare a config file based on a list of setting values
24. Compare a config file based on a list of setting sets
25. Compare a config file based on a custom value
26. Compare a config file based on a custom set
27. Compare a config file based on a custom value set
28. Compare a config file

Configuration File Comparer

It is a lightweight, portable and user-friendly application to make comparisons of files with the CONFIG format.
Ease of use:
Portable software without installation.
Repetitive tasks:
The tool can be very useful if it’s used regularly to compare files.
Any error:
The application cannot identify any errors during its execution.
Ease of access:
Has a simple GUI, so it can be used by everyone.
Portable and efficient:
There are no side effects and you can run it without installation.
Integrates with other software:
Not included in the menu, but its use isn’t difficult.
Cost of ownership:
Very low prices.
There are no errors during the execution.

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Configuration File Comparer Serial Key

Configuration File Comparer Download Link:


Welcome to the Reviews Page of Configuration File Comparer!This is a free tool used for file comparison and configuration file syncing. Features: 1. It supports comparing multiple configuration files (System Configuration, Registry, Autoexec.bat, Network/Ad-Hoc network settings,…) 2. It can be used to compare two files and list the differences 3. It is a feather-light and portable application that you can use to compare two files with the.CONFIG format to find out whether or not they have identical content. It doesn’t include complicated options or configuration parameters, so it can be handled by all user levels.
Portable app with a simple GUI
Since there is no installation implied, you can save Configuration File Comparer’s program files in any part of the disk and simply click the executable to launch the app. Another option is to keep it safely stored on a pen drive or other removable storage unit, in order to seamlessly run the tool on any computer. Unlike most installers, it doesn’t add new entries to the Windows registry or Start menu.
The user-friendly GUI is represented by a large window with a plain appearance. Although it doesn’t put emphasis on graphical elements, it’s quite simple to navigate.
Easily compare two CONFIG files
After indicating two CONFIG files via the file browser, you can enter two display names for them and ask the application to make comparisons with one click. Any key and value differences are shown in two separate columns.
Although Configuration File Comparer doesn’t implement an option for copying data to the Clipboard, printing it or exporting it to file, the first operation can be done by making a text selection and opening the right-click menu or using the global Copy keyboard shortcut. There are no other notable options available.
Evaluation and conclusion
As we expected, CPU and RAM usage

What’s New in the?

Feature or capability:
Portable app with a simple GUI
File browser included
Easily compare two CONFIG files
No installation required
File browser included
No keys or values are being copied to the clipboard
It doesn’t freeze or crash
Evaluation and conclusion:
Configuration File Comparer is a lightweight utility. It offers basic features and does exactly what it promised – compare two CONFIG files and report any differences. We recommend it as a quick and easy tool for IT managers, security enthusiasts and system administrators.

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System Requirements For Configuration File Comparer:

-Windows 10
-Any of the following ROG series motherboards
-Any of the following X99 series motherboards
-Any of the following X399 series motherboards
-Any of the following custom PCB motherboards
-Any of the following gfx cards
-Any of the following Intel i7-5930K (40nm)
-Any of the following Intel i7-5930K (45nm)
-Any of the following AMD Ryzen 5