According to STI expert Caitlin Kelly, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C., picking up sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is more or less the point of casual sex. “The experience can be very different depending on where you live,” says Kelly. She recommends that people who aren’t sure of each other’s STI status cover any new hookups with condoms.
But when casual sex becomes problematic, you need to know the difference between a casual hookup and casual sex addiction, says Devora Natale-Lee, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles. Natale-Lee says that while casual sex can feel good, if you want to get in and out of it, too often, people are drawn to sex that feels exciting. “There’s a difference between the thrilling excitement of hookups, and the compulsive, fulfilling gratification that comes from the pursuit of a monogamous relationship,” she says.
If you feel better, safer, and more connected with someone than you did going in, you could be a casual sex addict — or more commonly, just “polyamorous”. Michelle, a 23-year-old young professional, told me that when she slept with a man she was just having a hot night, but then she saw him a few days later and felt intense jealousy. Once that jealousy set in, she kept hitting him up — even though it was only for sex. She concluded that while casual sex felt great, she wasn’t in it for the right reasons — like making him feel good and like himself, but instead she felt attracted to him.
Essentially, that’s a sex addict. Natale-Lee says that if you go into casual sex with a desire to fulfill sexual obligations, that’s something else entirely. Many people who feel aroused or compulsively inattentive in a casual encounter end up with partners who are just what they need in that moment, but they don’t want a long-term relationship with. Not all casual sex is addictive, but if the behavior has started to have negative affects on your life, Natale-Lee says it may be — especially if it still feels exhilarating, as Michelle reported.
Some people are more susceptible to addictive casual sex than others. “There’s a brain reward system that’s very engaged,” says Natale-Lee. “And it’s especially engaged when someone is really turned on, including the brain reward system in the genitals.”
In other words, for sex addicts, casual sex can lead
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But it is great for your social life, and there are different kinds of casual sex for people who have different priorities. In case you didn’t know, casual sex was once viewed as an obstacle in adult life, and not something everyone was able to have.
Not so long ago, sex before marriage was widely perceived as sinful, and those who engaged in it were considered unworthy of anything other than public scorn. This stigma has diminished significantly over the course of the last century, but even today, many people consider casual sex to be something that takes place outside of committed relationships.
Yet as social attitudes have changed, casual sex has become increasingly acceptable and common — it’s widely considered “normal” (and perhaps even liberating) for people to engage in sex outside of a serious relationship. Casual sex isn’t always celebrated in our society, and that can mean certain potentially negative implications:
Sheds Casual sex can be seen as both empowering and limiting. On the one hand, casual sex is a way for adults to experiment with a range of sexual practices. It can give people who are looking for something outside of a committed relationship the permission to try something they might not have been able to do before.
While casual sex can be empowering for people who enjoy the sexual freedom of non-committed sex, it can also limit people who find the rush of arousal itself to be something to avoid.

For example, in the modern, hookup culture, while it is recommended to always wear a condom when having unprotected sex with someone who you don’t know or know nothing about, this can be challenging as it can lead to feelings of embarrassment if you know that your casual partner had to use a condom.
However, casual sex is no longer viewed as a sin, which means that you can engage in it without negative social judgments. However, even with the acceptance of casual sex as something that shouldn’t result in any embarrassment for casual partners, not everyone feels comfortable with that kind of casual hookup.
It means you’re not necessarily having unprotected sex with every person you meet, but that is neither bad nor good. You can do casual sex in a number of different ways, so if you want to enjoy casual sex without the negative aspects associated with it, understand that you can.
The question is: if casual sex carries this same stigma, what are the positive implications? There are plenty of benefits to casual sex — read on to learn more!
Are casual sex benefits worth it?
Whether you realize it or not, casual