With MailPeek you will get a compact (250kb) multilingual and slick POP3 email client that lets you automatically and periodically check an unlimited number of email accounts.
You can either download the headers only and delete unwanted emails such as spaming etc. or retrieve the entire message.
MailPeek does not execute any scripting in messages. Login names and passwords are stored encrypted and the application itself can be password protected.
You can also send emails including attachments thru SMTP (SMTP-Authentication is also supported).
MailPeek also features a simple and useful address book.
Here are some key features of “MailPeek”:
■ Manage multiple (unlimited) POP3 accounts (one at a time or all at once)
■ Offline reading of eMails
■ Delete eMail before first having them to download
■ Periodic invocation of eMail Server
■ eMail Download or Deletion on next Peek period
■ Printing of eMails
■ Sending of eMails (incl. “cc” and “bcc” fields)
■ Sent folder for already sent messages
■ Transform German “Umlaute” before sending
■ Handle ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) character set
■ Remember POP3 logins / passwords (encoded) if desired
■ Password protection (encoded) of MailPeek application
■ AddressBook
■ Remember last active account
■ Sending multiple Attachments (Mime64 encoded)
■ Receiving multiple Attachments (Mime64 encoded)
■ Perfect for eMail Providers such as GMX, Web.de, Compuserve, Yahoo!, Puretec and other POP3 Servers
■ Multilingual user interface
■ Filtering of HTML-based messages


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MailPeek Crack + Registration Code Free [Latest] 2022

MailPeek is basically a POP3 client which was created with the idea of having an offline process between computer and eMail server. Normally, it tries to download from the eMail Server without actually having the eMail. It simply polls eMail Server for new eMails (if available). MailPeek does this periodicaly (without knowing the eMail account when it was last active) which is a great advantage if some messages has not been downloaded yet. This offline process can be invoked and terminated by a Start or End-Peek button in the main window.
MailPeek does not actually read the eMail messages but retrieves just the body, the headers and the HTML (and image) of the eMail messages. The HTML must be converted to PC1250 to save a considerable amount of space.
Before selecting a eMail account to poll for new messages, it is possible to check for the availability of messages by a simple check button.
MailPeek is written in Visual Basic.NET and is therefore platform independent. It can run from within a separate process.
The current version of MailPeek is written and tested for Windows Vista 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit. It should also run under Windows XP and 2000. MailPeek is however still a beta version and it will be tested thoroughly before it is released.
This version of MailPeek has been developed from the windbg debugger from Microsoft. Thus you may run MailPeek from the debugger and move step by step through the code. When MailPeek uses the debugger, it looks for windbg exe files. The old version of MailPeek looks for “W.EXE” and “W.EXE.DE”.
MailPeek uses and processes a standard format eMail.

What’s New in This Release:

MailPeek is a Pop3-client for Windows.

The main window displays the eMails.

The eMails are shown in a subwindow

Main Window
This main window is the main window for MailPeek.

Right click the title bar and click an option to activate a function.

Reverse back a Push

Right click on the button to activate a link.

POP Button
The bottom of the main window has a button. This button opens the POP3 server account profile.

Saving Button
The save button opens a profile save box.


MailPeek Crack

Saves you lots of time and you do not have to check all your multiple accounts manually.
Want to check all at once, but using a different account for each eMail?
With “MailPeek” you can do this (click):
Call “MailPeek” once and have all accounts checked in one batch.
Or you can start a new session next time you open “MailPeek” and check all accounts again.
You do not need to use any other program, MailPeek simply “sees” what the eMail Server is sending and stores it.
Have to read the eMail, but don’t want to download it?
Don’t worry, MailPeek will simply remember that eMail and save it to a folder until you’ve deleted it.
You do not need to check all messages.
Also you can store the last 200 eMails in a folder and start checking them after that.
You can also delete them from here.
You can view the eMail in either formated HTML or plain text.
Most POP3 eMail Providers also send automatic updates to the eMail.
You can get these updates in “MailPeek” by using a checkbox.
You do not need to manually download attachments and do not need a tool to process MIME messages, “MailPeek” does it all for you.
All attachments will be stored in a special Messages folder.
If you have a lot of attachments, you can choose to make a single attachment folder (or even all) in the Documents folder.
You can also choose a date or time frame for checking your eMails.
You can set the eMail account for each check to be checked once or continuously.
You can also have “MailPeek” check for changed accounts automatically and you do not need to download the headers yourself.
MailPeek automatically transforms German “Umlaute” and German addresses into Latin 1.
MailPeek Features:
■ Checking multiple accounts at once (single or all, continuous or manual)
■ Delete (“Ban”) eMail automatically if not downloaded before
■ The “Action” you have chosen (eMail Check, Deletion, Download, etc.) is automatically taken when the eMail is available
■ Note: “Download” does not download the entire message, it downloads only the headers.
■ “Delete” is a shortcut for

MailPeek Free

MailPeek is your popup email client for pop3 servers. Any POP3 server that supports the POP3 protocol and that displays the “POP3 greeting” will work fine with MailPeek.
With MailPeek you will get a compact (250kb) multilingual and slick POP3 email client that lets you automatically and periodically check an unlimited number of email accounts.
You can either download the headers only and delete unwanted emails such as spaming etc. or retrieve the entire message.
MailPeek does not execute any scripting in messages. Login names and passwords are stored encrypted and the application itself can be password protected.
You can also send emails including attachments thru SMTP (SMTP-Authentication is also supported).
MailPeek also features a simple and useful address book.
Here are some key features of “MailPeek”:
– Manage multiple (unlimited) POP3 accounts (one at a time or all at once)
– Offline reading of eMails
– Delete eMail before first having them to download
– Periodic invocation of eMail Server
– eMail Download or Deletion on next Peek period
– Printing of eMails
– Sending of eMails (incl. “cc” and “bcc” fields)
– Sent folder for already sent messages
– Transform German “Umlaute” before sending
– Handle ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) character set
– Remember POP3 logins / passwords (encoded) if desired
– Password protection (encoded) of MailPeek application
– AddressBook
– Remember last active account
– Sending multiple Attachments (Mime64 encoded)
– Receiving multiple Attachments (Mime64 encoded)
– Perfect for eMail Providers such as GMX, Web.de, Compuserve, Yahoo!, Puretec and other POP3 Servers
– Multilingual user interface
– Filtering of HTML-based messages
MailPeek Description:
MailPeek is your popup email client for pop3 servers. Any POP3 server that supports the POP3 protocol and that displays the “POP3 greeting” will work fine with MailPeek.
With MailPeek you will get a compact (250kb) multilingual and slick POP3 email client that lets you automatically and periodically check an unlimited number of email accounts.
You can either download the headers only and delete unwanted emails such as sp

What’s New In?

MailPeek is an application for POP3 and SMTP email accounts to retrieve (in various or all messages) your email or just the headers in a comprehesive fashion.
The application monitors the messages and deletes those that are already downloaded or by expiry.
POP3 mailboxes are not deleted.
POP3 passwords are not stored on disk, only in memory so that you can freely delete them.
It also features some magic and slicky behaviors such as automatically and regularly check your mail, downloading only the headers, messages or both, remembering your POP3 logins etc.
– Drag and drop icons. Just drag and drop the.ico icon and drop it in the right location in system to use it (Logon.xpm for example).
– Create your own icon to use it with the application.
– Save the icon set.
– Get rid of the icon from your disk (POP3 folder).
– Create icons with all type of colours.
– Edit icon for each theme (hebbike.theme, thunderbird.theme, outlook.theme).
– Insert your own Picture, BMP, or PNG icon.
– Size to any size you want.
– Own the name that you will use in:
– Dot directory (Application directory).
– Logon icon (Gnome).
– Window buttons.
– Toolbar icons.
– Desktop directory (as a shortcut to helpfull icons).
– Copy/Paste (Clipboard) icons.
– Battery (Battery symbol).
– Favorites icon (for bookmarks).
– Checkbox (like in Thunderbird).
– Save button (Save as).
– Default button (Be default).
– Date button (Calendar).
– Clock (Clock).
– Email icon (E-Mail).
– Phone icon (Phone).
– Test icon.
– Send Mail (Send).
– Font size is customizable.
– You can also:
– Set your own background (Preview).
– Change the Font for everyone (Global Font).
– Change the Font or Size for certain window (Window Font).
– Change the Font or size for certain button (Button Font).
– Change the Font size for certain line (Line Font).
– Change the Font or size for every text (Global Text).
– Change the Font size for certain button or text (Button Text).

System Requirements:

OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or later
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Hard Disk: 9 GB available space
Processor: 2 GHz processor or higher
Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics device with 256 MB of video memory
Sound: DirectX 9 sound device with 96-kHz stereo sound
Wired network: Broadband Internet connection
OS: Windows XP
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Hard Disk: 5 GB available space
Processor: 700 MHz processor